Cancer cases on the rise in Bangalore, Karnataka (2024)

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Uncontrolled population growth, air pollution, and increased literacy levels put Bangalore, India’s technology city, in the spotlight regarding a new health threat. Notably cancer, has become common, which is a pity since, compared to other cities, there is so much energy and liveliness. This is not an isolated place; this has been observed in various urban centers nationwide.

Looking at the most recent evidence, the situation does not seem to be optimistic at all. The Indian Council of Medical Research revealed that Bangalore has experienced a rising trend of ten percent in the incidences of cancer within the last five years—about 15 thousand a year. Top, For females, breast cancer is at the top, while for males, it is lung cancer.

But why is this happening? They include the following: The addition of stress and pollution accompanying modern life in large cities must be considered. Dietary changes and lifestyle alterations are also responsible. The good news? Of course, controlling many of these risks is possible and can be achieved quite easily.

This blog will explain what has caused such a spike. We will focus on the most frequently occurring types of cancer in Bangalore. More importantly, we will discuss what can be done to prevent the occurrence of tabs and their effects on people and families.

Education is liberating, mainly when it is applied to wellness. Well then, let us begin disassembling this process cum problem cum crisis. 

Please wake up, Bangalore; it is time to accept the health hazards prevailing in the city and do something to change them.


New opportunities and success are being created by choosing Bangalore as one of the leading IT centers in the world. However, the above growth brings with it new health problems. Cancer, once a rare disease, is now a common issue affecting the people of Bangalore. Cancer incidence also appears to have risen over the past ten years based on the city’s record of cancer registry. The new cancer cases recorded in 2010 were approximately 10,000. From the above highlighting, it was 10, 850 by 2015 while by 2020, the figure had reached over 15, 000.

It is not only a problem faced in Bangalore alone. This trend is visible in the urbanization processes that cities across India are experiencing. However, Bangalore is a cardinal example since it has been experiencing rapid urbanization. The city’s population has significantly increased since 2001, and the approximate population is more than twelve million. Growth: Therefore, different lifestyles and environments have changed with the development, as outlined below:

Some kinds of cancer are more typical in Bangalore. For women, the most common type of cancer is breast cancer. This condition is estimated to cause nearly one-third of all cancer among women. Among the male cases, lung cancer came on top of the list, closely bracketing about 20 percent of the cancer cases. Some other prevalent cancers are cervical cancer in women and oral cancer in men. What’s driving this increase? Considering that, it is now high time we consider the following factors:


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Tobacco products are one of the primary causes of cancer, even to date, in Bangalore. There is a continued high prevalence of smoking, even with awareness creation. For instance, the study findings reveal that as many as 23 percent of adult males in Bangalore are daily smokers. It is 5 percent less than the national average, which is slightly problematic.

It is not just the lungs that are at risk when one takes to smoking. Theoretically, it is associated with at least fifteen kinds of cancer. In Bangalore, we have traditions, and here, we are witnessing an increase in oral carcinoma, mainly due to tobacco. This encompasses smoking and executing a technique of using tobacco that involves placing it on the cheek and then swallowing saliva from time to time to dissolve it.

The city has measures to reduce tobacco use. Tobacco is prohibited in areas accessed by the public, and tobacco ads are restricted. However, enforcement becomes a problem again. A sizable population of Bangalore picks up this habit in their teenage years; therefore, the transition can be challenging.


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According to Mr. Desai, Bangalore’s reputation as the pub capital of India has affected the health of most of the populace. Thus, alcohol consumption in the city is higher than in the nation. Regarding adult male consumer prevalence, it has been computed that about 30 percent of the adult male population in Bangalore regularly drinks. The rate is comparatively low for females yet, but it is increasing gradually.

Here, it is revealed that alcohol is associated with different types of cancer. Some of these are liver, female breast, and colon or colorectal cancer. I noticed that they are on the rise in Bangalore, as noted before. Some do not find the connection to alcohol, but the overall direction is increasing and should be worrisome.

The city has established regulations concerning the sale of alcohol. However, drinking is prevalent due to its accessibility and public perceptions. This idea is highly relevant to young workers employed in the IT field.

Physical Inactivity

Due to the increase in the technology industries in Bangalore, people’s lives and approaches to working have substantially transformed. Many are engaged in long hours at their desks. Traffic congestion results in long and tiresome traffic, making commuting a struggle. Therefore, most Bangaloreans assessed their recommended levels of physical activity.

Some investigations have indicated that exercising makes an individual less likely to develop cancer. It also prevents obesity and helps boost the immune system. However, the physical activity index of adults in Bangalore is still low, as only a quarter of the adult population is physically active at the recommended levels.

Now, geographically, the city is attempting to encourage its inhabitants to engage in active lifestyles. New parks and cycling lanes are being created. Self-grooming has also become more popular, with many companies in the technical niche having gym facilities. However, altering people’s habits is gradual in most cases. For now, physical inactivity remains a problem.

Dietary Factors

The food options available in Bangalore are splendid and an excellent infringement on the ordinary way of eating. However, the shift to a predominantly sedentary lifestyle is also changing in specific ways that may elevate one as a candidate for cancer. To be exact, what is being witnessed is a nutrient-poor creaming of traditional staple foods such as vegetables and whole grains with processed foods. 

It has been demonstrated that this change causes alterations in the rates of cancer development in several ways. Some examples include processed meats, which increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Excessive intake of foods rich in sugars increases obesity, and this is another cause of cancer. Similarly, it is essential to note that diets containing many fruits and vegetables are able to reduce cancer.

A study conducted among Bangalore residents determined that a paltry 40% of people consumed a healthy five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. This is a drop from 60 percent that was witnessed a decade ago. It is most culpable when the resident is young, where the difference in attitude is observed.

Obesity and Being Overweight

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Thus, as new life sequences emerge, girths in Bangalore are doing the same. However, it is regrettable that the level of obesity among the city’s adult population has since risen to about 30 percent. This is higher or above the national average of 20%.

Being overweight is associated with at least 13 kinds of cancer. These are, for instance, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. All these are on the increase in Bangalore.

For this reason, obesity has numerous causes. Some are diet, physical inactivity, and even stress. Another reason is the relatively fast lifestyle in Bangalore, with most employees continuing to work late into the night. Many people adopt convenience food options, most of whom include foods in their diet that contain high calories.

Preventing Cancer

Amid these, there is a ray of light. Most cancer causes are known to be within man’s influence. Here are some steps people can take to lower their cancer risk:

Quit smoking: It is the best way to avoid cancer. There are many smoking cessation programs in the city.

Limit alcohol: The remaining four, though not restricted, should be taken in moderation: If you take alcohol, do so in moderation. Which is equivalent to one for women and two for men, at the most.

Stay active: This requires a moderate level of exercise for 30 minutes, three to five times a week. You should take steps instead of taking the lift. For instance, if someone wants to travel a short distance, then they should consider using their feet or legs and cycle instead of using a car.

Eat well: Try to take increased amount of fruits and vegetables and whole grains in diet. Reduce the amount of processed foods and red meat consumption.

Maintain a healthy weight: The point is that every effort to lose weight counts and if you are overweight, the small weight loss will be helpful.

Get screened: You should also undergo checkups to detect cancer early when it is easily curable. If you have a family history of cancer, make sure your doctor advises on the best time for screenings when you go for the checkup.

Fortunately, Bangalore is already attempting to make these moves. This has seen the city immerse itself in awareness-creation concerning cancer-related risks. Employers have become very serious about the health of their employees and have provided health screening services. Further, increased concerns have been raised about providing more parks to enhance people’s practice of outdoor activities.

Final Thoughts

The spiking levels of cancer affecting people in Bangalore are a wake-up call for all men. Yet, they make the critical point that change only occurs with some emerging new health conditions. They also reveal that there are places in which alterations are possible.

The positive side, however, is that a large number of risk factors that may lead to cancer are under the individual’s control. This implies that we are in a position to reduce the aspects that lead to the accumulation of risks. It won’t happen overnight. Remember, it takes time and energy to change desirable ways of behaving. But each process is significant.

If individuals can do better, it means we can choose better. Since we are a community, we can encourage policies that will help improve health. This might mean an increased quantity and quality of parks and bike lanes or greater adherence to no-smoking ordinances.

Bangalore has always been an innovative city. Now is the time to put that attitude toward health. We can reverse the trend of rising cancer rates by cooperating. We can make the future of Bangalore better for everyone. 

Keep in mind that the first step is knowledge. Together, we can make Bangalore a health and a technology capital.