Research indicates packed food may increase the risk of breast cancer

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These foods are part of our daily lives today. They are quick, easy, and always ready to eat. But this new research has come as a shock. It shows that these foods are ruining their health, especially with regard to breast cancer. Now, let’s see what the scientists have discovered and how those results influence our lives.

What are packed foods?

What are packed foods?

Let’s start with this: What do we mean by packed foods? This is all about food that has packages and sits there forever without rotting—ready-to-eat meals, instant noodles, cookies in packets, chips, soft drinks, and frozen dinners. Normally, food contains special chemicals that extend its shelf life while also increasing its flavor.

What’s new in the new research regarding packed foods and breast cancer?

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Experts have long studied what we eat and cancer. Only now, new studies surfaced saying something wrong: women eating a lot of packaged foods may be at unwanted risk of developing breast cancer. A single research based on diet surveys collected from over 100000 women discovered that women feeding on such products had an elevated chance of developing breast cancer by 10 %.

What makes it that consumption of packaged food raises the risks of cancer?

Typed of Breast Cancer

There are several reasons why packed foods might increase the risk of breast cancer. First, most packed foods use preservatives that prolong their freshness. Some preservatives can be transformed into other harmful substances in our bodies, which could damage our cells; these include nitrates and nitrites found in processed meat.

Most packed foods contain plastics. These plastics have what is known as endocrine disrupting substances such as BPA (Bisphenol A) and phthalates. These chemicals act in the body the same way that estrogen should in our bodies and we knew that when there was high levels of estrogen, there was a high risk for breast cancer.

Hormel states that many processes contribute sugars, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates to food. If our bodies ingest large quantities of these substances, they may produce more hormones to feed on and spur cancer cells.

Which of the following chemical preservatives in processed foods do you worry about?

Which of the following chemical preservatives in processed foods do you worry about?

Scientists have identified several chemicals in processed foods that keep them awake at night. Let’s discuss them in simple words:

BPA is a chemical widely used in many plastic containers and can linings. It might leach into our food, especially when we have heated the container in question. Studies have shown that BPA may feed cancer cells in our bodies, as it can act like estrogen in human physiology.

Such chemicals are added to food to extend its shelf life. Some common ones include sodium nitrite, which occurs in processed meats, and sulfites, which are present in most dried fruits and wines. These chemical compounds may even form harmful compounds in our bodies that damage our DNA.

Food is full of artificial colors and flavors that amplify its appearance and taste. Most of these additives are harmless, although some studies indicate that a certain number of food dyes may promote cancer.

How much of this packed food is too much?

How much of this packed food is too much?

People ask this question. Scientists cannot give a concrete percentage but say that packed foods should not be more than 20-30% of what we consume daily. Most of what we take in should be fresh whole foods: Fruits, vegetables, whole foods and lean meats.

If you experience any of the following, you may be taking in too much packed foods:

  1. You cannot remember the last time you prepared food alone.
  2. Your pantry is full of instant meals and snacks.
  3. You always prefer ready-to-eat meals over fresh food.
  4. You drink more sodas and packaged drinks than water.

What can we do to decrease our chances?

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Packed foods don’t necessarily mean you should stop using them. Small steps make a difference. Cook more meals at home using freshly available ingredients. Be sure to pay attention to the package labels if you use processed foods. In many cases, opt for items that contain less pre-defined additives and chemicals – only those whose names you know.

Cooking should also be done away from plastic, and instead one should use glass or stainless steel containers. In case you have to use plastic, then do not heat your food in it. As much as possible avoid processed food and take lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods and lean meats. Some of these foods naturally contain constituents that tend to prevent or halt the progress of cancer.

Is there any difference between the types of packaged foods?

Is there any difference between the types of packaged foods?

Not all foods packed in nice packaging have to be unhealthy. Many packaged foods are very low-processed and are actually good for you. Even frozen vegetables without sauces or seasonings can be healthier than fresh vegetables. Other packaged food examples include canned beans, whole grain cereals with no added sugars, and plain yogurt in containers.

The most severe packaged foods typically contain those that are highly processed and full of added artificial ingredients. These would include:

  • Ready-to-eat meals with long ingredient lists
  • Processed meats
  • Snack foods with artificial colors and flavors
  • Sodas and other sugar drinks
  • Instant noodles, soups

What are the recommendations for women with family history of breast cancer?

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Women with family history cases of breast cancer should be more careful concerning their foods. Even though we cannot do anything about our genes, it is something that we can control, and it is our food. For a woman whose family member has already been a victim of the case of breast cancer, food choice might be more critical than ever. According to some studies, it has also been seen that food choice might be more significant in women whose family members already have a case of breast cancer.

If you are aware of a breast cancer history in your family, minimize packed foods and embrace fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and healthy proteins. It is also advisable to consult your diet with your doctor and other preventive measures to minimize cancer risks.

How do you plan to make healthier food choices when life is heavy?

How do you plan to make healthier food choices when life is heavy?

Healthy food is not complicated or time-consuming. Here are a few easy ways that can help you reduce your dependence on packed foods:

Spend a little time over the weekends equipping fresh meals and having them during the week. Cook extra portions and freeze for busy days. Prepare fresh fruits and cut vegetables to keep handy for snacking. Choose homemade food to work instead of buying packed meals.

Get creative using freshly packaged, healthy meals. A sandwich from whole grain bread, fresh vegetables, and lean protein is just as quick as a packed meal but a hundred times more nutritious.

What does this say about our food choices for the future?

What does this say about our food choices for the future?

As we understand the connection between packaged foods and cancer risk, how food is processed and packaged may change. Indeed, companies are already producing safer packaging materials and fewer artificial ingredients.

The best we can do is make good decisions about our food intake. It is not a case of one day avoiding packed foods entirely; it is all about how much we consume and making better decisions when it is possible to do so.

Remember, every little step you take toward fresh and whole foods is a step toward better health and fewer chances of cancer. Take steps toward healthier eating habits that work for you and your family.



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