10 Indian Celebrities Who Battled and Survived Cancer

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This fight is a very challenging one, but these beautiful personalities from India have made cancer a beatable disease. They scarcely struggled and emerged very victorious. It reassures people with cancer that even though they have developed the disease, they can still live normal, fulfilled lives. Below are ten Indian stars who stood up to the illness and overcame it:

  • Yuvraj Singh

yuvraj singh_cancer

He is a famous cricketer of India. He contributed significantly towards the Indian cricket team’s success when they claimed the FIFA world cup title in 2011. But he was only briefly informed of some regrettable news. A surgeon identified a rather unusual type of cancer, specifically in the lungs. It’s called mediastinal seminoma.

Yuvraj didn’t give up. He joins the increasing list of people who travel to the US for treatment. He also underwent chemotherapy, and among the side effects, he had to shave off his hair. But he kept fighting. He returned to India in 2012 after recovering from cancer.

A charity called the Return of Yuvraj to Cricket. He then joined the Indian team once again and scored a hundred in one-day cricket. Currently, the man helps other cancer patients as a specialist. He began a charity, uWeCan, to support people undergoing treatment and cancer survivors.

  • Sonali Bendre

Sonali Bendre cancer

Sonali Bendre is a well-known face of Indian cinema and a model. 2018, She was not expecting when 2018 she came out and announced that she had cancer. She had metastatic cancer, specifically to her spine.

This is the treatment place that Sonali had to go to in New York. The lady posted her story on social media platforms, sharing pictures of her bald head. Due to her honesty, she could prove the efficacy of chamomile to many people who struggled with cancer.

Finally, after months of treatment, it was so pleasant for our ears to hear that Sonali had defeated cancer. She returned to India and her job. Now, she freely discusses the matter related to cancer awareness. He wants people he knows to get it and be diagnosed early before it gets out of hand.

  • Lisa Ray

Lisa Ray is a talented woman, who works as an actress and a model; she is also famous for her beautiful appearance. In 2009 she realized that she has multiple Myeloma which is the third type of blood cancer. This is a very uncommon disease of the blood circulation system.

This cancer didn’t suppress Lisa’s bright spirit in any way. She preferred to dub herself a cancer graduate instead of the usual survivor. She had a stem cell transplant and struggled, so she was spirited.

Lisa, following the diabetes diagnosis, said she was cancer-free in 2010. Acting and modeling resumed, and she was all set to fix the problem. Lisa also wrote a book centered on her story. The name of the book is Close to the Bone.

  • Anurag Basu

Anurag Basu must be known, as he is a famous film director in the country. Some of his films include Barfi! And, he first discovered that he had leukemia in 2004.

Anurag was diagnosed with terminal cancer, which gave him a mere two months to live. Yet he disagreed with that. He continued to write scenes in his film ‘Murder’ even from his hospital bed. He opposed cancer in the best way he could.

Despite all these, Anurag was alive. He worked on this film until its completion and developed other films. From his experience, we can learn that passion has a liberating effect and can cure a lot.

  • Manisha Koirala

Actress actress Manisha Koirala, a Bollywood actress, is highly popular. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It was, however, already at an advanced stage.

Hearing this, Manisha had to go to the US for treatment. She underwent surgery and also chemotherapy. That’s why she has a shaved head and experiences difficulties. And the proud looked at her askance, but she did not let herself be cowed.

Manisha said she was diagnosed cancer-free in 2015. She returned to acting even more powerfully than before. Now, she actively shares her story to affect people’s lives positively.

  • Tahira Kashyap

Tahira-Kashyap breast Cancer

While working for films as a writer, Tahira was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018.

Tahira consciously decided to go public with the battle. Media: She posted photos of her newly shaved head on social media, which she called her “badge of honor. “

Tahira successfully triumphed over cancer after months of treatment she had undergone. She then returned to work and also authored a book. The show is called “The 12 Commandments of Being a Woman.” That show is now raising awareness about breast cancer.

  • Sanjay Dutt


Sanjay Dutt is a well known actor . In 2020, he said he had been diagnosed with lung carcinoma. Some were fazed, while others threw their concern at Sanjí, but he held his ground.

Sanjay was treated in Mumbai, you know. That, in a nutshell, is a brief account of the social media notification he sent to his fans. After the shooting session, Serge posted some pictures taken in the hospital and expressed his gratitude to the doctors.

Far less than a year later, Sanjay triumphed over cancer. He returned to acting immediately. It was a short time, but Sanjay astonished everyone by his mouth-to-mouth recovery. He says he could defend himself due to his family’s support.

  • Rakesh Roshan

Rakesh Roshan is a famous director/producer and also an actor. He is also the dad of Hrithik Roshan is also an Indian actor. Rakesh was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2019.

This was fotted on micro-blogging sites and social networking sites by Indian actor Hrithik. He mentioned that his father is combating cancer head-on with a smile on his face. The given patron had successful surgery that was supplemented with radiation therapy.

Rakesh was successfully treated and recovered after the incident. He continued working on his films. His story indicates that one’s age does not matter in cancer.

  • Mumtaz

In 2002, Mumtaz, a vintage actress of Bollywood, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was living in London at the that time.

It was reported that Mumtaz had surgery or chemotherapy. Yes, she was bald, but her spirit was not. Carrying the brunt of the fighting of this monster known as cancer, she tried her best.

Hailing from UAE, Mumtaz struggled with ovarian cancer but decided to become a spokeswoman for it after her victory. She would frequently stress the need to have the disease identified in its early stages. She wishes to see all women undergo routine medical check-ups.

  • Gautami Tadimalla

Gautami Tadimalla on cancer

Gautami is a well known South Indian film actress was diagnosed of breast cancer in 2004. Furthermore, she was a single mother when she was facing this.

Thus, Gautami had to endure surgery and chemotherapy. Some of the employees in the study continued working through their treatment. She did not want this sickness, cancer, to hinder her Life. 

Thus, after defeating this terrible disease, Gautami became involved in awareness campaigns. She founded an NGO known as Life Again, which helps cancer survivors reconstruct their lives.

The Takeaway

These stories reveal the essence that people are not immune to cancer, and it could affect anyone. But they also demonstrate that it can be defeated. These celebrities made their statuses their cautionary tales. They proved that Life goes on even if cancer is part of it. Their journeys teach us essential lessons: Their journeys teach us important lessons:

  1. Early detection is critical. Some of these stars diagnosed this fatal disease at an early stage.
  2. A positive attitude helps. All of them fought cancer with bravery and optimism.
  3. Support matters. The people around them—their family, friends, and fans — stood by them in the time of darkness.
  4. People continue to live their everyday lives even after they have been diagnosed with cancer. They all returned to work and did what they had always loved.
  5. Sharing helps others. Because of this, they have assisted numerous people experiencing cancer in addressing their issues

Conversely, the following stories help to remind one that if one has to fight cancer, they prove that you are not the only one going through what you are going through. As a disorder, cancer can be conquered thanks to proper treatment and, yes, the will to live.

As for the celebrities, if you are healthy, learn from them. Get regular check-ups. Grow taller. 

Cancer is a dreadful condition; however, it does not mean that individuals cannot beat it. These ten Indian celebrities do. They struggled and endured, and most of them could carry on. Some of the underlying facts inspire millions of people.

In other words, they understand that each case is unique and the disease’s path is uncharted. Careers Still, the tactics used to reignite these celebrities’ careers may need to be more effective than those of celebrities. In any case, one must always adhere to their doctor’s recommendations. So let it be told to make you stand up and continue the fight with all your might.

Such celebrities took advantage of their popularity to bring about change. The time their genomes were<|reserved_special_token_260|>, they transformed them for a purpose. They are not only ex-cancer patients. They are cancer warriors and teach us all how to face Life even at its worst.