Cancer that forms in tissues of the ovary is known as Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer originates in the cells of the ovary, fallopian tube, or peritoneum. An ovarian cyst refers to an growth of abnormal tissue which develops on the surface of the ovary. Ovarian tumors are the anomalous formations which occur on the ovaries, that are the female reproductive organs responsible for producing eggs. These tumors can be categorized as either cancerous (malignant), or noncancerous (benign).
What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?
Symptoms of both malignant and benign ovarian tumors may include:
- Painful cramps during menstruation
- Feeling full quickly than usual when eating
- Either urinating frequently or difficulty urinating
- Lower back pain
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Vaginal bleeding after menopause
- Pelvic or Stomach pain
- Constipation
- Increased belly size
- Stomach bloating
Types of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian tumors can be classified into two main categories:
These are abnormal tissue masses that grow slowly either on the surface or inside the ovary.
These are abnormal tissue masses composed of cancerous cells.
The above categories can be further divided into 3 different types for benign and malignant tumors.
Surface epithelial tumors
These tumors are more common in the women who are over 50 and develop in the cells that actually line the ovary surface.
Stromal tumors
This type of cancer is rarely malignant and develops in the area of the ovary which produces reproductive hormones.
Germ cell tumors
These tumors are mostly found in younger women and develop in cells that become eggs.
There are 4 stages if an ovarian tumor is found to be malignant
Stage 1
The Stage 1 cancer exists only in the ovaries
Stage 2
Within the pelvis the cancer is present but spread outside the ovaries
Stage 3
The cancer has spread beyond the ovaries and into the lymph nodes or pelvis.
Stage 4
The cancer has also spread to organs that are outside the pelvis such as lungs or liver.
What are the causes of Ovarian Cancer
The woman who age between 55-64 have higher risk of Ovarian Cancer
Genetic Mutations
Actually women who inherit a mutation in the BRCA2 or BRCA1, there will be the higher risk of ovarian cancer
If the body mass index(BMI) is 30 or higher there will be an increased risk of ovarian cancer
Fertility drugs and hormone treatments
After menopause if there is a constant use of estrogen, it can increase the risk of ovarian cancer in women
First pregnancy after the 35 age
Women who have not undergone pregnancy or have had their first pregnancy after the age of 35 may face an elevated risk of developing ovarian cancer.
How is Ovarian cancer diagnosed?
Physical Examination
To check for any abnormalities in ovaries or in any other reproductive organs, doctor may conduct a pelvic examination
Medical History Review
It is important to communicate your medical history to your doctor including any symptoms that you may be currently experiencing and any family history of cancer.
Imaging Tests
Imaging techniques such as computer tomography(CT) or ultrasound scans are used commonly to create the images of the ovaries and its surrounding areas that help to identify any abnormalities or potential tumors
Biopsy is necessary in some cases which involves removing a small tissue sample from ovaries for the purpose of examination under a microscope.
How can we prevent Ovarian Cancer?
Here are the ways that help to prevent Ovarian Cancer
- Exercise regularly
- Consume a balanced and nutritious diet
- Maintain a healthy body weight
- Totally avoid smoking and consuming other tobacco related products
- Appropriate use of oral contraceptives
- Before reaching the age of 25, give birth and breastfeed
How Punarjan Ayurveda Treats Ovarian Cancer?
Punarjan Ayurveda: A Natural Way to Fight Ovarian Cancer When it comes to tackling the challenges brought on by Ovarian cancer, Punarjan Ayurveda offers a singular, comprehensive approach that fuses conventional wisdom with cutting-edge innovations. Our objective is to empower women by providing compassionate care and efficient therapies.
Our team at Punarjan Ayurveda is conscious about the psychological and physical toll on a woman suffering from Ovarian cancer. Our research and development team concentrates on creating custom treatment programmes which can meet the distinct needs of our patients. By combining Ayurveda medications, cleansing procedures, immune-boosting methods, and dietary adjustments, we work to restore the dosha balance in the body and promote natural healing. Our treatments target the disease-causing cells while attempting to strengthen the body’s overall resistance system.But, treatment is only one part of our strategy. We offer unwavering support, information, and guidance through our counselors. And therapists will guide people all the way through this journey. Our goal is to create awareness in all women and provide them with resources they need to take control of their health.
Punarjan Ayurveda is a way that values your health and accepts the conventional wisdom of Ayurveda. It offers specialized care. Together, let’s combat Ovarian cancer with tenacity, hope, and the therapeutic abilities of Ayurveda.
What are 3 symptoms of ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer often presents subtle symptoms which can be easily overlooked. Three common symptoms include:
Abdominal bloating or swelling: The abdomen may increase in size, accompanied by a bloated feeling.
Quickly feeling full when eating: A decreased appetite or feeling full quickly.
Weight loss: Unexplained weight loss can be a symptom of ovarian cancer.
These symptoms can also be caused by conditions other than ovarian cancer. However, if they persist for several weeks, it’s crucial to consult Punarjan Ayurveda healthcare professionals Immediately. Early detection is key to the successful treatment of ovarian cancer.
What are the symptoms of stage 1 ovarian cancer?
Stage 1 ovarian cancer, where the cancer is confined to one or both ovaries, can often present with subtle symptoms, including:
Abdominal discomfort or bloating: A sense of fullness or swelling in the abdomen.
Changes in appetite: This could be a decreased appetite or feeling full quickly when eating.
Unexplained weight loss: Some patients may experience weight loss, although this is less common in stage 1.
Is ovarian cancer very curable?
Yes, Ovarian cancer can be cured if detected and treated early. It will go unnoticed unless it spreads to the pelvis and abdomen.
In 2019, cancer mortality rates decreased from the past three decades, per Cancer statistics by the American Cancer Society.
How long will I live if I have ovarian cancer?
The detection stage of ovarian cancer determines its survival rate. The American Cancer Society claims that the overall survival rate after five years is 48%. The success of the early stages of diagnosis and treatment would result in a 92% survival rate for the patient before the condition spreads to the external ovary. The fewest number of ovarian cancer cases are detected in this stage, yet still. The following estimates could be unique to each person.
Is ovarian cancer Painful?
Yes, ovarian cancer can indeed be painful. The pain felt in the pelvic and abdomen areas is a sign of this disease. Nevertheless, people’s suffering levels and the illness’s stages may vary. It might not bother some people as much, but others will feel more discomfort.
What is the final stage of ovarian cancer?
Cancer reaches the stomach lining, lungs, or liver outside the pelvis in the final stage.
This stage is further divided into sub-stages:
Stage IVa:The liquid surrounding the lungs has no cancer cells throughout the entire body.
Stage IVb:Cancer has influenced other regions beyond the peritoneal cavity, including the lungs, skin, and brain.
This is the period in the ailment wherein remedy is often used to offer comfort and better the patient’s standard of living, given that it is complicated to recuperate from this illness.
Where does ovarian cancer start?
Ovarian cancer begins in the ovaries, part of the female reproductive system. There are three main types of ovarian cancer, each named after the cells where they start:
Epithelial tumors: Start from cells covering the ovaries’ outer surface.
Stromal tumors: Begin in ovarian tissue that contains hormone-producing cells.
Germ cell tumors: Start from cells that produce eggs.
The exact cause of ovarian cancer is unknown, but factors like age, inherited gene mutations, and family history can increase risk.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.