Lung cancer is the common cancer which is mostly observed in both men and women. Mostly the men are getting affected by lung cancer. The lung cancer awareness month is mostly observed every November to create awareness on lung cancer. It helps in screening and provides support for the ongoing research on lung cancer. Few millions of people are getting affected and killed due to lung cancer. The activities of this awareness month will be organized by several groups and organizations world wide. This is to describe people about the risk factors, symptoms and treatment details. November month is mostly dedicated to all cancers awareness to educate the people, sharing the stories of cancer patients etc.
History and significance
This awareness month mostly occurred in the year 2000, which was organized by the American lung association and also by the Lung cancer foundation of America. At this moment the cancer patients, their family and also caretakers are combined together to decrease the stigma about the disease and help in increasing the funding for the research on lung cancer.
Lung cancer- its global burden
As we all know, this cancer is mostly causing death worldwide. In a statement from IARC stated that 2.5 million people are tested with lung cancer and around 1.8 million lost their lives in 2022. It is in the second place that is causing death. It is causing more deaths that is twice the deaths in colorectal cancer.
The most important risk factor i.e., developing lung cancer drastically is smoking. There are about 85% of cases of exposure to second hand tobacco, air pollution both indoors and outdoors, exhaustion of diesel engines, fumes caused at welding shops due to asbestos. These risk factors play an important role in developing lung cancer and also in the early diagnosis of lung cancer.
The signs that are detected in the early stage helps in the timely detection and also provide best treatment. As the signs of lung cancer are not noticeable until it reaches the extreme level. The signs of lung cancer are the continuous cough, chest pain and sometimes with breath shortness. Even a heavy cough with blood is common with weight loss and nausea.
The trivial motto of this November month is to make people understand the importance of early diagnosis and so to know about the preventive measures.
Early diagnosis
It helps in improving survival rates. Low -dose CT scans are used for the people with high risk long term smokers and with the family history of lung cancer. Regular check ups will support diagnosis of lung cancer at the early stage.
Treatment for lung cancer
Lung cancer treatment relies on stage, type and the location. It is also based on the overall health of the patient. The following are the treatments, out of that surgery is one of the ways that are of various types. It will be a right option at the early stages:
- Taking away the lung lobe is known as Lobectomy.
- Taking away the whole lung is known as Pneumonectomy.
- Taking away a some affected part of the lung is known as Segmentectomy or wedge resection.
Radiation therapy, where the high energy rays are used to kill the cancer cells and so make an end for further growing. This can be given as it is or mixed with other treatments based on cancer severity.
Chemotherapy is prescribed to kill cancer cells and it can be taken through orally or intravenously and can be adjoined with other treatments.
Targeted therapy uses specific drugs aimed for the mutations caused genetically or to the proteins that help in the growth of cancer cells. It might have some side effects than the mostly used chemotherapy.
Immunotherapy primarily helps in boosting the immunity that might fight with the cancer cells. This therapy will be helpful in activating the immune cells, thus it can attack the cancer cells.
Hope stories and resilience
November is the time to share the hope stories of cancer patients to explain the journey that provides confidence and increases awareness. This helps in the essential of early detection, the strength and support by treatment. Especially the support given by loved ones or the communities is great and well said in many hope stories.
To know the new therapies and drug formulations there is a need for the development of research on lung cancer. Enhancing further funding for research, for screening, treatment and to decrease the stigma caused by lung cancer is necessary in all corners. It also helps in requesting the political leaders to provide clean air and decrease the exposure to the gasses that are harmful.
What creates support for lung cancer awareness month?
- Learning, explaining about lung cancer and to share the knowledge gained to all people. We are well aware that education is the prime way to fight against lung cancer.
- Participating in the events created by the hosts during this lung cancer awareness month like walks, runs, educational seminars. Due to these programmes there will be awareness and can make funds for the research and get support services.
- Wearing white is the way to create awareness about lung cancer. This will also provide support and exposure about lung cancer.
- Donating to the agencies or organizations to perform research and support to the patients. This will make a lot of difference in research advances and promoting resources for the people against lung cancer.
- Advocacy joining shows interest to provide better policies and research funding for lung cancer and its preventive measures.
This november is the month to get together, to get awareness and support the patients who are affected by lung cancer. The risk factors, symptoms and early diagnosis and treatment. This will help in creating difference in the lives of several people and also help in the future for a cancer-free environment so that lung cancer is no longer a leading cause of death. We at PUNARJAN AYURVEDA are always there for you to provide necessary information regarding lung cancer and make you more confident with a positive attitude in fighting cancer.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.