Stop the growth of cancer cells is tough because the body’s immune system is trying to help grow cancer cells. Even after cancer treatment, some of the cancer cells are still beyond the body due to the support of our body’s immune system. Some new research is going on to break down this process of growing cancer cells in the body. Sometimes the killing of cancer cells also causes the spread of more cancer cells. It also happens because the cellular debris behind triggers a response of inflammation from our body’s immune system, producing more cancer cells in the body’s tissue. New research is trying to stop the inflammatory response and stop the growth of tumors, which may waste cellular waste’s development.
Sui Huang is a famous scientist doing cancer research at the Institute of Systems Biology in Seattle, WA. And some scientists like Charles N. Serhan from the women’s hospital at Harvard medical school, Mark Kieran from the Dana Farber cancer institute are also researching it to stop the growth of cancer cells in the tissues of the body.
What Are Bad Neighbor’s Cells?
Some neighboring cells, which are cancer-damaged, always try to spoil the super fitness cells. Scientist Moreno and his team found these bad neighbors cells in two types: WIN fitness fingerprints and none in fewer fitness fingerprints. WIN fitness fingerprint signifies that the cell is young and healthy. Fewer fitness fingerprints are predicting that the cell is old and damaged in the tissue of the body. As per Moreno, if the cell was unfit, that cell is known as a bad neighbor cell that is in less fitness and damages other body cells. Those cells are hazardous that make whole body cells spoil in the tissues. Moreno and his team found that tissue regeneration is essential after the injury of cells, but this time, the cancer cell tumors can be grown in the tissue cells.
The cancer cells use these fitness fingerprints to fit, and many more wins fingerprints on the surface. Due to this, the normal cells present in the body near cancer cells become spoiled and damaged and have a chance to become cancer cells. Cancer becomes very strong and healthy at this time, bringing neighboring cells to death, destroying the tissues, and it helps tumor expansion in the body. Fitness fingerprints are also very useful, but they are carriers of cancer disease and may form more aggressive tumors. These fitness fingerprints also include in animals like fruit flies, but it is more dangerous in humans than short-lived animals. After all these experiments, scientist Moreno and his team found that humans possess double-edged mechanisms.
Fitness Fingerprints In Human Cancer Cells
The two scientists Rajan Gogna and Esha Madan are researched in the lab and found that human cells are involved in cancer or express fitness fingerprints after many experiments. The human genome produces genes that code for fitness fingerprints; through this, they identify it. There are four different types of fitness fingerprints. Two are win fitness fingerprints, and another two are fewer fitness fingerprints, and also they observe that these fitness fingerprints cause any growth of cancer in your body or not. And the team analyzed the expression of these types in different types of tissues such as cancer, benign tumors, tissue adjacent to the tumors, and normal tissue. The analyses that the win fitness fingerprints level is very high and fewer fitness fingerprints are very low in levels in the normal tissue. The expression of win fitness fingerprints is high in all tumors, with a high level of malignant tumors compared to benign tumors; if you have any of these symptoms, try to take the best Ayurvedic treatment early; it helps reduce cancer cells.
Some Anti-Cancer Diet Foods
We have some anti-cancer diet foods available on the market that make you less at risk of growing cancer cells in the body. And this also increases the immune system of the body; these are:
Eat More Tomatoes:
Doctors confirmed that antioxidants lycopene are high in tomatoes which are more powerful than vitamin D, alpha-carotene, and beta carotene. Lycopene helps fight against cancer cells present in the tissues and reduces cancers like prostate and lung cancer. So try to add more tomatoes to your cooking food items.
Eat Fish:
Some fatty fishes like salmon, tuna, and herring contain omega-three fatty acids, and these types of fatty acids are helpful to fight against prostate cancer. If you hate fish food and other ways, add omega-three fatty acids by eating more flaxseed food that makes you strong and fights against cancer.
Use Olive Oil:
In the Mediterranean countries, the usage of salad oil and olive oil is very high. That is the main reason they have countless in breast cancer as compared to the United States. So olive oil fights against breast cancer.
Sip Green Tea Every Day:
Green tea is a powerful antioxidant against cancer used as an anti-cancer-fighting food. Taking green tea every day may increase your risk of liver, lung, pancreatic, breast, esophageal, and skin cancer one cup of green tea contains between 100 to 200 milligrams of anti-tumor ingredients.
Turmeric May Reduce Cancer Risk:
Turmeric contains curcumin ingredients that may reduce the risk factor of cancers like liver, lung & skin. The American Cancer Society says that curcumin builds cancer cells, slowly spreads cancer, and shrinks tumors in animals. So this is a cancer-fighting food item to try to add to your food recipes.
Beans May Reduce The Risk Of Cancer:
Some fruits and green vegetables are good sources of antioxidants like beans; they are also good antioxidants that can help reduce the risk factor of cancer. Beans like red kidney beans contain fiber and fight against cancer, so try adding them as your evening snack. These are some of the anti-cancer diet foods available on the market, and these are preventing you from the growth of cancer cells in the body’s tissues.
Sui Huang is a famous scientist doing cancer research at the Institute of Systems Biology in Seattle, WA. And some scientists like Charles N. Serhan from the women’s hospital at Harvard medical school, Mark Kieran from the Dana Farber cancer institute are also researching it to stop the growth of cancer cells in the tissues of the body.
Also Read: Rasa Shastra: A Treasure Trove For Cancer Treatment
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.