Challenges Of Cancer Patients In Winter Season

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As we all know that in the winter season we can observe several changes in the environment such as the seasonal changes in terms of color of the leaves, temperature changes. These natural transformations may cause several alterations in the cancer patients. Due to decrease in the immunity in cancer patients they will easily get affected by the cold, cough, fever, and many viral infections.

Most of the cancer patients are getting sick due to several factors such as anemia, cold and flu, chills and itching during winter.



The immunity and anemia are causing more colds. It is a condition where the level of blood is lower than the normal content of red blood cells. This will decrease the oxygen transport throughout the body. The treatments given to the cancer patients may affect the level of oxygen. Lowering in blood supply leads to the decrease in cell counts and causes immunity and anemia. So, to avoid this problem every individual should have a balanced diet. Take supplements to maintain good nutrition. Take plenty of fluids as dehydration will also cause cold because of the difference in the body temperature.

Cold and flu

Cold and flu

You know, the winter season is also known as Flu season. It is already a high risk season of many infections and diseases. Especially to the cancer patients where their immunity is too low. A normal cold that takes three days to get relief would be horrible for them to tolerate. The family members, patients should take the flu shots to avoid the risk of infections. The patients are asked to have personal hygiene to keep away from the spread of cold and flu.



Most of the therapies of the cancer will regulate the body temperature because of dehydration. This condition will make the patients to be more sensitive to cold and other conditions such as hypothermia, in this the temperature of the body is below 95 degrees fahrenheit. During this we can find the signs like shivering, speech slurred, decrease in pulse, difficulty in breathing, and sleep disorders. In the condition of Frostbite, the skin freezes. The signs observed in these conditions are skin whitening, skin also turns black because of blood loss and death of cells, mostly in the fingertips and ears. These two conditions are most dangerous and will lead to death. The cancer patients are requested to keep them warm during this winter season.

Itching during winter

Itching during winter

Both healthy and cancer patients will experience eczema, a type of itching during this winter season. Due to lower humidity the skin becomes dry, itchy, cracky and seems to be as rubbed raw by scratching. These signs are mostly seen in cancer patients after chemotherapy. It is safe to not go out in cold temperatures, take a heavy amount of fluids, use moisturizers, do not use soaps and detergents that contain heavy chemicals, and use a humidifier at home.

Will chemotherapy cause a cold?


Based on the treatment for the cancers, the drugs used in particular can cause extreme levels of cold in patients. The most common side effect in the chemotherapy drug Oxaliplatin, is hypersensitivity to cold and induced cold by neuropathy.

During this winter season, Neuropathy is a process in which the nerves go very cold, mostly hands and feet will not work properly due to feeling like tingling and numbness. Neuropathy creates more terrible feelings in cold temperatures.

This chemotherapy also shows its effects on both red and white blood cells. The oxygen is carried by red blood cells and white blood cells which will fight against infection. The effect on RBCand WBC leads to feeling cold and also causing numbness because of the low amount of RBCs flowing to the fingertips and toes.

Tips to reduce the risk of virus attack

Tips to reduce the risk of virus attack

Personal hygiene: Washing hands or sanitizing before moving hands towards eyes, nose and mouth. Mainly wash your hands properly before you eat. The germs transfer from one to the other person by shaking hands. Keep in mind that people with weak immunity will get easily affected by many viruses.

Having healthy nutrition

Working with a Nutritionist

The immune system will be reduced by the improper diet. Most of the doctors suggest having a protein-rich, fat and carbohydrate diet and avoiding ultra-processed foods. Drinking plenty of fluids like fresh fruit juices helps in maintaining vitamins and boosts immunity.


What kinds of vaccines exist_

The vaccination will help to get relief and avoid illness during the winter season. If the treatment is taken to cancer, the vaccine should be taken in the middle of the cycles. There may be fear of chemo in the cancer treatment so better to take the vaccine before or after the chemotherapy start or at the end of this therapy.

  • Use a thermostat to maintain the body temperature.
  • Perform routine exercises.
  • Take a healthy diet and lifestyle to boost up immunity against many infections.
  • Have a sound and sufficient sleep.
  • To reduce the emotional stress, being active on social networks might help.
  • Try not to be alone and be with the people, family or caretakers surrounded. Cancer patients are requested to be active in the winter season.
  • Taking vitamin supplements. Walking for at least 15 minutes in sunlight will reduce the risk of seasonally affected diseases as vitamin D is absorbed by the body through exposure to the sun naturally.
  • People who are taking cancer treatments with neutropenia, in which the person has less neutrophils, a type of white blood cells that fight with the infections. During this state the people may get fever. Especially in cancer, fever may be dangerous. It should be considered the waning symptom and consult the doctor immediately.

Take precautions while going out in the cool winter like staying protected with ear caps, a good woolen jacket, scarf, socks and boots. If the cold has appeared to the body, the body will work hard to make the body warm and also to make the body fight against infections. PUNARJAN AYURVEDA always provides all the information about the tips and precautions to be taken during the cancer treatment in winter season as awareness is key and a warfoot strategy has to be done. This is the only way to beat cancer psychologically and so people can fight the cancer with a sound body.



This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.