Oral Cancer Types: Understanding Varieties And Risk

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Oral cancer is one of the serious problems prevailing these days that is impacting many individuals globally. According to the report of the American Cancer Society, approximately 54,010 people in the USA will undergo Treatment For Oral Cancer. So, let’s discuss all about oral cancer, its types, treatment diagnoses, etc, in detail.

Understanding Oral Cancer

Oral or mouth cancer starts in the mouth area. This means they mostly occur on the tongue, lips, floor of the mouth, cheeks, gums, roof of the mouth, tonsils, etc. It can affect any individual, but many factors may boost the risk, like tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

Types of Oral Cancer

There are various oral cancer types. They are

  • Verrucous carcinoma
  • Minor salivary gland carcinomas
  • Lymphoma
  • Squamous carcinoma
  • Mucosal melanoma

Squamous Carcinoma

It is the second most common kind of Skin Cancer in the world. It begins in the skin’s squamous cells present in the outer layer. These cells form an area on the skin that gets high sun exposure, like legs, head, and arms.

There are basically two types of squamous cells, which are divided by where and how much cancer prevails in the body. The first is cutaneous, and the second is metastatic cancer.

Verrucous Carcinoma

This kind of cancer, squamous carcinoma, happens in somebody’s mouth and can happen too on the genitals or feet. It may not fight as strongly as different cancers but is very important to go see a doctor if you notice strange things changing in your body such as hard growths like warts that are not healing well. Always notice if there are constant bumps or wounds inside your mouth, because seeing these alterations quickly can make the treatment work better.

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma

This kind of cancer might happen in the mouth, more often in the salivary glands. These glands make saliva. If cancer begins there, we call it mucoepidermoid carcinoma. It might appear as a lump or swelling that doesn’t hurt. Even though it is not as usual like other cancer kinds, noticing any different changes in your mouth is very important.

The term “mucoepidermoid” is derived from the combination of cells it includes: cells that create mucus and epidermoid cells, these are present in the skin and some organ linings. The methods for treating this include surgical procedures, using radiation, and at times also chemotherapy. Finding this cancer early by going often for health checks and asking doctors about lasting swellings or differences in the mouth is very important to control it well.

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma

This kind of cancer can impact a person’s salivary glands, mainly located in the mouth area. It grows slowly and starts in the small salivary glands which are situated in places such as the upper side of mouth or close to where the tongue is. Additionally, this cancer kind often continues for a long time and treating it completely can be difficult.

Lymphoma and Oral Cancer

This is a type of cancer that affects the Lymphatic System, which consists of parts like tonsils and other tissues related to lymph in the body. It might lead to enlargement, discomfort, and problems with swallowing. Oral cancer, however, happens in the mouth area such as the lips and tongue. If you find symptoms that keep happening, it is important to go for checkups often and early. When you see these signs do not stop, talk to a doctor quickly so they can identify what is wrong and give the right treatment.

Risk Factors for Oral or Mouth Cancer

Some of the risk factors include: –

  • Intake of heavy alcohol
  • Weak immune system
  • Excessive sun heat to the lips

Common Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Symptoms Of Mouth Or Oral Cancer include: –

  • Soreness in the lip or mouth that doesn’t heal
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain in mouth
  • A reddish or white patch inside the mouth
  • Lump or growth inside the mouth
  • Difficulty in swallowing or it can be painful
  • Pain in ear

Diagnosis and Staging

  • When certain areas exhibit concerning signs of infection, doctors perform a biopsy on the individual. They extract a minute portion of tissue from anomalous regions and subsequently scrutinize it under a microscope to ascertain the presence or absence of cancer cells within the body.
  • Doctors employ imaging examinations like X-rays, CT scans, MRI or PET scans to assess the progression of oral cancer and determine its spread. These diagnostic tools provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand. They enable an in-depth analysis from evaluating tumor size and growth patterns to identifying potential metastasis sites.
  • The staging process reveals the tumor’s size, its extent of spread, and proximity to distant lymph nodes or organs. It assigns a stage from 0 for early and localized conditions up to IV when advanced cancer has metastasized in far-off organs.
  • Often, medical professionals employ the TNM system to ascertain the stage of oral cancer. In this case, ‘T’ represents the size and growth extent of the primary tumor; ‘N’ indicates whether nearby lymph nodes are involved, and ‘M’ provides insight into metastasis.
  • When a pathologist grades cancer cells under a microscope, they are assessing their potential for proliferation and dispersion within an individual.

Treatment Options

Common treatment options for oral cancer types are: –

  • Surgery is a usual and first method for treating mouth cancer. In this process, doctors remove all of the tumor from inside the mouth. For this procedure, they might create a little incision in the neck or near the jawbone, based on the position of the tumor. Occasionally, once they take out a tumor, it could be necessary to rebuild part of the mouth. Surgeons use pedicle or free flap reconstruction techniques for this.
  • Radiation treatment is another option. Modern technology helps us aim better at cancer cells, protecting the good cells and making the process quicker. For treating cancer in the mouth, we mainly use two types of radiation therapy – one is called external beam radiation and the other is known as brachytherapy.
  • Immunotherapy aims at proteins that help cancer cells hide from the immune response, stopping these cells from being invisible. Usually, doctors use immunotherapy for people with serious mouth cancer when normal treatments don’t work. It’s like making your immune system better at finding and attacking the cancer cells, so your body gets stronger in fighting the cancer because of immunotherapy. If common treatments are not effective, physicians might consider immunotherapy to help your body’s defense system fight the cancer.

Coping with an Oral Cancer Diagnosis

Receiving a diagnosis of oral or mouth cancer is very difficult, but there are others who can support you. For the most effective outcomes:

  • Go to your friends and relatives and talk with them. They can give you good emotional support.
  • Listen to what the doctor tells you. Follow the advice properly regarding treatment of cancer.
  • Do not drink less water. Take rest when you feel your body needs it.
  • Always stay positive and seek counseling if emotions become overwhelming.
  • Regular checkups are crucial for monitoring progress.

Oral Cancer Treatment at Punarjan Ayurveda

At Punarjan Ayurveda, we believe in treating oral cancer from its root for long-term recovery. We combine Rasayana Ayurveda practices with modern medicine to treat oral cancer patients. So, our team of experts include oncologists as well traditional Ayurvedic healers.
We focus on combining rejuvenation therapies, massages, Panchakarma, and Herbal Medicines for promoting the comprehensive recovery of patients. Our experts rely on empowering the immune system to help you effectively combat oral cancer without side effects. Apart from making you cancer-free, we also focus on the spiritual well-being patients fighting oral cancer.


It is important to know about the Different Types Of Cancer that can happen in the mouth and how dangerous they are for finding them early and stopping them. Regular visits to the dentist and being aware of the signs to watch out for can result in early discovery. If something unusual appears in your mouth or if you experience symptoms that persist, it’s crucial to see a doctor promptly.


1. What are the common types of oral or mouth cancer?

Almost 90 percent of cancer cases constitute squamous cell carcinoma, due to its prevalence in various areas of the body.

2. What is Stage 4 oral cancer?

Metastatic oral cancer, a later stage of the disease, metastasizes to various body parts including the liver, bone and lungs. The survival chances for this condition are exceedingly low.

3. What are the top warning symptoms of mouth cancer?

Watch out for these signs of mouth cancer:

  • It’s hard to swallow or open your mouth.
  • Your teeth feel wobbly.
  • There’s a lump in your neck.
  • Your mouth bleeds or feels numb.
  • Your speech is different.
  • You see white or red patches on your gums, mouth, or tongue.

4. Is oral cancer dangerous?

Absolutely, oral cancer is a serious threat as it harms an individual mouth, lips, and throat. So, for better outcomes ensure to catch the signs of cancer as soon as possible. Additionally, go for regular checkups and always stay away from harmful things like alcohol, tobacco, etc.

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