Does Insulin Really Influence The Risk Of Cancer?

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Cancer is a disease that is caused due to environmental factors of cigarette smoke, radiation, infections, and diet. Out of all factors, diet is the most influential one which may lead to Cancers.

Let us see how insulin will influence the risk of cancer…

By the fact that insulin is released by beta cells of pancreas and is considered as a metabolic hormone by the scientific communityAs it plays an important role as a nutrient sensor and growth factor.

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) is one of the most important oncogene in humans that helps cell growth and its mutations lead to formation of cancer. This PI3K is stimulated by the insulin levels as it acts as a major regulator of cell growth.

So insulin coordinates the functions of the nutrient sensor and growth factor based on the availability of nutrients which signals the body to grow.

Growth hormone stimulates the liver to secrete insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) has growth promoting effects. Both insulin and IGF-1 look chemically similar and work through the PI3K pathways which helps in cellular growth.

When we have too much Insulin/IGF-1 resulting in rapid growth that may tilted us towards cancers like endometrial, prostate, colorectal and breast.

Insulin preferentially benefits the cancer cells which have high glucose requirements and this high glucose may also result in developing type-2 diabetes and obesity. These health implications are due to hyperinsulinemia.

Hence insulin plays a crucial influential role in cancer risk. We can control the levels of insulin in the body by controlling excess intake of food, following a daily eating schedule and regular 150 minutes of workout for a week.

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