Stomach Cancer Awareness Month – 2024

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November is celebrated as the stomach cancer awareness month as specifically it brings awareness against stomach cancer that brings about the use of early detection, funding for research outcomes etc. This month provides a better chance to educate the public regarding risk factors, treatments and symptoms pertaining to stomach cancer. It also provides confidence  for the people with stomach cancer.

We know stomach cancers begin in the stomach, especially the inner linings. When coming to the function of the stomach, it plays a key role in digestion of food. So that whatever the food we eat, can be broken down to nutrients and are properly absorbed into the body. Sometimes stomach cancer is termed as gastric cancer. Irrespective of types, the most common adenocarcinoma of the stomach starts in mucus-producing cells.

Types of Gastric Cancer:

How is Stomach Cancer Faring in India_

  • Adenocarcinoma is about 90-95% that starts at the glandular cells of the stomach linings
  • Lymphoma where immune cells of stomach are affected
  • Gastrointestinal stromal tumors in which interstitial cells of Cajal wall in stomach are affected
  • Carcinoid tumors occurs to hormone producing cells of the stomach
  • Signet ring in which cells are more aggressive is a type of adenocarcinoma. It is called such as with its specific shape
  • Small cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the other ones where leiomyosarcomas is a rare type

Certain risk factors to stomach cancer

Recent Trends in Stomach Cancer Statistics

  • Depending on the age many people are detected with stomach cancer at 60 years
  • Gender also plays an important role. Men will mostly get stomach cancer than women.
  • Food with smoked, salted and pickled will also increase the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Smoking will be a risk factor for the esophagus cancer
  • H.pylori infection might be another risk of stomach cancer
  • A genetic history in the family
  • Previous surgery to the stomach

Most symptoms for stomach cancer are not noticeable in the early stages. The most of the symptoms are :

  • Indigestion of food or heartburn
  • Always feeling full after eating food
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Gradual decrease in weight
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Blood in the stool.

Mostly the early detection in stomach cancer is very tough and it is mostly detected in the last stages. So the treatment options are becoming less. Increased survival rates are possible with the early detection steps of stomach cancer such as:

  • A process of sending the thin tube which has a camera attached to it to know the lining of the stomach is endoscopy.
  • The process of removing the small part of tissue from the stomach to test is Biopsy.
  • To check for the abnormalities in the imaging tests such as CT scans and X-rays.

The most important treatment for the stomach cancer mostly depends on the stage, types and location of the cancer availability and person’s quality of health. Surgery is one of the used treatments for any cancer. There are various types of surgeries depending on the condition of cancer.

  • Taking out some part of stomach is Subtotal gastrectomy
  • Removing the entire stomach is Total Gastrectomy
  • Early stage removal of tumors by endoscopy: Endoscopic mucosal resection

Radiation therapy is applied with high energy rays that are sent into the body in order to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy  is most familiar in all cancer treatments where certain drugs are regularly used to destroy the cancer cells that will stop further growing. The drugs used in the target therapy is to specifically target the genetic mutations or some proteins that cause cancer cell growth. It is showing some effects in traditional chemotherapy.

Preventive steps to lower the stomach cancer risk:

  • Healthy diet with leafy vegetables and fresh fruits that can considerably reduce the stomach cancer risk
  • Cessation to cigarette smoking will instantly reduce the risk of stomach cancer. Several resources and systems that support it will help in the reduction of stomach cancer
  • Moderate alcohol intake
  • H.pylori  treatment might reduce the certain risk of stomach cancer
  • Regular medications and check ups will detect stomach cancer and decrease the higher risk

Support programs for stomach cancer awareness month

Getting awareness about stomach cancer and spreading knowledge with the people around you. Try to attend many events such as seminars, workshops, webinars to know the information  and spread the perfect topic. Attending the activities and events like walks, exercises, runs, seminars, workshops at this time will create awareness on stomach cancer. Raising research funds, organizations to volunteer will help in the information spreading on stomach cancer.

The shade of blue periwinkle is the indication color for stomach cancer awareness. It helps in providing support.  The social media platforms are there to explore the information and increase in awareness against stomach cancer. Helping or donating to the event hosters or organizers for providing support to cancer research and patient welfare. The voice towards cancer awareness will change and show an impact on the lives of the people, who got affected with stomach cancer.

Let’s join together on the awareness against stomach cancer to increase awareness and support. By clearly understanding the circumstances of the patient’s health it is better to detect the cancer at early stages so that the specific treatment will be provided. This can provide a huge difference in many millions of people’s lives.

Now it is the time for the people to awake and make this stomach cancer awareness month, 2024 to create a hope, progress on reducing cancer deaths. Staying together and stronger will make a huge difference in fighting against cancer. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals is such an arena that will always be there for you for all the information regarding stomach cancers to achieve a cancer free society to the people with enhanced qua;ity of life. Feel free to ask.







This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.