Does Rasayan Ayurveda Specifically Talk About Cancer?

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Rasayana Ayurveda is a centuries-old medical tradition from India that emphasizes body rejuvenation. Although the classical Ayurvedic texts like the “Charaka Samhita” and the “Sushruta Samhita” do not explicitly mention cancer in the sense that we currently understand it, they do talk about some pathological conditions that are related to abnormal growths, tumors, and inflammatory conditions that could be interpreted in the context of cancer.

Arbuda (Cancer):

In Ayurveda, Arbuda is a term used to portray unusual tumors or cancers. The texts note various kinds of Arbuda, and the treatment standards include a holistic methodology that includes dietary changes, decontamination strategies (Panchakarma), and natural drugs. Rasayana Ayurveda treatments focus on restoration and reinforcement of the body and they might be suggested as a component of the treatment convention.

Granthi (Knob):

Granthi is used to describe small growths or nodules. Ayurveda examines different kinds of Granthi, which are thought of as neurotic. The treatment comprises herbal cures, changes in one’s way of life, and at times surgeries. Rasayana medicines are habitually recommended to work on the overall prosperity and resistant ability.

Dosha Imbalance:

Ayurveda identifies imbalances in the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—as the cause of diseases and cancer tumors. Rasayana treatments are intended to bring these doshas to equilibrium.


Ayurvedic medicines frequently include detoxification techniques, known as Panchakarma, to dispense with collected poisons from the body. This is accepted to detoxify the body and reinforce its normal mending components.


Although Ayurveda does offer insights into the treatment of conditions involving abnormal growths, it is essential to keep in mind that Ayurveda and modern medicine have distinct perspectives on the classification and comprehension of diseases. Ayurveda thinks about a remarkable constitution (Prakriti) and centers around reestablishing harmony.

Ayurvedic and conventional medical treatments can be combined in integrative approaches, but decisions should be made in collaboration with healthcare professionals.