What is the Association between Vitamins and Cancer risk?
Think of your body as a fortress that must be kept up constantly to remain firm against the invaders. The vitamins are like the building materials and repair tools needed to keep your fortress in good condition. The quantity of some vitamins can break the walls of your fortress and make it easy to develop problems like cancer.
Scientists have discovered that some vitamins play a unique role in preventing cancer. They work differently: some can fix damaged DNA, others support your immune system, and some help protect your cells from damage. Today, we will look at four crucial vitamins protecting you from cancer.
Why is Vitamin D so important in cancer prevention?
Vitamin D may be the superstar of cancer prevention. The body can make this vitamin through the sun on your skin, but many people don’t get enough. This is why vitamin D is so unique when it comes to fighting cancer:
Vitamin D acts as the security guard for cells. It regulates cell growth and division. Cancer is a health condition caused by uncontrolled cell growth. Vitamin D ensures things are in order and that the broken cells know when to die of natural causes (a process known as apoptosis).
Researchers say that people who have low levels of vitamin D might develop certain cancers, especially these:
Treatments of vitamin D deficiency associated with other types of cancer:
What happens if Vitamin B12 is lacking?
Vitamin B12 is the DNA proofreader. It involves accuracy, which occurs each time a cell reproduces itself through division by photocopying its DNA. Vitamin B12 ensures copies of DNA during replication; hence, deficiency can lead to an error that results in cancer.
B12 cannot be made in your body. You get it through the food you eat or by supplements. Most natural sources occur in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. That is why vegetarians and vegans are very careful while taking B12 supplements.
What does folate, or Vitamin B9, do to protect the body against cancer?
Folate is synergistic with vitamin B12 in protecting DNA. If you consider your DNA like a long book of instructions, then folate helps ensure all pages are copied correctly during cell division. Lack of sufficient folate will cause your body to make mistakes when copying DNA, which can result in cancer.
But there is something tricky about folate. Not having enough may increase cancer risk, but too much folate supplements may help the existing cancer cells grow. Thus, it’s best to get your folate from natural food sources such as:
Good sources of natural folate:
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Legumes and beans
- Whole grains
- Fresh fruits
- Nuts and seeds
Why is Vitamin C essential in cancer prevention?
Vitamin C has been described as having a shield around your cells; it is the antioxidant that preserves your cells from destructive free radicals action. Rust on metal describes free radicals pretty well; they break down your cells gradually, causing cancer if left unchecked.
But vitamin C does more than protect. It also helps your immune system work better. A standard immune system can recognize and kill cancerous cells before they become a tumor. Vitamin C is best known as an ‘ash’ vitamin, which means your body requires some of it every day because it does not accumulate any of it.
How will you know whether you are receiving enough of these vitamins?
Your body usually alerts you when it is not receiving enough vitamins. However, some of these hints are so mild that you miss them. One of the indications of low levels of B12 is constant tiredness. When you fall sick frequently, it is a sign that your vitamin C levels are too low. Weak muscles or bone pains are signs of low vitamin D levels.
Sometimes, it so happens that you will not experience any symptoms even when your vitamin levels are low. Thus, routine check-ups at your doctor’s will be vital because they may not only check your suspected level of deficiency but also run some tests on your vitamin levels.
How can one obtain these anticancer vitamins?
Supplements are helpful, but the best intake of vitamins occurs through diet. Food sources of vitamins always carry a package of nutrients that convey complementary health-protective effects.
Get a little sun, but do not burn! Eat fatty fish, eggs, and fortified foods. Lean meats, fish, and dairy are good sources of B12. Folate comes from good leafy greens and legumes. Vitamin C comes best from fresh fruits and vegetables—citrus fruits, berries, and bell peppers are the best.
How soon will you need to supplement with vitamins?
Sometimes, diet alone is not enough, and supplements are needed. This is particularly true if you:
- Are you a vegetarian or vegan (especially for B12)
- Have limited sun exposure
- Are older than 50 years
- Have certain medical conditions
- Take medications that interfere with vitamin absorption
It is always better to consult your healthcare team before starting any supplements. They can check your vitamin levels and advise on the appropriate dosage.
Can you get too much of these vitamins?
Absolutely. It can quickly happen even when taking high-quality supplements. Although there have been reports of overdose, there are minimal cases. This is because excessive vitamin D damages one’s kidneys severely, while large quantities of vitamin C cause digestive upset.
That is why it is essential to be very careful with drug dosages and consult with your doctor to find the dosage level that is good for you.
What other lifestyle factors complement these vitamins in cancer prevention?
Vitamins are most effective when consumed proportionately. Getting enough vitamins is essential, but they work even better when you also:
- Exercise regularly. This helps your body use vitamins more effectively
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Don’t smoke
- Limit alcohol
- Get enough sleep
- Manage stress
What’s the bottom line?
None of the vitamins can prevent cancer alone, but taking enough of these four vitamins can help reduce the chance. The key is consistency. Your body needs these vitamins regularly to maintain its natural defenses against cancer.
Of course, it is not too late to improve your vitamin intake. You can incorporate more foods full of vitamins into your diet, watch what happens, and consult your doctor about taking supplements.
Most other vitamins may also be consumed commonly through staple and regular meals made from different products. One can reduce one’s risks for this disease by making simple modifications to one’s diet and lifestyle without having to molest the body system. As you try to direct your focus, you’ll soon realize that preparing all sorts of foods—fruits, vegetables, and proteins—will automatically feed your body enough vitamins to counter illnesses such as cancers.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.