Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is a global favorite because of its unique chemical composition and antioxidant properties. It has many health benefits.

Rich in Antioxidants 

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and higher in polyphenols, mainly catechins, which help de-rust and reduce inflammation 

Improving Heart Health 

Regular consumption can maintain the lipid profile and control BP, which might prevent the individual from having heart disease. 

Weight Management 

Drinking green tea will make you comfortable before you know it. You may even get slim by burning more fat and accelerating your metabolism. 

Enhanced Brain Function 

Tea containing caffeine and L-theanine increases mental abilities and focus and keeps positivity high. 

May Lower Cancer Risk 

Surveys suggest that green tea's natural antioxidants may help defend against certain cancers, but further research is needed.

Green tea is advisable for optimum health and to prevent specific types of cancers. Remember, start your day with a cup of green tea for better well-being.