Lung Cancer is the notable cause of death across the world with respect to all genders. It is clearly known that the most known risk factor of lung cancer is smoking. It may occur when people smoke for a long duration of time or quit smoking recently or start after a long time. There is a belief in many individuals that the people who don’t smoke will never get lung cancer. Lung cancer may occur even for the people who never smoke.
Recently the scientific research is getting focused on the reasons for lung cancer in non-smokers. It is essential to conduct research on this matter because lung cancer cases are rising in smokers. Even non-smoker cancer cases are also on the rise. Small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer is prevalent in people with due of size appearance under microscope. Squamous cell type of non-small cell lung cancer is seen in smokers, whereas adenocarcinoma type is observed in non-smokers.
What differences are crucial in cancer between smokers and non-smokers?
The cancer that occurs outside the lungs mostly in bronchioles is adenocarcinoma. It is mostly seen in non-smokers. The bronchioles are the airways where the mucus producing cells are present. The cancer in non-smokers grows more slowly than in smokers. The spreading of cancer cells will not take place in non-smokers but it can recur after the surgery was successful.
What are the reasons behind the cancer in non-smokers?
There will be no single reason for the cancer occurrence, there will be various factors involved in it. The most strongest reason will be genetic mutation (somatic mutation). Various studies concluded that mutations or abnormalities help in the lung cancer occurrence specially in nonsmokers. There are environmental risk factors that may cause lung cancer in non-smoker:
- Age: The lung cancer in non-smokers is mostly seen at a young age. There is an increase in the risk as the age grows due to the exposure of carcinogens for the entire life such as Radon gas, smoke caused by cigarettes etc.
- Exposure to environmental hazard gasses: There are several other gasses such as chromium, asbestos and arsenic etc. Radon, a gas that causes lung cancer in non-smokers. About 21,000 deaths are recorded per year due to lung cancer. This gas is not visible and doesn’t have any smell. It is mostly found outdoors and is found inside the home in very few amounts, where the soil contains uranium. The guide was provided by the environmental protection agency to test the presence of radon gas in the home. Asbestos is showing toxicity towards fibrosis in the intestine and can lead to an increase in lung cancer. In many countries, the exposure to the frying or cooking fumes is also leading to increasing the risk of lung cancer in non-smokers.
- Second hand smoke: It is the smoke caused by the other person’s product of tobacco. It is also the reason for the cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. In some countries more research is done on the third-hand smoke- the invisible product of the chemicals or nicotine when sprayed or left on the surface of the things may also be the risk of lung cancer in non-smokers. If the woman is non smoker and the spouse is a smoker there is a chance of getting cancer in nonsmokers. From the meta-analysis study performed in women (non-smoker) and men (smoker), it is found that there is about a 27% increase in risk of lung cancer in women.
- Pollution in air: The pollution that is caused outdoors by vehicles, power plants, hazardous chemicals released from the industries or factories are the high risk of lung cancer. There are some particulate matters PM2.5 is more toxic to the people.
- Genetic mutations: The mutations caused genetically are passed from one generation to the other generation in the family. TP53, EGFR, and KRAS are the genes that may have mutations that can cause the high risk of lung cancer even in non-smokers.
- Oncogenic viruses: Epstein-barr virus, human papillomavirus and Hepatitis types of B, C types may cause cancer risk. Specifically papillomavirus can cause various cancers but may also have a role in lung cancer. Some studies are suggesting a link of papillomavirus with lung cancer in non-smokers.
- Estrogens: Lung cancer risk increases with the female hormones such as estrogens in non-smokers. It is evident that non-small cell lung cancer might be caused by the changes in the expression of estrogen receptors.
There are various other reasons for lung cancer. The diseases in lungs like chronic pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema etc may lead to cancer in lungs.
Lung cancer signs in non-smokers
The continuous cough and breathing difficulty are the basic signs of lung cancer. It is caused by pulmonary fibrosis, where scar tissues are formed around the lungs. If there is no fever along with these symptoms then it is not by the virus such as flu or corona virus. Make sure not to neglect and have an appointment with the lung specialist to know the difference or the changes that are caused in the lung. If the symptoms are continuing for more days doctors will perform CT Scan, X-ray or other tests to detect the issue.
Now we all know about the reasons and preventive measures to decrease the risk of lung cancer. Having changes in the lifestyle to be healthy such as avoiding the exposure to chemicals that are toxic and harmful gasses present in the air. We are here to clear any questions regarding the precautions, preventive measures to avoid inhaling the toxic substances that can cause cancer in lungs. The staff of PUNARJAN AYURVEDA hospitals explains clearly to understand the causes, symptoms, precautions and treatment of lung cancer in both smokers and non-smokers.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.