To explain in a technical way, alkaline substances are unlike acidic chemicals. Alkaline substances produce little to almost no hydrogen ions when they form a solution with water. In simple terms, alkaline Foods substances release less hydrogen ions making a substance less acidic or more alkaline.
In addition, alkaline elements don’t corrode like acids do. They are ‘gentle’; when applied to a cut. Observe that milk does not result in the same acute burning sensation that lemon juice does. Therefore, acid-related issues can be overcome by alkaline chemicals. For instance, potato juice can help with acid reflux, and drinking a lot of milk can help neutralize the corrosive effects of accidentally ingesting acidic substances.
So, alkaline foods have little or no acidic flavor. For example, bananas, almonds, and fresh milk are some of the foods that are the most alkaline. It is to note that not even the tiniest hint of an acidic flavor can be tasted in them. Likewise, calcium, sodium, magnesium, cobalt, and copper are alkaline minerals. The average amount of calcium in the body is over two pounds, with the majority of this mineral being contained in the skeleton.
Why Is PH Balance Very Crucial?
In your regular life, you might be aware of the significance of pH for gardening, maintaining a fish tank, or even keeping a swimming pool in good condition. Moreover, the pH balance within the human body is crucial. Because the pH of several body parts varies, however here we will concentrate on the pH of blood.
This is complex and the acid/alkaline balance of the blood is similar to the body temperature. It is how body temperature can only move or fluctuate within a very small, strictly controlled range. If you’re curious to know, the blood pH is 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. The body consistently produces small but noticeable adjustments to keep it in proper location. These changes could be related to how we sweat to chill off or shudder to heat up in light of natural temperature changes. In the same way, your blood pH may be altered by a variety of factors. These include diet and emotions and even pollution that our body responds to.
It is difficult for the blood to always get alkaline due to the sheer number and variety of acids that we are exposed to. Hence, keeping a correctly balanced pH almost requires the body to use numerous cunning ways for removing acids. Oddly, we must understand that those with excessively alkaline blood have excessively acidic bodies. And, in this situation, the blood is releasing alkaline minerals into the blood to make up for the imbalance.
Relation Between Cancer Disease And Alkaline Diet:
According to recent research, acidic surroundings promote the growth of cancer cells enormously. You can elevate the body’s pH levels and make it more alkaline. For that, you need to take a diet rich in alkaline meals meaning foods with a high pH and low in acidic foods. Because this can prevent or even treat cancer.
You should highlight that these are experiments with the tumor cells so as to reflect the hintricate ways in which tumors behave in the real body. Moreover, eating cannot alter your blood’s pH.
Now let us discuss some of the best alkaline foods which can increase the pH level in your body. It is important that these foods can prevent or even cure cancer.
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Raw Veggies:
Fresh vegetables supply energy to our cells since they are packed with electrons. Your body must use its own life force/electrons to ionize saturated, dead, or processed food so that it can be absorbed. Therefore, it is crucial to balance out your diet if you eat a lot of cooked food with some raw leafy greens. So, blend them in a Vitamix to make them easier to digest and don’t forget to take alkalizing water.
Before discussing about the benefits of vegetables, below are some alkalizing vegetables for you;
Alkalizing Vegetables:
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Spinach
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Parsley
- Coriander
- Watercress
- Sweet potato
- Squash
The above vegetables are some healthy alkalizing veggies you can get anywhere. Make sure that every meal should contain fresh, raw or cooked, alkalizing vegetables in about 80% of the total. Vegetables are healthy for you, and every elder tells us this.
What Are The Benefits Of Vegetables?

- Green leaves are the only source of Chlorophyll
- Elevates the pH level by Alkaline forming
- Vegetables contain mostly water. Water dissolves and diffuses toxins to eliminate acid traces.
- If not juiced, veggies have fiber. It binds with acids and cleans the colon
- Remineralize your body. For example it can replace calcium in the bones and magnesium in your muscles.
- Vegetables have antifungal properties and antioxidants
- Contain electrons to restore the electrical charge and conductivity to the cells.
- They build good blood and rebuild the body without toxins.
- Green vegetables can detoxify the liver and oxygenate your blood.
Actually, unprocessed salt is necessary for optimal health of a person. Healthy salt has a pinkish hue and is quite different from table salt in both appearance and flavor. It is pink Himalayan salt, which has an alkaline composition by nature. Liquid salt is preferable because it makes its electrical properties more accessible.
Fruits With Low Sugar:
Low sugar fruits contain all the advantages of high sugar fruits like mango but with less fructose. For instance, avocados are incredibly alkalizing, a fantastic source of energy, antioxidants, potassium, healthy fats, etc., and are very simple to digest. Tomatoes also have an alkalizing impact when eaten fresh, while cucumbers are extremely alkaline and electron saturated. You may consume several every day. Moreover, limes, lemons, and grapefruits are all alkalizing. When consumed in moderation and in proper balance, small berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries are good and the list goes on.
Saturated Fats:
Cold-pressed oils such as avocado, coconut, and others are all excellent. Fresh raw plant lipids that haven’t gone rancid or oxidized are very good for your health. Because they buffer acids and can supply energy due to their abundance of electrons. These are also necessary for building cell membranes.
Soaked Nuts:
Nuts and seeds that have been soaked are more palatable, it is a good idea to soak them in water overnight. Soaking removes the phytic acid and antinutrients that are present in raw nuts and seeds for easy digestion. You can also keep it in the refrigerator for two to three days if you soak them in water overnight, discard the soak water, rinse, and then fill it with fresh water.
Liquid Food:
As much as you can juice or blend into a drink. Because raw greens can develop blood better than even a healthy, alkaline dinner of quinoa and vegetables. Hence, it is a good idea to incorporate soups, smoothies, and juices every day. Even if you are eating fish or other animal proteins, you can drink green juice with solid food as long as you chew your food well to benefit the small intestine.
Daily Routine:
Plan to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at around the same times every day. By this, your body develops a routine and is ready for the process of digestion. Hence, the body has time to prepare and will be aware of what to expect. Think about eating and sleeping at consistent times. Just as a suggestion, the suitable time to go to bed is at 9 o’clock.
In conclusion, the alkaline diet has gained popularity as a potential strategy for cancer prevention and recovery in recent years. While the evidence supporting the diet’s effectiveness is limited and mixed, an alkaline diet may help lower the risk of cancer and improve results for cancer patients, according to several research.
An alkaline diet plan promotes consuming these foods can regulate alkaline pH balance in the body. As a result, it can help prevent cancer cell growth and improve the effectiveness of cancer treatments. However, remember that the body’s pH balance is tightly regulated.
Despite these limitations, an alkaline diet can be a balanced, nutritious eating plan that prioritizes entire, plant-based meals while limiting unhealthy processed foods. Eating such a diet may support overall health and happiness, and may be especially advantageous for people with inherent history of cancer or other risk factors.
As a final word before wrapping up, while the alkaline diet is not a cure for cancer, it can be a valuable part of a comprehensive approach to cancer prevention and recovery. Consult with your known physician before making any major changes to your diet or lifestyle.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.