Can Ayurveda cure cancer? What are the possible methods in Ayurveda to treat cancer?

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Cancer is one of those unpleasant words by which many people scare. It is a really terrific sickness which affects a lot of people in different areas of the globe. While medical doctors are still trying to come up with a better form of treatment for cancer, others revert to the traditional way of cure; Ayurveda is another traditional Indian medical practice that has been in existence for thousands of complete years. It also looks at the entire person physically, mentally, and spiritually to facilitate recovery. But how effective is it in curing cancer? It is high time to speak about the application of Ayurveda in treating cancer patients.

First, let’s answer the basic questions:

what is Ayurveda, and how does this tradition treat the concept of health?

Punarjan Ayurveda's experienced team

This ancient treatment system originated in India and is almost as old as 5,000 years ago. It is also geared towards ensuring that people do not get sick in the first place by constantly trying to regulate everything in the body. According to Ayurveda, three basic energy principles in the Medi Diet, known as doshas, govern our body. There are three doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. As per the concept of Ayurveda, if the balance of those energies is disrupted, one can get sick.

But in Ayurveda, cancer is well thought of as a condition that arises due to these forces not being balanced. They assert the like energy of Pitta in the body and a deficiency of the earth and water-like energy of Kapha, and they, therefore, conclude that cancer originates from the aforementioned conditions. Ayurveda takes up the responsibility of realigning these forces and, in the process, helps the body to have an edge over the disease.

Does Ayurveda cure cancer?

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One has to remember that scientists have been constantly working to find an answer that cures cancer until today. FIY, Rasayana Ayurveda is a very complex subject that can manifest its attack with multiple modes of treatment. Some aspects of Ayurveda might be helpful for symptom management during cancer, but they are not meant to replace conventional cancer therapies with a medical professional.

However, many people find that taking some Ayurvedic treatments alongside their usual medicine for cancer can help them feel better. It may help with side effects and make you feel more robust generally. If you would like to try any Ayurvedic treatments, it is essential to discuss this first with your cancer doctor. This is to make sure that the Ayurvedic treatments do not cause problems with your usual medicines for cancer.

How does Ayurveda help cancer patients?

Conventional Stage 4 Cancer Treatments

Researchers are still going on Ayurvedic formulations to know how far they can cure cancer. But at present, there are various ways in which cancer patients are feeling better, and many are choosing it as an alternative. Here are certain things that Ayurveda may use to help with cancer management.

Making use of herbs and plant medicines

Ayurveda's Holistic Cancer Approach

Ayurveda uses many different herbs and plants as medicines. Some of these may have activity against cancer, although more research is required. One must have some knowledge about the herbs that are commonly used in Ayurveda.

Turmeric is a yellow spice that might affect preventing the growth of cancerous cells. Ashwagandha is generally an herb to support making the body strong enough in order to combat all kinds of sickness. Guduchi is one type of herb that is believed to help the body feel better regarding its ability to combat sickness. Indian gooseberry is a treasure of vitamin C, which is very important to keep the body healthy.

These spices look encouraging in the lab, yet we really want more examination to determine whether they will assist individuals with various cancers. Always check with your doctor before starting any herbs. This is especially important if you’re in cancer treatment.

Changing What You Eat

Dietary Changes

It is of the view that the food we eat plays a significant role in staying healthy and recovering if we fall sick. As per an Ayurvedic specialist, in the event of a disease patient, different food sources are endorsed to be taken considering the body type and furthermore the kind of cancer the person in question experiences. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten, but sugar and processed foods should be avoided. They can also prescribe easily digestible food, like soups and stews. Adding spices to food, like turmeric, ginger, and garlic, may also help. Hot water consumption during the day is also usually recommended.

Healthy eating is good for everyone, but if you have cancer, it is really essential to consult a nutritionist. They can guide you regarding which type of food you eat that will give your body strength during cancer treatments.

Body Purification

Body Purification

As soon as, according to Ayurveda, too much wrong stuff-so-called toxins-builds up inside our bodies, it can get us sick. So, to help with that, Ayurveda has some cleaning-out methods for the body. Special massages with warm oils can be included; one may also sit in steam to sweat out the toxins, and other treatments are intended to clean out the different parts of the body. These therapies may help people relax and feel less anxious but should be cautiously treated. If you have cancer your body may be stressed enough from your treatment so always check first with your doctor before trying any of these. 

Helping the mind and body work together Ayurveda recognises the connection between the mind and body. If we are stressed or upset then our body tends to feel poorly too. It may be light stretching and relaxing yoga to help you flex your body without feeling much burden, meditation to calm your mind, breathing exercises in some particular pattern, and even repetition of some words or sounds, which can help you recover. Many cancer patients find these measures reasonable enough to ease their stress and keep themselves fine.

Using the Best of Both Worlds

How Does Punarjan Ayurveda Treat Cancer?

While some ideas from Ayurveda can help someone with cancer, it is essential to remember that these can complement regular cancer treatments. In many instances, the best option is to combine modern medicine with traditional practices like Ayurveda. This will ensure one receives the most advanced medical care possible while taking responsibility for general health and wellness.

Many cancer treatment centers now have programs that combine conventional cancer treatments with complementary therapies like Ayurveda. While this may provide overall comfort throughout the significant course of treatment, one should consult the doctor before attempting any Ayurvedic intervention. Some herbs and treatments are not recommended alongside cancer medicine, and there must be safe cooperation in what you do.

Wrapping up: Taking care of the whole person

Daily Life Disruptions

While Ayurveda cannot cure cancer, it does bring tools to help take care of the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. This may be valuable for anyone going through cancer treatment. Ayurvedic practices may help people cope better with having cancer, feel less sick from their treatments, and feel better overall.

One should not shut their minds and doors to the ideas of Ayurveda; at the same time, caution has to be paramount. Always work with your regular doctor and a trained Ayurvedic practitioner to get safe and helpful care.

Above all, remember: no two people experience cancer exactly alike. What proves helpful for one person may indeed not be quite as helpful for another. Merging the best of contemporary medicine with the ancient wisdom of the healing arts, such as Ayurveda, empowers a person with cancer to create an individualized care plan-one that meets his or her every need and guides him or her toward wholeness and health.