Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer Symptoms: What All You Need To Know

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Frequently undetected until it advances to later stages, ovarian cancer poses a significant threat. Detecting this disease early remains crucial for effective treatment. This article comprehensively discusses each symptom associated with Stage 1 ovarian cancer. We provide you with crucial details that facilitate your prompt acquisition of medical assistance.

Understanding Ovarian Cancer

When a woman’s ovarian cells, integral to her reproductive system, undergo excessive growth it signifies the onset of cancer. Such malignancy accounts for more female deaths than numerous other types of cancers; indeed, it ranks as the fifth primary cause.

The Significance of Early Detection

Detecting ovarian cancer early bears significant importance. It optimizes the efficacy of treatment and enhances longevity prospects. Initiating Ovarian Cancer Treatment during the nascent stages allows for gentler, more successful interventions. This typically translates into reduced strain on both body and mind.

Furthermore, starting treatment soon can protect the ability to have children, and simpler treatments might reduce medical expenses. Often checking health and knowing the signs are important for these advantages, highlighting how essential it is to detect ovarian cancer quickly for improved results.

What is Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer?

Cancer at stage 1 is found in the ovaries of women. However, doctors have separated it into three smaller stages: Stage IA, IB and IC. When the problem is at the initial sub-stage, it exists in just a single ovary or fallopian tube. However, stage IB means that both ovaries or fallopian tubes have cancer. Additionally, stage IC indicates the presence of cancer in both ovaries or fallopian tubes and its existence beyond the ovary area.

Symptoms of Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer

The Stage 1 ovarian cancer symptoms include:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Bloating or abdominal distension
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain in the lower abdominal
  • Urgency or high frequency of urine
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach upset
  • Feeling full even after having a small amount of food
  • Pain in back
  • Pain when having sex
  • Problem of constipation
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle like heavy bleeding than normal and irregular bleeding
  • Weight loss
  • Women feel like a mass in the abdomen

Recognizing the Symptoms

Knowing the Early Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer stage 1 is important for catching it soon and treating it well. Be aware of continuous pain in the lower stomach area, swelling in the belly that doesn’t go away after several weeks, and differences in how often you go to the bathroom. Additionally, if you find yourself needing to go to the bathroom more frequently or if your weight drops without a clear reason, these might be signs. Should you observe that your desire for food has decreased, you get full rapidly after beginning to eat, or always feel tiredness overwhelming you; it is important to seek advice from a medical expert. Additionally, pain during sexual intercourse may be a symptom.

Knowing your body and getting medical help quickly if you have these signs might really change how soon ovarian cancer is found. This early detection can lead to more effective treatment and a greater likelihood of good results. It’s important to have health screenings often and talk with your doctor about any symptoms you notice.

Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

There are numerous factors that boost the Risk Of Ovarian Cancer –

  • Age increases the chance of risk for women as they grow older, and having a family background with ovarian or breast cancer is also an important factor.
  • Inherited gene mutations like BRCA1 Or BRCA2 also elevate risk.
  • Personal history of breast, colorectal, or endometrial cancer and certain fertility treatments may contribute.
  • Hormone therapy for replacing hormones and never having a pregnancy can increase the risk, whereas using contraceptives or experiencing a complete-term pregnancy might decrease the risk.

Paying close attention to these aspects, particularly when they are relevant, can help with noticing issues early and managing health in a forward-looking manner.

Early Diagnosis and Staging

If the doctor suspects that a woman is suffering from an ovarian tumor, they will order some tests to examine the ovaries. These tests include:-

  • Urinalysis
  • Complete blood count or CBC panel
  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • A urine pregnancy test

Stages of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer has four stages generally, and the one with the smaller number is not as severe. Now we will talk about these four stages:

Stage I: Stage IA, Stage IB, and Stage IC divide it. Stage IA denotes the presence of cancer in a singular ovary or fallopian tube. For Stage IB, however, both ovaries or fallopian tubes host tumorous cells. Stage IC indicates bilateral ovarian or fallopian tube involvement, with concurrent presence outside the ovary.

Stage II: This stage is split into several further stages. Within Stage IIA, the cancer has moved beyond the ovary to include the uterus as well.

Stage III: This third stage has three smaller stages within it. Stage IIIA indicates that the cancer has extended outside of the pelvis area into the abdomen. On the other side, in Stage IIIB, the cancer tumor has increased to a size of up to 2 centimeters and it has extended outside of the pelvis area.

Stage IIIC indicates that the cancer has expanded beyond the area of the pelvis and grown in size. Now, it can affect different body parts such as the liver and spleen.

Stage IV: It is the final stage of cancer where it has moved to internal organs such as liver or spleen. This stage splits into two parts, IVA and IVB. In IVA, it is close to lungs and extends towards lymph nodes near a woman’s groin area or within her chest.

Treatment Options for Stage 1

The treatment options for stage 1 ovarian cancer are: –

  1. The most common and successful treatment for ovarian cancer is surgery. In this approach, physicians exercise not only the cancerous tissue but also any adjacent areas that may either be under threat or potentially impacted by malignancy. It serves as a primary method of addressing this condition with effectiveness.
  2. Radiation therapy involves applying powerful radiation to eliminate cancer cells and reduce tumor size. Physicians administer this treatment alongside surgical procedures to ensure the complete eradication of cancerous cells, thereby lowering the chances that the cancer may return.
  3. Chemotherapy is a medical approach that employs specific drugs to destroy ovarian cancer cells inside the body. Typically, doctors opt for this treatment if there’s significant risk of the cancer spreading. They often combine it with surgery or radiation therapy.
  4. Immunotherapy is a recent kind of treatment for cancer. It assists the immune system in your body to combat cancer cells. This therapy applies medicines which aim at specific proteins within the cancer cells, aiding your immune system to identify and combat them.
  5. Observing with caution is an approach for slowly developing Stage 1 cancer which isn’t leading to troubles. The doctor may recommend monitoring it carefully through frequent examinations and scans rather than beginning therapy right away. We select this method when the dangers of the therapy outweigh its possible advantages.

Coping with a Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis

While diagnosing stage 1 ovarian cancer may pose difficulties, one can effectively manage the process by seeking support and setting achievable goals. Talking about what you are going through with friends, family members or support groups can offer comfort emotionally and reduce worry feelings. Keeping good communication with health workers, focusing on both body and mind health, and making achievable targets can support keeping hope and a positive view on life.

How Is Ovarian Cancer Treated at Punarjan Ayurveda?

At Punarjan Ayurveda, we focus on treating ovarian cancer with a blend of Rasayana Ayurveda and modern medicine. So, our treatment plans combine rejuvenation techniques, herbal medicines, massages, and panchakarma to heal ovarian cancer patients. Our focus is on balancing the Kapha, Pitta, and Vata doshas (Tridoshas) in the body for faster recovery from ovarian cancer.

Since our treatment approach focuses on empowering the immune system in combating cancer, it usually does not come with side effects. Our team of experts also curate personalized treatment plans with diet and lifestyle modifications to promote your overall well-being.


Taking early action for your health is important to find ovarian cancer when it just starts. It’s key in treating this disease, so you should watch closely how you feel overall and talk to a doctor if there are strange signs.


1.  How do you feel about Stage 1 ovarian cancer?

When ovarian cancer is in its initial phase, the signs are not clear and can be confusing. There might be different symptoms such as swelling of the stomach, reduced hunger, getting full quickly even with little food, and pain in the belly area.

2. Can Stage 1 ovarian cancer cause symptoms?

Yes, the first stage of ovarian cancer can also cause symptoms like bigger belly size, problems with urinating, pain in the pelvic area and feeling very full.

3. Can you recover from stage 1 ovarian cancer?

At stage 1 the chances of surviving are better because the cancer has not yet spread.

4. How do you treat Stage 1 ovarian cancer?

In the first phase of this cancer, doctors can operate to take out the tumor. But often, they need to remove both fallopian tubes and ovaries as well.

Also Read: Top 15 Early Cancer Symptoms In Women