How Is Cancer Care In India And The USA Different?

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To summarize the answer through simplification, it all depends! In this article, let us dive deep into some of the facts to narrow your expectations towards the correct decision. For example, if you receive cancer treatment in the public or private sectors in India will define the standard of care you receive.

To be precise, oncological care in India has to grow in terms of quality in order to reach cancer care in the USA. Yet, foreign residents should have the information that some private Indian facilities offer highly specialized treatment, highly skilled doctors, and excellent cancer care. However, oncological care is a common part of medical tourism to India. It is because there are several high-profile instances of Indian celebrities traveling to the United States for cancer treatment rather than using the domestic private sector.

cancer treatments

How Does The USA Treat Cancer Cases?

In the first step, you will require a health insurance plan that covers oncological treatment. Through this you may receive in the US and are ineligible for Medicaid or Medicare. You will receive high-quality patient care even though this is expensive.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology, through surveys, shows that patients are very satisfied with their care in oncology practice models.

Magazines like Forbes state that overall survival rates for cancer are higher in the USA than anywhere else in the world. This result is due to the over-testing and aggressive treatment that results from hospitals fearing from their patients for certain causes. But keep in mind that this is not the case for all types of cancer, however. For example, Japan has a better record regarding stomach cancer treatment.

Not only this, new treatments such as immunotherapy are more widely available in the US than in nations that have budget-capped health systems.

Like every coin has 2 sides, an comparatively advantageous fact that American healthcare is insurance-based, it puts strain on the US system. Because, payer pressures ranked provider lists of difficulties with oncology treatment. Payers encountered problems with daily operations which were frequently tied to payment, reimbursement, and competition.

How Does India Take Care Of Cancer Patients?

It is important for the government to prioritize fighting cancer in India at all levels. India currently has around a  million newly diagnosed cancer cases each year, and by 2025, that number is predicted to have increased fivefold.

People of India must be aware of the fact that cancers that are found early on are treatable, less expensive to treat. It can help the patient rejoin society and contribute.

A team of Indian doctors and renowned academics from around the world were commissioned to examine the factors influencing cancer control in India. We have 80% of health spending occurring in the private sector. Yet, the main obstacles to early diagnosis and treatment were attributed to disinformation, a lack of expertise, a lack of trust in public health services. Also, there is an issue of inadequate infrastructure.

How Is India Growing In Terms Of Cancer Care?

How Is India Growing In Terms Of Cancer Care

The Cancer Care Foundation has offices in some parts of the country including Nasik and Bangalore. Now, it intends to offer complementary and alternative treatments to rural people. They include dietary and nutritional counseling, Ayurveda treatment, yoga, and even cow urine therapy.

A good motive for this step is that these state-funded facilities aim to offer oncological care to people who cannot afford private care through prevention tactics.

However, The National Cancer Control Program now has 27 state-recognized cancer centers. Besides, a comprehensive National Plan for Prevention and Control of Cancer and other diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and Stroke was introduced by the Indian government in 2010. It covers multiple districts across 21 states in the nation.

Increase In Advanced Treatment And Trained Oncologists:

With the rise in cancer cases in India, metropolitan India is working for the growth of Tertiary Cancer Centers with top-notch facilities and skilled oncologists. But unfortunately, the same is not true in rural India. Rural India has double the mortality rates of urban India, despite having a nearly 50% lower incidence of cancer.

Simultaneously, since 70% of Indians live in rural areas, this situation must change. Nowadays, the government is taking new steps to address how cancer care might be efficiently and affordably provided in rural India.

What Is The Reason For Compromise In Spite Of Possessing Every Resource?

India’s public healthcare system is currently under strain for many reasons. Most of the prevailing issues include lengthy wait times, understaffed facilities, a bad reputation of poor patient outcomes, and sometimes a poorly qualified medical staff, particularly in rural and remote areas of the country. Even if you consider national health insurance, the public programme take-up has to develop more, with many patients opting to use conventional or over-the-counter medications or even to just put up with their illnesses mostly in the remote locations.

What Is The Best Move To Fight Cancer?

“Prevention Is Better Than Cure.”

The above proverb holds true for Cancer. Due to the above hurdles in reaching the optimal level of curing this fatal disease, primary and secondary prevention strategies are effective against some cancers. Also, this would entail stepping up awareness-raising and educational initiatives. Through these steps, people aim at promoting healthy lives and can reduce tobacco use. Also, they will start investing in efforts to change social attitudes and individual practices. In the same path, it is necessary to conduct widespread cancer screenings.

Ayurvedic Approach To Cancer:

Ayurveda – It is India’s ancient medical system. It is often used as a complementary or alternative therapy in cancer treatment. However, there are many cases to support the claim that Ayurveda can prevent cancer. As we know, cancer is a complex disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. In allopathy it includes surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and more.

That being said, some Ayurvedic therapies, such as massage, meditation, wellness, rasayana therapy and yoga, may help cancer patients manage symptoms like pain, anxiety, and stress. Ayurvedic herbs and supplements, such as ashwagandha, turmeric, pippali, basil, shunthi and green tea, are also being studied for their potential anti-cancer effects.

However, it is important for anyone with cancer to consult with their healthcare provider before trying any alternative therapies, in order to take proper guidance so that they can be safe and will not interfere with their conventional treatment.


Summarizing the above discussion, Ayurveda and Rasayana treatments have been traditionally used in India for various health conditions, including cancer. We must remember the above hurdles in today’s situation of growing cancer cases while the government is unable to address everyone. It is important to note that there is currently a necessity to build a strategy to face this fatal health issue to support the country.

PUNARJAN AYURVEDA has done research for more than 2 decades on rasayana ayurveda and formulated a complex and yet customized treatment with Ayurvedic herbs and patterns with potential anti-cancer effects. Also, these ayurvedic medicines can be used to manage the side effects

For more information on Ayurveda Rasayana Chikitsa or for an appointment with our expert ayurvedic practitioners, Best Cancer Hospital In Hyderabad Punarjan Ayurveda.

Also Read: Lung Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment


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