Gastric cancer, more commonly referred to as stomach cancer, is one of the most serious diseases that average people in the world can have. It is the fifth most prevalent cancer and responsible for the third-highest number of fatalities. Out of 11 million cases of stomach cancer in the year 2020, around 769,000 people succumbed to this illness. It is one of the most common forms of cancer in East Asia due to specific dietary habits and the lifestyle habits of the people.
Research is being conducted on nutritional practices, which can be helpful in either buying time or curing stomach cancer. There are some signs to indicate that cancer of the stomach can be delayed or even avoidable by adhering to the diet regulations which are customary in the surroundings of the Mediterranean Sea region. It’s essential to remember that a proper proportion of fruits and vegetables should be included in the food consumed. Moreover, herbs may help enhance the stomach’s well-being and suppress symptoms.
The primary focus of this blog, “Botanicals for Belly Health: Herbal Support for Stomach Cancer,” is to consider different herbs that can be beneficial in dealing with stomach cancer and how using them can cure you and become part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Stomach Cancer: What Is It?
Stomach cancer is also known as gastric carcinoma, and it develops from structures deep within the stomach walls, which are prone to metastasizing types of cancer. There are a few significant reasons why stomach cancer may develop in an individual. The most prominent one is the bacterial infection caused by Helicobacter pylori, which tends to increase susceptibility to stomach disorders due to the stomach problems it causes. Furthermore, there is a hereditary aspect as well, for those individuals that have a history of the disease, are smokers or are obese have a higher chance of having the disease.
And the foods we consume can have an impact as well! There is a very high chance of stomach cancer among those who consume high amounts of pickles or other smoked and salted foods, while those with a rich diet of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables have a very good chance of good health. In addition, age could also be a factor; stomach cancer seems to be quite common for individuals as advanced as 55 years and above, and it is notably more common among men. We should also consider the impact of these distinct risk factors so that the disease can be prevented from happening in the first place, and even if it does, it can be detected early enough.
Epidemiological Evidence
It has been demonstrated that consuming natural substances like fruits and vegetables lowers the likelihood of developing stomach cancer. Such substances include natural compounds called phytochemicals, which greatly benefit health. They work like little soldiers in our bodies, destroying hazardous substances known as free radicals, which can harm our cells.
Another major study, which analyzed 25 separate studies, found a correlation between the quantity of fruit consumed by an individual, especially oranges, lemons, and limes, and the onset of cancer, particularly of the stomach. This is because these fruits are a source of flavonoids responsible for phytochemicals’ healing effects.
All health experts recommend eating various fruits and vegetables daily to enhance these effects. The World Cancer Research Fund also concurs that daily fruits and vegetables help prevent cancer.
Phytochemicals: Nature’s Anti-cancer Agents
Phytochemicals involve bioactive substances that occur naturally in plants and can prevent diseases, including cancer. Below are some of the mechanisms that enable them to do so;
- Cancer cells are found to increase, exposing the affected person to adverse health effects. Certain absorbable phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables slow down or thoroughly enjoy rapid growth, helping these cells grow at a normalized rate.
- There is also the possible process the phytochemicals exert while helping grow these cells, wherein they work on dead or damaged cells, encouraging them to die without causing any further harm to the body.
- A tumor must have a considerable amount of blood for it to form. Occasionally, some phytochemicals also actively inhibit the red blood supply and hence avert the growth of the cancer.
- The gut is vital in supplying and utilizing nutrients; therefore, a healthy body requires a healthy gut. Phytochemicals may alter the ratio of pathogens and probiotics present in the gut.
To cut down on all the above, consuming different fruits and veggies is very important to individuals with cancer.
Key Phytochemicals for Stomach Health
Research has revealed that some phytochemicals or plant-based substances help prevent stomach cancer. Here are the examples:
- Curcumin: It is the main source that also gives curry its yellow color. Some of the research carried out by the researchers included in this study attempted to determine curcumin’s basic characteristics, including its anti-inflammatory activity and its ability to suppress the growth of cancerous cells.
- Diallyl Trisulfide: This chemical compound is one of garlic’s graphical active elements. Its potential against the further spread of cells causing stomach cancer has been proven.
- Resveratrol: It is preferably obtained from mulberry, grape, and other berries and has numerous applications. Stress and inflammation can hinder cancer wars; that’s where it helps.
- 6-Shogaol: A recent study found that ginger contains a compound with cancer-fighting properties. It suppresses the growth and spread of stomach cancer cells.
- Flavonoids: These are derived from several fruits and veggies. Flavonoids may not have a pleasing sound as they are taken as antioxidants; however, they are thought to work like a stomach cancer vaccine. Foods believed to be rich in these nutrients are unlikely to have little risk of stomach cancer.
These varieties of food should be consumed since they are sure to give our stomachs the best performance possible.
Herbal Remedies for Stomach Cancer
Oddly enough, many available herbs help enhance stomach health by providing relief. Here are a few herbal plants that might be a solution for stomach problems:
- Garlic: Surprisingly enough, I would never have pegged garlic to be deemed a stomach-helping plant. Garlic, as a plant, has an intense aroma and many unique features that can be linked with being prone to likely lower the risk of stomach cancer, a feature that could be of great benefit to the human body alongside regular stomach consumption.
- Ginger: Experts couldn’t imagine replacing ginger with any other herb. It treats and relieves many tummy ailments and is recognized as an appetizer. Not only does it aid in furthering your appetite by encouraging it, but it also has anti-cancerous properties that can be a great addition to your foods and beverages to support stomach safety.
- Green Tea: Green tea should delight anyone interested in adding something healthier to their lifestyle. It contains a plethora of powerful ingredients known as polyphenols. Polyphenols strongly correlate with overall health, resulting in deplorable cell health.
- Turmeric: Potentially having the most wide-ranging effect on cancer prevention, turmeric contains curcumin, an ingredient that can easily reduce swelling in your body alongside the general consumption of turmeric. More often than not, stomachs feel sore and painful; however, adding turmeric to your daily diet can act as a buffer to reduce the risk.
- Milk Thistle: Silymarin, the distinctive active ingredient in this herb, shields the liver’s abuse and regular digestion. This herb is thought to be good for our health, too, but further studies are needed to assess its role in the progression of stomach cancer.
Dietary Recommendations for Stomach Health
A balanced diet and more phytochemicals can surely improve stomach functionality! Our first port of call must be high-fiber foods like wholegrain, beans, nuts, and vegetables. These foods help us digest and carry out processes in our stomachs smoothly and correctly. It is equally important to add several fruits and veggies of different colors.
The reason is that different colors eat different nutrients and phytochemicals, which are beneficial. Further, it would help reduce digestion killers like processed foods, red meat, alcohol, and too much salt.
Last but not least, drinking enough water is also crucial. Water is an excellent solution as it replenishes moisture loss in our body, allowing the digestive system to work better. So, if you abide by the principles above, there is no doubt that your stomach will work perfectly well.
Plants and herbs can be very beneficial in preventing stomach problems and may also reduce the risk of suffering from stomach cancer. However, in their propositions, including spices in our diet such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, green tea, or milk thistle can facilitate digestion and exclude possible troubles in this sphere. For instance, ginger balances the good bacteria in our stomach, while turmeric does not contain properties that relieve inflammation, hence a healthier stomach.
Eating anything or altering our diets are serious issues we should raise with our physician or nutritionist. Shifting our diet is a practical alternative to potentially decreasing our susceptibility to stomach cancer by increasing the amount of good chemicals and antioxidants in our bodies. The implications can be drawn from this: these plants should be consumed for a healthy stomach and to reduce exposure to future scientific nutritional findings.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.