Is The Cancer Linked With Body Fat?

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There is always a relation to increase in weight and risk of cancer. After post menopause, breast cancer is the one linked with obese in women. Colorectal cancer is the one linked with obese in men. Mostly 90% of cancers with obese are new in men and women with age above 50. According to the American Cancer Society, most of the research suggests that the increase in body weight will increase the risk of cancers. For about 11% in women, 5% in men and 7% of deaths are due to cancers. Increase in body fat may lead to several cancers. Most people are aware that obesity leads to severe heart problems and type 2 diabetes, whereas, the link between the cancer and the increase in body fat is not clearly known. To know whether the person is having obese, people mostly calculate the body mass index (BMI), by a mathematical calculation such as division between weight of the person by the height and squared.

Chronic diseases such as cancer, inflammation may also be caused by the increase in body fat (obesity). Mostly 20% of cancers are caused by the increase in body weight. The reports from the International agency for research into cancer (IARC) and the world cancer research fund (WRCF) reveals that the people with obese are facing with most common cancers such as esophageal adenocarcinoma, breast cancer after menopausal stage, colorectal, renal, prostate. There are some cancers that are less observed in people who are obese. The BMI for adults should be maintained between 21-23 kg/m2.

Will Weight Gain Increase The Risk Of Cancer?

Will Weight Gain Increase The Risk Of Cancer?

The increased fat in the body will send the signals to the other parts of the body and it promotes more division of cells that causes cancer. These excess fat cells signals will cause change in:

  • The excess body fat cells increase the growth hormones, which may lead to many types of cancer.
  • The immune cells present in the body pass to the fat cells causing inflammation, which promotes oxidative stress and rapid division of cancer cells, leading to cancer arise.
  • The fat cells promote estrogen hormone, post menopause helps in the increase of cell growth both in breast and womb causing cancer. It also promotes adipokines, which stimulate or inhibit the growth of cells. If there is an increase in this hormone level, it may lead to cell proliferation. If there is decrease in this hormone level, they will have anti proliferative properties and help against growth in tumors.
  • People with obese are observed to have blood level increase in both insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1. This will lead to the change of getting type 2 diabetes and many types of cancers.
  • These fat cells show impact on the growth of the cells and its metabolic regulators such as the mammalian target of rapamycin mTOR and AMP- protein kinase activation.

Will Weight Loss Reduce The Risk Of Cancer?

Preventive Strategies

There is no perfect reason that could answer the relation between weight loss and cancer deduction. Many changes were observed in the body due to weight loss. The people with high weight when they decrease the weight there will be reduction in the hormone levels, which may help in reducing the risk of cancer. Much research has to be done to know the link between losing weight and risk of cancer. If people with obesity are trying to lose weight, let’s be kind. It might help not only in decreasing the risk of cancer but also helps in getting plenty of health benefits such as lowering the risk of diabetes and other heart diseases.

How To Reduce The Risk Of Cancer?

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There are many factors that help in the reduction of cancer, precisely Quit smoking. Not to engage in smoking in your lifetime, if you are not a smoker till now. Stop taking a limited amount of alcohol or avoid taking alcohol. Reduce the weight or try to maintain the perfect BMI index and be healthy. Exercise for half an hour daily which helps in the reduction of about several types of cancers and shows its impact on resistance towards insulin, inflammation and decrease the level of growth hormones.

Many research suggests that having heavy weight will increase the cancer risk after the treatment and also decrease the rate of survival in most cancers. During and after the treatment the patient is to be fit and stay healthy. Many of the people will get nutrition deficiency and weight loss. There is a need to have a talk to the doctor to maintain a well-balanced diet and physical activities. One of the best ways to get an ideal weight is decreasing the calories in food, avoiding the food containing fat and sugar.

The tips for the patients to maintain ideal weight by a health care provider are regular checking for height, weight and BMI. Clear explanation about the maintenance of healthy weight and its role in lowering the cancer risk. Having a community to have nice connections between patients and their family members that helps in giving information about healthy foods, tips to be active and positive attitude. Providing confidence to the patience to get participated in behavioral activities. Perform regular checkups in screening obese. Having maintenance on the ideal weight and BMI.

One of top global health crises in recent days is obesity, which has a link to the cause of various cancers. The mechanism involved is not understood clearly, the weight loss activities in the cancer with obese are essential in cancer care to decrease cancer. This helps in the motility of cancer survivors with weight gain. The primary activities such as regular exercises, diet and good behavior helps in weight reduction. More information is needed to strongly justify the link between cancer and obesity. We at PUNARJAN AYURVEDA will always provide cancer information regarding especially the nutritional diet to lower the cancer risk due to obesity to seek cancer free society.

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