The Ayurvedic Journey: A Road Less Traveled

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  • Once upon a Time in India!
  • The Role of Ayurveda in Mahabharat:
  • Why is Ayurveda ignored in specific relativity with Allopathy?
  • What made people come back to Ayurveda today?
  • Why is Ayurveda unique when compared to modern medical science?
  • Does Ayurveda give lasting results?
  • Singing Off! – Qualities of a True Ayurvedic Doctor

Once Upon A Time In India! 

All Indian epics showcase its importance in the lives of the characters and the society they live in. Let me tell you a relatively recent story from around 5000 years ago. It is the ancient Indian epic, Mahabharata, where Ayurveda played a significant role in various contexts.

The traditional medical system of Ayurveda is intricately intertwined with history, reflecting its rich history and encompassing approach to health and well-being. Mahabharat frequently references Ayurvedic ideas and practices, emphasizing herbs, natural cures, and treatments. Vaidyas (we call them doctors), who practice Ayurveda, are respected for their expertise and wisdom and are essential in diagnosing and treating.

The Role Of Ayurveda In Mahabharat:

The largest epic in the world – Mahabharat, provides numerous instances where Ayurvedic remedies and therapies are employed.

For example, during the Kurukshetra battle, wounded warriors are treated with Ayurvedic medicines and procedures to reduce pain and heal them. Soldiers regain their strength and vitality through Ayurvedic herbs and potions.

Additionally, characters in the Mahabharata, such as Lord Krishna and the Pandavas, possess extensive knowledge of Ayurveda. They incorporated ayurvedic principles into their daily lives through sadhanas like yoga, meditation, and good dietary habits to preserve a balance of the body, mind, and spirit. Furthermore, the epic highlights the significance of Ayurveda in preventive medicine and overall well-being. It emphasizes that good health and a balanced life come from harmonious relationships and ethical conduct.

So, the Mahabharata’s portrayal of Ayurveda emphasizes its historical and cultural significance and its timeless quality. In the present day, it reminds us of the value of a holistic approach to wellness and a harmonious balance of the body, mind, and spirit.

Why Is Ayurveda Ignored In Comparison With Allopathy?

The relative ignorance or unawareness regarding Ayurveda compared to Allopathy (modern medicine) can be interpreted through various factors. Find the list below for your reference;

  • The predominance of Allopathy in conventional medical education and healthcare systems is one factor. Its application was global at the time of colonization.
  • It is well-known that Allopathy has received significant investment and promotion, increasing adoption where Ayurveda (belonging to any nation such as India, China or Japan) remained local.
  • Furthermore, Allopathy’s simplified and symptom-focused approaches may not always coincide with Ayurveda’s holistic approach and reliance on natural theories and therapies.
  • Its relative underutilization has also been attributed to a need for standardized research and scientific acceptance for several Ayurveda procedures (BUT NOW THE SITUATION IS CHANGING).

However, there is a trending recognition of the complementary nature of ancient Ayurveda, and many are trying to integrate them into holistic healthcare.

What Made People Come Back To Ayurveda Today?

In fact, we can interpret Allopathy similarly to Ayurveda except for its holistic approach because Allopathy focuses only on the symptoms offering comfort and relief to the patient very soon. The result is side effects. But in the case of chronic diseases such as cancer, the world started swapping its ideology.

Therefore, people are flocking back to the Ayurveda method today for several reasons. First, people are becoming more aware of and interested in holistic and natural healthcare solutions. Besides, Ayurveda appeals to people looking for a more tailored approach to healing due to its emphasis on individualized therapies, herbal medicines, and lifestyle changes. Also, some people might have had unfavorable outcomes and side effects from contemporary treatment, which motivated them to look for an alternative like Ayurveda. This is why people look for efficient, secure, and organic remedies for their health issues.

Therefore, within the past 2 decades, there has been an opportunity for everyone to access the information, online tools, and Ayurvedic practitioners also.

Why Is Ayurveda Unique When Compared To Modern Medical Science?

Why Is Ayurveda Unique When Compared To Modern Medical Science

In the present-day situation, the world understands the significance of Ayurveda and its uniqueness. There are several reasons, but we will try to lay out 4 of them to guide our readers.

Ayurveda Has A Holistic Approach: 

Ayurveda approaches health and well-being holistically, considering a person’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Modern medicine frequently treats symptoms more than addressing the underlying causes. Ayurveda places an emphasis on maintaining a balance between the body, mind, and spirit.

Personalized Treatment: 

Each person is unique, with their own constitution and distinct requirements, according to Ayurveda. It offers individualized treatment programs to address a person’s health issues and body type. But comparatively, modern medicine frequently uses a systematic approach to diagnosis and therapy, which needs to be customized.

Natural Therapies: 

To process healing and balance in the body, Ayurveda uses natural therapies such as herbal medications and dietary adjustments in its first step. In addition, it also prescribes practices like yoga, meditation, and detoxification methods. It focuses on using such natural remedies and supports the body’s innate capacity for healing.

Long-Standing Tradition: 

Ayurveda has a long history and is absorbed in Indian society deeply. It incorporates ethics, wisdom, and information passed down through the generations. And these have been practiced and improved over the ages. Even though it continually changes, modern medicine is still a comparatively recent invention. Also, it advocates preserving a condition of harmony and balance in the body to delay the emergence of illnesses. Thus it prevents the disease.

Does Ayurveda Give Lasting Results?

The goal of Ayurveda is to promote long-term health and well-being in harmony with nature at the same time. It works on specific parameters determining how effective Ayurveda is at producing long-lasting effects. They include the individual’s health, the ailment’s nature, lifestyle, and body type. Ayurveda seeks to provide harmony and balance to the body, mind, and spirit — thus, the holistic approach of this ancient science ensures long-lasting results. As already discussed, instead of only treating the symptoms of imbalances, Ayurveda focuses on treating their underlying causes. Thanks to this complete approach, individuals may benefit from natural improvements in their general health and well-being.

“However, remember that Ayurveda is a panacea but not a quick-fix solution. It demands you modify your lifestyle, adhere to dietary recommendations, use suitable therapies, and maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. This practice promises you a blissful life. “

Bommu Venkateshwar Reddy

Founder Of Punarjan Ayurveda

Hence, integrate Ayurvedic principles into daily life and consistently practice its principles. Then you can experience long-term benefits. We recommend consulting with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can provide personalized guidance and support for achieving lasting results.

Signing Off!:

Qualities of a True Ayurvedic Practitioner:

I hope that I have given some helpful information regarding ancient Indian Ayurveda. In addition, I would like to provide more details about what an Ayurvedic healer or practitioner would be. Even in present India, an Ayurvedic practitioner is a Yogi who lives his life with ideals. He is always compassionate and empathetic because they approach their patients with genuine care and compassion to create a supportive and healing environment.

An ayurvedic practitioner is committed to lifelong learning and stays updated with the latest research, developments, and advancements in Ayurvedic medicine and society. That is how he acquired extensive knowledge about life to guide. A true Ayurvedic doctor deeply understands Ayurvedic principles, including the concepts of doshas (bioenergetic forces)dhatus (body tissues), and the principles of diagnosis and treatment.

Finally, they respect the strengths of Ayurveda and modern medicine and know how and when to integrate them for the best possible outcomes. Thus, they adhere to professional ethics, maintain confidentiality, and prioritize the well-being of their patients above all.

“Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu!”

Also Read: Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment – A Holistic Approach To Healing