Cervical Cancer : Its Demystifying Facts And Myths

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Today, we will discuss the most known cancer in women that can be preventable and treatable when detected at the right time is Cervical cancer. It occurs in the cervix and then may spread to the other parts of the body, and can be transmitted sexually. It can be mainly caused by the infection of Human Papillomavirus (HPV). To maintain the good health of the cervix regular vaccinations and check ups would help. In this cancer, the cells will not directly change into the cancer cells. They will first change into pre-cancerous and they convert into cancer.

In this blog, we will give us clarification on a lot of miss understandings about the myths and facts about cervical cancer so you can know about the relationship among infection of HPV and cervical cancer. In addition info of the types of vaccines that help in cervical cancer prevention.

Human papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus

Basically it is a virus which harms both men and women through sexual contact. In most cases this virus might not cause any harm. But in some cases it may cause pre-cancerous cells and also lead to cancerous cells in the cervix. There are various types of viruses mainly the number 16 and 18 viruses are mostly associated with the most of the cervical problems.

To avoid these problems the boy and girls are advised to take HPV vaccine and regular screenings after the age of 12. There is a 100% chance of prevention by the combination of HPV vaccine and routine screenings.

A pap smear

A pap smear

It is a test in which the group of cells were collected from the cervix, to detect the availability of precancerous or cancerous cells. Once it is detected the spread of cancer can be stopped by using particular treatment. Most cervical cancer can be treated by chemotherapy and radiation methods. The success rate depends on how advanced the cancer is. Having a routine pap smear test to know the occurrence of cervical cancer.

What relation existed between virus and cancer in the cervix?

What relation existed between virus and cancer in the cervix?

Virus can be transferred easily through skin-to-skin contact. Awe have to be clear that our own infections will provide a chance of getting a high risk of cervical cancer. This vaccine is an advancement on health care. It also helps in the reduction of risk of cervical cancer and also the effect of specific strains that may cause cancer.

What kinds of vaccines exist?

What kinds of vaccines exist_

In general, there are a great many types of vaccines that are standardly employed. This group consists of:

Cervarix is an HPV vaccine that is meant to protect females against the high-risk HPV types 16 and 18 responsible for cervical cancer.

Gardasil 4 is an HPV vaccine that protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18. And just like any other vaccines, it works to protect people from low-risk Human Papillomavirus types 6 and 11 that cause genital warts. It will also guard against two other dangerous types, 16 and 18, believed to bring about cervical cancer.

Gardasil 9 is a nano-valent vaccine preventing HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 as well as HPV 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. This protects against the specific strains and stops HPV related conditions and cervical cancer.

Let’s debunk myths and facts about cervical cancer!

Myth 1: Should I need a pap test every year?

Fact 1: If the results of PAP ‘s test or HPV are normal. There is no need to perform these tests every year

Myth 2: HPV only affects the people with multiple partners andis not common. So no need for pap’s test or vaccine

Fact 2: HPV spreads widely and 80% of men and women are affected

Myth 3: HPV virus goes out of the body on its own

Fact 3: In few cases, the HPV infection does not go by itself and causes many problems such as Genitial warts or cervical cancer

Myth 4: Will cervical cancer patients have a baby?

Fact 4: As the patient with cervical cancer has to undergo the treatments like radiation, chemotherapy, hysterectomy in the reproductive area. There are many treatments now available for fertility. Now a days, there are many techniques in the reproductive side like freezing eggs, removal of ovaries and preserving them etc

Myth 5: Cervical cancer is hereditary

Fact 5: It is not hereditary as breast and ovarian cancer. It is obtained by the infection of HPV. At old age, those who can not take this vaccine can go for pap or HPV regular tests whereas in the children going for the HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer

Myth 6: Exact reason for cervical cancer is not known for us

Fact 6: Mostly the cause for cancer in the cervix is the HPV infection, which occurs, obviously by sexually transmitted infections

Myth 7: Infections from HPV causes cervical cancer

Fact 7: Most HPV infection does not cause cervical cancer. But there are many types of HPV infections though High risk HPV will only cause cervical cancer. The body’s immune system will send this type itself out within 2 years. In few cases, the HPV infection will not be sent out and may cause any abnormalities leading to cervical cancer

Myth 8: Natural tips are best to cure HPV infection

Fact 8: Cure for HPV is almost Zero, but prevention is the only hope for HPV infection and cervical cancer too staved off by HPV vaccination

Myth 9: No single treatment is not available for cervical cancer

Fact 9: There is treatment when detected early like chemotherapy, surgery and radiation

Myth 10: HPV infection is only seen in women

Fact 10: This infection is observed in all genders, Every individual with the age between 6-95 are suggested to get vaccinated with HPV

There is a need for awareness about cervical cancer, its relation between HPV, the facts that are to be known. The preventive measures, routine checkups, vaccinations, tests are most essential for the individual to protect from HPV vaccination and cervical cancer. Try to have open discussions about the problems on sexual health, which is important to protect individuals and the future from cervical cancer. Our PUNARJAN AYURVEDA hospital staff helps to clear all the doubts and preventive measures on cervical cancer.

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