Exact Role Of Cruciferous Vegetables In Cancer Treatment

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Once you think, how people may feel when they come across cancer, there are a variety of emotions like anxiety, fear, anger and sadness during the treatment and continue even after the treatment as it may come one more time. Once you take a look at GLOBOCAN-2020 data that not only reveals cancer has increased to 19.3 million cases and results in 10 million deaths but also predicts that it may increase to 30 million cases by 2040.

You never accept that Cancer is a lifestyle disease as we do a lot of changes in our lifestyle with the western influence especially in the diet. From our childhood days, we know a proverb “Prevention is better than cure” so, intake of vegetables and fruits may prevent the risk of cancer. If you look around in vegetables, you get a special category that has many health benefits and cancer prevention is cruciferous vegetables.

Let us know about cruciferous vegetables for our health……

Cruciferous vegetables are linked to the Brassicaceae family. They are called cruciferous because the four petals of these flowers look like a crucifer or cross. They are available in different colours with sulphur-contained mixtures, flavonoids and carotenoids.

List of cruciferous vegetables

ArugulaHorseradishBok choy
KaleBrussel sproutsRadishes
TurnipsCollard greensWatercress

Health benefits

Promote eye health

Carotenoids in cruciferous vegetables may advance better eye wellbeing and furthermore they contain supplements like lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene.

Cancer protection

  • These have a rich wellspring of glucosinolates, a sulphur compound which can be changed over into bioactive mixtures like indoles, nitriles, thiocyanates and isothiocyanates during biting, slashing or cooking.
  • Indole-3-carbinol, an indole and sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate found to stop the improvement of cancer and may help in forestall malignant growth by following possible ways;
  • They prevent cells from DNA damage.
  • They help in reducing the carcinogens.
  • They have antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • They induce apoptosis (cell death).
  • They stop angiogenesis (tumour blood vessel formation) and metastasis (tumour cell migration).
  • Most of the research data suggests crucifers may lower the rate of colorectal, lung, prostate, bladder, pancreatic and breast cancers.
  • A few crucifers might balance the cancer causing nitrosamines and polycyclic hydrocarbons that are available in grilled fish or meats. They likewise contain phytochemicals that have cell immune capability and deal against cancers.

Improves gut health

  • Good amount of soluble and insoluble fibre in cruciferous vegetables can improve gut bacteria and also controls the glucose and cholesterol in the blood.
  • Insoluble fibre may soften the stool that can prevent constipation.
  • Glucosinolates present in cruciferous vegetables maintain a balanced amount of gut bacteria and can increase the gut-brain responses by producing short chain fatty acids. It can increase the immune responses, so that the brain can direct hunger, weight and hormone production.

Source of vitamins and minerals

  • Cruciferous vegetables have nutrients and minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, folate, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin C & K.
  • Vitamin C may help in wound healing and immune supporting properties that safeguards eyes, skin and works on iron absorption.
  • Vitamin K helps in bone growth and better blood clotting.
  • Folate/ vitamin B9 aids in the formation of RBC and DNA and so it is more important for pregnant women to reduce the birth defects.

How much do we need?

Most nutritionists advised to take 2-3 cups of vegetables each day with a major amount of crucifers specifically.

Ways to take crucifers

You can take these cruciferous vegetables as a snack or meal to get the health benefits. you Try these ideas;

  • Steamed cabbage, kale or collard greens that are seasoned with garlic, onion and other spices.
  • Roasting gives good taste to turnips, brussel sprouts and broccoli.
  • As flavouring in various meat and seafood dishes.
  • Taking broccoli or cauliflower as raw in salads.

Taking a balanced diet with colourful fruits and vegetables is always a great choice to keep our health in a better way. In addition to this, if we take more amounts of Cruciferous vegetables as they provide a good source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals will make our life with colourful health. If this has to be followed as a daily routine with physical work out we might be witnessing a cancer free healthy society in coming days.