Cancer Mortality Extremely High Among Males In Bangalore (2024)

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Recent reports offer a gloomy picture. The latest data that the Bangalore Cancer Registry shared shows that male cancer fatalities have gone up by 15% in the last five years. This means approximately 1,500 people each year who would be still alive today died in the past decade.

What are the leading causes of such an abrupt rise in cancer cases? 

A lot depends on lifestyle factors. The upheaval of Bangalore’s city life has become a breeding habitat for its population’s heightened anxiety, unhealthy food options, and air pollution. All these make one more likely to get cancer.

The first damage is lung cancer, which constitutes 22 percent of male deaths due to cancer in urban areas. The oral and stomach cancers go one after the other, respectively. It is astounding that more than 60 percent of these cases are diagnosed at late stages, with very few treatment options as a result.

Nevertheless, this is not a downer story. Awareness is rising, and early cancer detection figures are mildly rising. On the other hand, we need to do more here. This blog will investigate the facts behind the unusually high male cancer mortality rates in Bangalore and propose solutions to the problem.

Come along as we go deep into this critical issue. The time has come to break the wheels of cancer in Bangalore.

Why is the cancer mortality rate higher in men?

The harsh reality of growing cancer death rates in Bangalore among males is not only exhibited locally but also seen on a larger scale.

However, starting with awareness may be a good idea. Men are generally less health-conscious than women. They are often not as likely to have regular checkups or to talk about an early complaint. This delay might be a part of the problem when it comes to cancer. Early detection is a must, but men are often the ones who are late for it.

Behavior is also a significant factor among the available options. In Bangalore, for example, men are more likely to engage in smoking and heavy drinking than in other cities. These behaviors are the main parameters for developing various types of cancer. A recent poll revealed that 23 percent of adult males in Bangalore smoke regularly, compared to only 2 percent of women.

The issue of occupational hazards poses additional risks. Many companies in Bangalore are exposing their employees to cancer-causing substances. The men are the backbone of these hazardous jobs. For instance, construction workers confront the challenge of asbestos exposure and increase the risk of lung cancer as a consequence.

Diet and exercise habits are also different. Barring exceptions, Bangalore males’ eating patterns heavily focus on red meat while enacting low fruit and vegetable policies. One crucial factor is the link between the lack of fresh vegetables and cancer rates. Due to a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, even desk-bound tech jobs can create health issues.

Stress tells its tale in silence. Men in Bangalore are under harsh competition pressure. On the other hand, stressful situations are very tough on the immune system, and as such, they can provoke the development of cancer.

And the last issue relates to shame. The fear and embarrassment of medical checkups are the primary reasons many men shun them. The situation is most often notable in cases of the male reproductive system, i.e., those of the prostate or testicles.

All the factors combined became the South Indian city’s primary health concern. Cancer, and unfortunately, the number of men dying from cancer in the city is increasing.

The issue with men’s cancers

While cancer is equal for everyone, males have a higher share of the burden. Let’s examine the most common types in greater detail. 

When it comes to the majority of male cancer deaths in the city, lung cancer continues to be the leading cause. It is the reason for approximately 22% of deaths. The main culprit is smoking. Despite the social campaigns, many men still indulge in smoking habits. The city’s increasing air pollution also adds to the problem.

Oral cancer remains the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in Bangalore men. It’s smoking, in particular, that often causes oral cancer, which is the primary cause; chewing is the other form. The majority, that is, 40% of oral cancer cases in the city, are already too late at the time of discovery.

There is an increase in prostate cancer cases. People live longer; therefore, the risk of prostate cancer in men is higher. In Bangalore, it has moved up to the third position among men. The better news is that if prostate cancer is detected early, it is usually manageable.

Colorectal cancer occurrences are rising. Food habits and lifestyle changes are a good part of the cause of upset. Overeating processed products and a low-fiber diet are the key perpetrators of this tendency.

Liver cancer cases have also been on the increase. Alcohol, in addition to hepatitis infections, is one of the significant risk factors. In Bangalore, we have seen liver cancer cases increase by 10% within the last ten years.

Stomach cancer remains a significant threat. The same foods and beverages are the most common risk factors for H. pylori infections. Relative to other cities, spicy foods, which are an inseparable part of Bangalore cuisine, may be an additional problem, mainly for stomach irritation.

Testicular cancer

Although testicular cancer is not the most frequently diagnosed cancer, it should not be ignored. It positions itself primarily in youth. When diagnosed, it is usually between 15 and 35 years old. Awareness of this cancer is limited throughout Bangalore.

The most promising aspect of testicular cancer is that it is typically successfully remedied when detected in the early stages. That is, many youngsters in Bangalore don’t know the symptoms or do not think of seeking medical advice because of stigma, which is the dark side of the news. The recent findings reveal a slight uptick in the number of testicular cancer cases in the city. Rarity prevails; rates have risen by approximately 8% during the previous five years. 

The risk factors for testicular cancer include family history and undescended testicles. A study discovered that specific chemicals could cause cancer. The city’s industrial nature is why this area requires more research.

Self-examinations are essential for early detection. In particular, a survey in Bangalore and the individual’s age should be considered. Less than 10% of them checked themselves regularly. Educational and awareness campaigns are in high demand.

Among the advantages is the high survival rate; more than 95% of the cases were discovered initially. However, early detection is a fact.

Male breast cancer

Yes, breast cancer is not limited to women; it can also happen to men. It is rare, but it is happening. And in Bangalore, as well as everywhere else, it is not paid enough attention. This negligence can result in a fatal outcome.

Less than 1% of all breast cancer cases in Bangalore are male breast cancer. But a catch exists here: a diagnosis too late. Most people do not expect it, as breast cancer is often underdiagnosed. The leading causes of male breast cancer are their age and the weak genetic makeup that they have. Furthermore, the presence of serious liver illness and overweight is a risk. 

The symptoms include a change in skin color, a nipple change, or a lump in the breast (similar to the case of women). Nonetheless, men are not screened often for breast cancer, so these symptoms are generally missed.

Currently, people are more aware of the issue. Some hospitals have already started breast cancer awareness programs for men in Bangalore, but a lot of progress remains.

Additional common cancers in men

Apart from the types of cancers that we have already mentioned, other forms are also quite common in Bangalore.

A critical approach is to monitor the bladder cancer behind it. It is more common in males than females, and the rate has remained stable in Bangalore for the past ten years. Smoking is well known as a primary risk factor, but certain industrial chemicals are also responsible for it.

As it is most frequently diagnosed at a very late stage of the disease and the early symptoms are not well-known, pancreatic cancer will be more common because it is a deadlier type of cancer than others. In the last five years, in Bangalore, pancreatic cancer rates have increased by 5%. Kidney cancer is developing exponentially as well. Obesity and smoking are the chief risk factors for its occurrence. The city’s lifestyle has changed so much that kidney cancer comes forward as a significant medical issue for people. Hence, it is necessary to be cautious in such cases.

Conversely, although it is pretty rarer in India than in the West, the rising trend of skin cancer is interrupting the peace. Increased sunlight contact and a change in outdoor activities are the leading causes of this trend.

Nevertheless, leukemia and lymphoma are blood and lymph vessel diseases. These two can occur at any age. Nonetheless, Bangalore has maintained a steady rate for these cancers, but they are still responsible for a visible percentage of cancer cases in males.

Apart from the ones mentioned, aborresophageal cancer is another concern among these people. The leading causes are alcohol abuse, smoking, and a diet filled with little fruits and vegetables. The first two factors are also common in the male population of Bangalore.

On the other hand, brain and nervous system cancers are those that are not as extensively treated. They often emerge with vague signs that make early diagnosis a daunting task.


In summary, the cancer scene has become intricate and dynamic for men in Bangalore. While some are becoming more manageable, others are progressively increasing. Awareness initiatives, adopting the take-and-early strategy, and a modified lifestyle are the only ways to fight and check the advancing wave.

Remember that information gives you power. The first thing one has to do in the case of cancer is have knowledge of the risks and how to deal with them. Regular checkups, a healthy lifestyle, and quickly addressing unusual symptoms can make all the difference.

Let’s cooperate to bring down these high cancer death numbers among men in Bangalore. Every victory in this crucial battle means one more life saved.

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