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Breast Cancer
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- Rasayana Ayurvedic Treatment

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Best Breast Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Bangalore
Indian women with breast cancer might be able to get Rasayana Ayurveda treatments there. Immunology is what this type of treatment is based on. It looks like our personalized medicines could help both fight breast cancer and boost the immune system. A lot of people who take Rasayana Ayurveda medicine from Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital say they feel better and happier. A lot of people in Bangalore think that our hospital has the best breast cancer care available. In the last ten years, our hospital centers have helped almost 1,00,000+ people.
- Why Choose Us?
- Types of Breast Cancer
- Rasayana Ayurveda
- Symptoms & Causes
- Treatment Procedure
- Patient Testimonials
A New Hope – Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals For Breast Cancer Treatment
Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals in Bangalore is a well-known place where people with breast cancer can get good care. To start, we put together a lot of information about how to strengthen the immune system with formulas based on immunology and the principles of Rasayana Ayurveda. The research team at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals knows how to treat breast cancer by combining Rasayana Ayurveda and immunology knowledge in a planned and methodical way. In this way, the immune system is made up of cells that help the body fight off harmful diseases. By making this natural defense stronger, our medicine restores immune mechanisms and keeps people from becoming immunodeficient.
Expertise in Immune Regulation
Innate and adapted defense are two important ways that our hospital helps the body fight cancer. In a way, innate immunity may be more targeted, like the first fighters who quickly drive out any threats. Adaptive protection is like the expert fighters who show up later. Their practice time needs to be longer, but they are pretty good at focusing on certain threats. By using both, we help our patients build a strong defense against cancer that lasts.
Synergistic Immune Functions
By working with the body’s own defenses, our treatments make it better able to fight cancer. To make the immune system stronger, the body makes chemicals called cytokines and chemokines. The immune system works better when it works together to fight cancer.
Enhanced Lymphocyte Function
At Punarjan Ayurveda, we use methods that help a certain type of cell in our bodies fight cancer. With our methods, these cells will definitely be able to find and fight cancer cells. So, it helps the body get rid of cancerous cells.
T Cell and B Cell Optimization
Punarjan Ayurveda medicines help the growth and activity of T and B cells, which are important for both humoral and cellular immunity. In this way, our medicine helps the immune system fight cancer effectively.
Unique Approach
Modern medicine is mixed with antioxidants and herbominerals at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals. Our medications treat cancer in a complete way by balancing the body and reducing cancer cells at the same time. This improves the immune system’s work and general health.
A visit to Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals is like visiting a place with special care and perspective on breast cancer. We use old Ayurvedic ideas and modern knowledge about how the body protects itself. This combo gives us another way to fight breast cancer that works well. It’s like helping the body fight cancer even more. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals offer a unique and effective way to help our patients with breast cancer.
Types Of Breast Cancer
The following are the classifications of breast cancer: Breast cancer is classified according to place of beginning and behavior. The main types include:
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
The other type is known as DCIS or ductal carcinoma in situ, in which the affected cells have not spread out of the breast ducts and are still confined within the lining cells of the breast ducts. Having been previously grouped as the simplest type of breast cancer, it is in fact incredibly simple to contain, and what it really requires is conventional treatments or a combination of Rasayana Ayurveda medications.
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
IDC is the only cancer that is well known and is the most common, accounting for eighty percent of the detected cases. They are formed in the ducts of the breast but they leak out from the lining of the ducts and distribute themselves throughout the breast tissue. It can then disseminate to other regions of the human body because this condition targets the immune system of the person.
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
ILC begins in the lobules that contain the milk production glands. Like IDC, it can also progress to other tissues in the body. Less common than IDC, which comprises 10–15% of all invasive BC, DCIS is often not detectable under mammography.
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
This type cannot be diagnosed using estrogen and progesterone receptors, and it also does not over-express the HER2 protein. For each age bracket and color, the disease is known to impact the lives of younger women and black women more than any other age group or color of the female populace. Triple-negative mammary carcinoma is one of those types of breast cancer that can not be treated using hormones, and it is an extremely aggressive type that comes back.
HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
This type of secretion is abnormally high for a protein that helps in the growth of cancerous cells, known as HER 2. Breast cancers that test positive for the HER2 protein are often fast-growing and may spread to other parts of the body early; however, the cancers are very receptive to medicines that target the protein.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
IBC is a very rare and quite aggressive type in which cancer cells prevent the draining of lymph vessels on the skin of the breast which appears red, swollen, and feels hot. It is not always palpable as a hard mass and is normally diagnosed at a later stage.
Paget’s Disease of the Nipple
This is the least common type and begins in the ducts before affecting the nipple surface and the areola. It mimics eczema; the skin is rough remnant scale crust and commonly occurs with histological traits of DCIS or primary breast cancer.
The entire medical staff at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital thinks that knowing about the different types of breast cancer makes it easier to find it early and get the right treatment. That’s why personalized medical care is important: each type needs a different approach.
Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment For Breast Cancer
The Rasayana Ayurveda branch of Ayurvedic medicine focuses on mending and rejuvenation that affect the whole person in order to improve health and lengthen life. Rasayana treatment for breast cancer uses traditional Ayurvedic ideas to boost the immune system, help the body heal itself, and make life better for people who are already getting standard cancer treatments.
The main goal of Rasayana treatment is to balance out the body’s doshas, which are vata, pitta, and kapha. There is an idea that the doshas control both mental and physical processes. This balance is important for living healthy and well. Rasayana treatment uses focused therapeutic methods, herbal medicines, food suggestions, and changes to a person’s lifestyle to help women with breast cancer clean out their bodies, lower their stress, and help tissues grow back.
The Rasayana approach toward breast cancer involves a large component of herbal elements. Some of the herbs, such as aswagandha, turmeric, guduchi, and amalaki, also help boost immunity and act as anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. It is widely considered that these herbs may be helpful to enhance the general immune response of cancer patients and/or weaken their susceptibility to conventional treatments.
As per Rasayana Ayurveda principles, the foods consumed must be fresh, easily prepared, and contain nutrients. Though, we prescribe you to eat new and nutritious food sources. Organic and fresh foods are essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. There are also many plant species and food types that have qualities that clean and refresh the body.
As part of Rasayana treatment, people also do yoga, meditate, do pranayama (breathing exercises), and work out regularly. These techniques reduce stress, make it easier to think clearly, and support the body’s natural healing process.
The doctors at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital say that Rasayana Ayurveda can be used along with other types of medicine to help treat breast cancer. There is also medical care for the whole person and ways to improve normal treatments so the patient has better outcomes and a higher quality of life.
Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer entails a scenario in which cancer cells form from breast tissues. Like any other disease or a health condition, it is manifested with multiple signs and symptoms and possibly has multiple etiological factors, risk factors, and complications.
These may be a change in the breast tissue that feels like a lump or thickening, which can be hard and of irregular shape. Some of the other signs include changes in the size and shape of the breast, skin texture, reversal of normal breast, the presence of breast fluid other than milk and if the breast surface looks like the skin of an orange. Breast cancer does not present its symptoms, like pain, at the initial stage of the disease.
Genetic changes, hormone problems, a history of the disease in the family, bad living choices like drinking alcohol too much, being overweight, and being exposed to radiation or other dangerous chemicals in the environment can all lead to breast cancer. Age and having had children in the past also have a big effect on the risk of getting breast cancer.
Risk Factors
Several factors increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer:
- Genetics: BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations are known to substantially increase the likelihood.
- Family History: Family history, particularly with first-degree kin who have had breast cancer, elevates the risk.
- Age: This depends on the age; decisions made beyond 50 years are most often considered to have embraced danger.
- Gender: It is therefore very crucial to note that women outperform men in the aspect of developing this disease.
- Hormonal Factors: If a woman carries children late or never, menstruates early or attains menopause late.
- Lifestyle factors: This includes excessive alcohol, being overweight, and being physically inactive.
- Radiation Exposure: Prior therapy may have included radiation therapy in the chest region.
When it is not diagnosed in time or not treated, breast cancer has the tendency to metastasize, affecting other vital organs. The most frequently affected organs are the bones, liver, lungs and brain, which lead to pain, fractures and organ failure. Tumor-related side effects include lymphedema, especially when lymph nodes have been removed, and side effects of conventional treatments that affect the general well-being of the patient.
At Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital, every medical staff including the doctor, treats breast cancer patients by providing a better environment, personalized treatment plans, healthy diet, and lifestyle ideas.
Treatment Procedure For Breast Cancer At Punarjan
If you are looking for a medical facility that knows a lot about immunity and Rasayana Ayurvedic treatment for breast cancer, Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals is the place to go.
Check-ups are the first step in healing at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals. To do this test, you can use both new science tools and old Ayurvedic ones, like Nadi Pariksha. Because it gives a full picture of the patient’s condition, this thorough test lets doctors choose more appropriate treatments.
The highly skilled Ayurvedic doctors at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital diagnose the underlying reason of breast cancer and correct any unbalanced doshas. Regaining balance and wellness might need modifying your food, way of life, and natural treatment program.
Because Ayurveda herbs are so good at increasing immunity, they are widely used in medicine. Ashwagandha, amalaki, and guduchi are examples of plants that help the immune system fight cancer cells. These folks are more energetic and healthier.
Rasayana Ayurveda treatments make the body’s defenses stronger and the immune system work better. The calming, cancer-preventing, and safety-supporting effects of these medicines come from how well they work together.
As part of their treatment plan, Punarjan gives each patient personalized food ideas. To help cells grow back, and the immune system work better, our medical experts recommend patients eat foods with a lot of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Small changes, like working out daily, learning how to relax, and getting enough sleep, might help you fight cancer better and be healthier.
Treatment plans are changed to fit each patient’s changing needs through regular follow-up tests and observations. The best benefits should come from this plan, but the disease shouldn’t come back. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals put the health and healing of their patients first.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which hospital is best for breast cancer in Bangalore?
Which hospital is best for breast cancer in Bangalore?
It is not easy to name one hospital as the “best” because it depends on certain parameters. Yet, we follow an innovative way to treat breast cancer. Our patients get care from us that includes both traditional and ayurveda ways. Punarjan Ayurveda cares about each person as an individual, and the approach is always systematic. Punarjan Ayurveda is one of the best hospitals in Bangalore for treating breast cancer because it has skilled doctors and unique treatment options.
What is the most successful treatment for breast cancer?
What is the most successful treatment for breast cancer?
If you are looking for a preferable way to treat breast cancer, Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals has a productive method. We use a special treatment called immunology-based Punarjan therapy combined with Rasayana Ayurveda. In addition to helping the body heal itself, this medicine helps the body make drugs that kill cancer cells. By combining new science knowledge with Ayurveda’s ancient knowledge, we follow a treatment method that can help people with breast cancer live a better and a healthier life.
Is Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital good for breast cancer patients?
Is Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital good for breast cancer patients?
Stage 1 breast cancer symptoms
Stage 1 breast cancer symptoms
How to check breast cancer at home?
How to check breast cancer at home?
Is breast cancer genetic?
Is breast cancer genetic?
Who is high risk for breast cancer?
Who is high risk for breast cancer?
When to worry about breast pain?
When to worry about breast pain?
This information on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.