Is There Any Connection Between Itchy Breast And Breast Cancer

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Is Itchy Breast Sign Of Cancer?

Typed of Breast Cancer

From a young age mostly in girls, we will be listening to the word BREAST to get self examined for any lumps or abnormalities in the breast. Sometimes we may feel itching in the breast and near nipples which is not always harmful. Especially during before or after periods there will be thickening and pain in the breast. All women should be aware of the changes in the body, breast at a particular age to avoid major diseases like breast cancer.

Itching may be caused by the dryness, any inflammation, allergic skin reactions, irritation in the skin etc. Breast cancer is the abnormality in the cells program that is uncontrollable and forms tumors that lead to cancer. If the changes are observed in the breast tissue, it’s breast cancer. It mostly occurs in women and rarely in men.

Itchy breast and breast cancer are two different subjects involved in women’s health. There might be many questions and doubts within the patients and their parents on breast cancer. There is a need to have a discussion about the symptoms and warnings of breast cancer with their children.

This blog helps us to get the clear details about the connection between itchy breast and breast cancer. It also deals with the early signs and about the rare breast cancer like inflammatory breast cancer and paget’s disease in the breast.

What Is The Reason Behind Itchy Breast?

Paget’s disease of the breast

There may be several reasons that cause itchiness in the breast especially nowadays, more usage of personal care lotions or creams are causing harmful side effects like redness, irritation and itching. Use any products on the skin after doctor consultation. Most predominant reasons are as follows;

Allergies In Skin:

The allergies may be caused by the clothes used on the skin with the detergents, perfumes, body sprays and other body care products etc. The skin diseases like psoriasis, dermatitis etc may also be the reason for redness, itching, irritation in the breast area. Examine the correct problem, avoid wearing tight, skin intact, irritating clothes, and application of external creams or lotions may help in solving the problem.

Infections In Skin:

Infections from bacteria, fungi and yeast might cause swelling, irritation and itching in the breast area. This can be cured by proper medical treatment by using antibiotics or external lotions.

Hormone Imbalance:

Fluctuations in the hormone levels that occurred during regular menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and in pre and post menopause might be a prime reason for breast changes. This problem can be solved by proper maintenance that keeps hormone levels stable.

Will Itchy Breast Cause Cancer?

Will Itchy Breast Cause Cancer?

Sometimes, the itchy breast may be not the sign for the cancer in the breast. There are two rare categories of breast cancer. They are:

Inflammatory Breast Cancer(Ibc):

We got to know inflammation that is seen in the form of redness on skin. Irritation and slight to major swelling in an area also occurs. It is a very aggressive cancer in the breast which can not be detected at the early stage. It may feel like increasing breast size and appears like peel on breast, known as Peau d’ orange.

Breast Paget’S Disease:

It is a rare type of disease in the breast. It causes redness, scaling and it is due to the presence of the tumors inside the breast, which can be removed by using surgical, radiation therapy etc. Itching especially occurs in the nipple and areola area of the breast. It may also cause bleeding, yellow colored discharge from the nipple, inverted nipple, thick and tingling sensation in the area of the nipple and areola of breast.

It’s better to get examined with the best doctors when the basic symptoms like itching and formation of crust is observed near the nipple or areola.

How To Know Itchy Breast Is Cancerous Or Not?

How To Know Itchy Breast Is Cancerous Or Not?

If there is no change in the itching, redness, swelling in the breast area after consulting the doctors and applying external lotions or creams for a long duration of time. It’s time to consult the best breast specialist for further examination.

Be aware of breast cancer symptoms; it only does not have redness, swelling, itching. It also has nipple discharge, increase in breast size as the main symptoms that should be taken care of.

Whether the itching in the breast is localized or generalized, if it is localized in a specific area of the breast like in paget’s disease (nipple or areola). If it is generalized, it may cause readiness, itching, dryness and patches on the various parts of skin.

Not all lumps in the breast are cancerous, it is essential to know the differences that occur in the breast. If there is thickening, itching along with the variation in breast size and shape then consult the doctor immediately.

If there is itching in the breast area and not responding to the treatments like applying external lotions, creams, taking antibiotics etc. Then there is a need to go to doctors immediately.

If there is any family history of breast cancer or the hereditary of any genetic mutations like genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 along with this itching in the breast area might have a risk of getting breast cancer.

Should pay attention to the other symptoms like dimpling, inverted, swelling of breast, rapid increase in breast size without weight gain, swelling in armpit, tingling in the breast.

In conclusion, all itchy breasts are not a sign of cancerous breast but there is a need to take some personal care measures. It is essential to know about breast health and its symptoms that may cause cancer. Some of the symptoms cannot be detected in the early stage. The itchy breasts are not warning so we need to be alert on the symptoms that arise on the body and meet the doctor immediately for the early diagnosis.

For further details about the breast and its rare cancers feel free to contact us, PUNARJAN AYURVEDA HOSPITALS. Kindly don’t hesitate to talk about the problem with breast, early detection may help us in providing better treatment. It’s best to have a discussion that clarifies your doubts. If there are any changes like redness, itching, irritation, swelling, discharge, lumps

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