Self – Aid Is Perfect During Cancer Treatment

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As we all know about cancer, that the cells grow rapidly, there is a need for treatment surgery, therapies, chemos, which takes more time to get normal and causes side effects. These processes make us get stressed about life, helplessness, fear to share things etc. That is not in our hands to control the growth and spread of cancer cells but we can change our mindset by changing our lifestyle and self care.

Treating cancer is not an anti – cancer treatment, it is a holistic process. It is essential to educate the patient and their caretakers to know the importance of self care. It may help the coordination among themselves and decrease the burden towards the doctor and nurses.

In this blog, we are going to discuss deeply about the strength in self care that causes confidence to fight against cancer. It also provides happiness and good health. Recent studies clearly say that self care helps in decreasing stress, anxiety and disturbances in sleep. Here are some tips to be followed to help the patients that provide good mental health.

How To Watchout Self-Care During The Cancer Treatment?

Ways to Self-Care Emotionally:

  • When the body feels it is tired, take a small nap during the day and sleep at night
  • Decide to divert your mind that makes you feel happy
  • Make a perfect plan throughout the week and get involved in it
  • In a recovering state try to take help from your family and friends. Don’t hesitate to ask for help in household works like shopping and cooking etc
  • Have a peaceful walk for at least 30 minutes daily and try to read a book which helps to keep positive minds
  • Stop over thinking about tomorrow and stay calm and have a free moment
  • Be with supportive family and friends. There are some groups especially for cancer patients to make them not feel alone
  • Try to keep some visiting hours to meet with your friends and family. It may help to spend some quality time. Due to tiredness, fatigue, nausea you might not be in a situation to talk or spend much time with them
  • Try to switch off our mobile for some time as it wastes the time of resting. You use that time in a small nap, read a book, go out, get some peace, watch your favorite show etc
  • Have a small conversation about your treatment. Talking to your family or friends about your treatment might give you stress
  • Try to say no to the things that bother you like a family gathering, family outing, meeting people who disrespects you.
  • Expanding your circle with the other cancer patients and hospital staff might help you to be more confident due to gaining more information. During the treatment, sickness may make your world much smaller.
  • Due to the dose and types of drugs used while treating cancer. They may or may not cause heavy hair fall. Be prepared for the hair loss or else talking to the doctor may make you feel comfortable.
  • Take care of yourself, you are the only one who cares about your health, stay strong, be calm, and be confident to fight against cancer.

Steps to Follow:

Working with a Nutritionist

  • Have a healthy diet
  • Do journaling, reading, writing etc
  • Do things that make you happy.Have a relaxing massage
  • Spend quality time with loved ones
  • Make things that make you feel happy
  • Do regular exercises
  • Have a nice sleep
  • Stay calm for a healthy and clean mind

How To Get Rid Of Symptoms That Hurt Physically?

Blog Image for man eating

  • Pain: There will be pain due the therapies given for the cancer treatment. It can be controlled by using medication prescribed by a doctor.
  • Drink: Drink lots of water, fresh juices. Stay hydrated.
  • Eat: Have a balanced diet with all fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts and protein rich contents etc. Though there may be nausea feelings which can also be controlled.
  • Sleep: Don’t over think about anything, relax, have a warm bath, drink warm milk or read a book and sleep peacefully.
  • Alcohol: Limit the alcohol content on the daily basics. Speak to the doctor before having alcohol.

How To Get Rid Of Depression?

Managing Treatment-Related Stress

You may get depressed and sad at first listening about the cancer that you have. You may get sadness and hope of losing everything at a time. But it is normal and you will try to stay strong and help the people around you to be strong. It will not stay for a long time.

How To Handle Mixed Emotions?

Healthy Coping Mechanisms to Adopt to Preserve One's Emotional Health

If you have any anxiety, sadness, depression, have a distraction and do walking, singing, shopping, talking to your friends etc. Take a slow and relaxed breath. Regular exercises to stay fit.

When To Consult A Doctor?

Overcoming Hesitations

Be prepared to meet a doctor, when you face a problem like this:

  • If you have continuous body temperature
  • If you face continuous vomitings
  • If you observe blood in urine or in stool
  • Having diarrhea or constipation
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Breathe shortness
  • Chest pain
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • No pain relief after medication
  • Pain caused in the new places
  • Bleeding

Things To Avoid While Cancer Treatment:

The Bigger Picture: You Are in Control

Avoid foods that contain high amounts of sugar like baked cakes, ice cream, soda, fresh fruit juice etc fatty foods like oil foods, butter, cheese etc. Ultra processed foods like chips, frozen meat, soups, food with preservatives and artificial additives may cause inflammation or chronic inflammation and weakening in the immune system in the body.

Cancer is not caused because of your fault. So don’t be too harsh to anyone. Do meditation, yoga, and a long drive that makes you feel relaxed. To get control over mixed emotions like stress, anxiety, fear, depression etc., having a counseling section might help.

For further details about the treatment and care to be taken during the cancer treatment don’t hesitate to contact us, PUNARJAN AYURVEDA HOSPITALS. Kindly have a talk about any problem with cancer. It makes us feel happy to have a conversation and clear your doubts.
