Is air pollution causing the risk of lung cancer?

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Lung cancer is the only disease in which most of the humans are getting killed. It has its reasons explained very clearly. It mainly occurs in men and new cases are reported in both sexes, which is the second type of cancer leading to death in the world. Every year, almost 18% of deaths in cancer are due to lung cancer. The primary risk factor for lung cancer is smoking, about 90% of cases are due to this smoking while the second most factor is the particulate matter (PM) in the means of air pollution.

How will pollutants like PM cause harm to humans?

How will pollutants like PM cause harm to humans?

The second significant risk of lung cancer is air pollution, this is causing various health problems. It has various pollutants in the form of gasses like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and volatile organic matter. These pollutants of the air pollution are measured by air quality index (AQI) known as clean air act.

PM are the tiny particles or it may be the droplets present in the air that can be respired and can cause many health issues. These particles include dust, dirt, soot, and smoke, and can vary in size. PM is often classified by the size of the particles, such as PM 10 (particles with diameters of 10 micrometers and smaller) and PM 2.5 (particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers and smaller), which are particularly harmful as they can penetrate deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream.

From all the pollutants, Particulate matter is providing inflammation and oxidative stress, which further causes genetic mutation and leads to cancer. This is basically described by the size of the particulates. If it is greater than 10µm, they are not able to enter beyond the nose or windpipe cannot be deposited in the lung. Which are less than 10µm is known as PM 10 are the biggest particles that are inhalable. It also has small particles less than the size 2.5µm and nanoparticles less than 0.1µm. To measure and control the particulate matter in pollution is derived in (µg/m3). The air quality guidelines given by WHO are that particulate matter PM 2.5 should be less than 10µg/m3.

How to know particle pollution is causing lung cancer?

How to know particle pollution is causing lung cancer?

Every year in India, PM 2.5 is about 83.2µg/m3. Based on the research conducted by the International agency for research on cancer ( IARC) the number one carcinogen for lung cancer are pollution caused by outdoor and particulate matter. Air pollution with PM 2.5 is causing more than 250,000 cases worldwide. Based on the data it is suggested that there is an increase in 8 and 9% in occurrence and deaths of lung cancer. Based On the WHO air quality guidelines, for every 10µg/m3 there is an increase in concentration for both PM 2.5 and PM 10. The recent data concludes that there is more risk of increase to 14%.

How are you at the high risk of lung cancer?

How are you at the high risk of lung cancer?

Basically diabetic people, elderly people, children, people suffering with lung and heart diseases, people who work or doing exercises outdoors are at higher risk of lung cancer.

What measures have to be taken to prevent pollution?

What measures have to be taken to prevent pollution?

  • Air quality index regular check helps to control and limit the actions if there is a rise in pollution levels
  • Try to avoid living near the highways where the heavy loaded vehicles are running
  • Some measures like avoiding wood or trash burning, usage of vehicles which cause pollution, especially by the engines with diesel
  • Highlighting the exposure of people with low-quality air
  • Suggest people who are living at high AQI to use an air purifier to help themselves
  • Avoid going outdoors at the high pollution hours in a day. Try to avoid people from exposure to heavy chemicals
  • Join hands to the communities that work on air quality control to prevent and educate people from health problems caused by air pollution

What is the association between air pollution and lung cancer?

Lung cancer: a lethal form of cancer but preventable

There are various effects caused by the air pollution and leads to the occurrence of lung cancer. They are:

  • Alterations in the genes and DNA damage
    Major DNA damage is formed by the hydrocarbons such as polycyclic hydrocarbons from the gaseous emissions caused by industries, heavy vehicles emission, toxic gasses. It leads to changes in the DNA and causes mutations.
  • Inflammation
    The major mechanism that links air pollution and lung cancer is inflammation that is chronic. The exposure to the pollutants will target an inflammatory response in tissues of the lung, causing an injury in a cyclic process that might promote tumor formation. These pollutants activate the immune cells such as macrophages, neutrophils which release proinflammatory cytokines causing the body’s inflammatory response. This cellular damage and the chronic inflammation will result in the progression and development of lung cancer.
  • Oxidative stress
    Air pollution will mostly cause oxidative stress by releasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are highly reactive molecules that will damage cellular components. Pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter (PM) react with tissues in the lung to release ROS that can change lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, causing damage to cellular components. Oxidative stress will cause the formation of tumors and lead to lung cancer.
  • Immune responses alteration
    Air pollution will also affect the immune system in the body. The changes in the immunity of the human body will cause cancer development. The pollutants present in the air will inhibit the activity of immune cells, which is responsible in elimination and detecting the cancer cells. This may lead to the uncontrolled division of cells causing spread of cancer.
  • Imbalances in Hormones
    In a few cases, The pollutants present in the air will disturb the balance in hormones, and will cause the development and growth of cancer cells. The connection between air pollution and lung cancer is well- documented with results based on the research. As urbanization and industrialization is going on, air pollution becomes more critical. If you are concerned about the impact of the air to breathe and potential lung cancer risks on health.

Few steps has to be followed:

Holistic Wellness for Healthy Lungs

  • Give priority for well-being: Take steps to less exposure to the pollutants, usage of air purifiers, avoid being in high-pollution areas
  • Measures to be taken: Having routines such as staying indoors on high- pollution days and wearing masks if needed
  • Routine check-ups: Perform regular check-ups related to the respiration to recognize the complications, early treatment and detection
  • Healthy lifestyle: A healthy diet and regular exercises will enhance the body’s immunity towards the pollutants that cause lung cancer

In conclusion, lung cancer is the most demanding health issue nowadays as it is linked with the increase in morbidity and mortality. It is urgent to pay attention towards air pollution and public health. Better awareness is key in the cancer fight journey and PUNARJAN AYURVEDA always shares the knowledge of cancer to the human kind. By this their wisdom can really aid in preventing cancer in the future that will probably lead a path to cancer free society.


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