There is much said regarding cancer these days, and it sounds pretty ominous. But take heart: Experts say we can prevent half of all cancers if we change a few of our everyday habits. So, let’s talk about what you should stop doing to help protect yourself better. These are not any medical terms or complex changes; they are just simple things that can make an enormous difference in keeping you well.
Quit Smoking – It’s Not Just About Lung Cancer
Let’s begin with the biggest one-smoking. Well, of course you know all this, but did you know that smoking does not only result in lung cancer, for instance? It leads to development of cancer in so many regions of your body including the oral cavity, throat, stomach as well as bladder. Every time you blow that cigarette, you are, in return, feeding it a list of more than 70 cancer-causing chemicals to make cancer at home right in your body.
Your body heals itself from smoking from the very moment you quit. This is good news, indeed. For example, 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate and blood pressure start decreasing toward normal levels. Many cancers are much less likely to develop within several years after quitting. Quitting is never too late: if you have smoked for decades, quitting now can still help protect you.
Put Down That Drink – Alcohol Is Sneakier Than You’d Ever Think
Most of us have no idea that alcohol causes cancer. No, we are not talking about having to take many shots here; the few shots taken often place one at such a risk. Alcohol is poisonous and can initiate cancer in your mouth, throat, liver, breast, and certain other areas of your body.
This is how it works: A human being’s body, when it decides to indulge in alcohol, splits into a chemical known as acetaldehyde. Now, this chemical is known to interfere with the DNA in the cell. As you may recall, DNA is the instruction manual inside the cell that tells the cell what it needs to do. And when DNA gets damaged, cells start growing one-sidedly, and that is when cancer gets initiated.
This does not mean you must be a total abstainer, but reducing is helpful. Do not allow any days to pass during the week without alcohol, or try to replace it with non-alcoholic drinks at social events. Your body will appreciate it.
Get Off The Couch – Move More
Sitting is a huge problem around the world today. Whether at work or on the couch watching TV, playing on your phone is just too much; we’re static for far too long. Inactivity has been shown to make your risk for many cancers, colon, breast, and uterine cancer.
Fortunately, you don’t have to transform into an Olympic marathon runner in order to correct this mistake. You must go for a walk after your meals, take the stairs rather than the escalators, or spend some time working in the garden. Think of movement as medicine – a little bit every day keeps cancer away. And even 30 minutes of walking daily can help reduce your cancer risk.
Give Processed Foods the Boot
Those packaged snacks and speedy meals may be easy to grab on the run, but they’re not good for your health. Virtually all processed foods are packed full of chemicals and preservatives and have considerable amounts of salt archenemy for helping prevent cancer. They often contain significant doses of sugar and unhealthy fats, which cause obesity and the opposite of avoiding cancer.
First, start by reading food labels. If you cannot even pronounce the names of the products listed under “ingredients” or if you can see a very long chemical name there… be cautious. Eat more whole foods: fatty fruits, green vegetables, whole grain products, and healthy proteins. In this context, food can be viewed as an energy for the human body. The cleaner the fuel, the better your body runs.
Stop Denying the Sun’s Risks
The sad thing is, there’s no such thing as a healthy tan. Every tan is an indication of skin damage. Some of the most frequent forms of cancers are the skin cancers and yet they can also be some of the most avoidable.
Avoid spending time outside when the sun shines direct on you with no protective cover. Never use tanning beds-they are like smoking, and smoking is the cause of many cancers. Reapply sunscreen daily regardless of how the day sky looks, whether explicit or not. Use protective clothing and do not venture out from 10 in the morning to 4 in the evening.
Don’t Miss Your Scheduled Check-ups
Many people wait until they are sick enough to visit a doctor. This is a grave mistake. Most of the cancers can be treated successfully if caught early. Sometimes, even screening tests detect changes before they become cancerous.
Stop making excuses for being busy; make time for your health. A woman needs to get a regular breast cancer screening and cervical smear test. Men need to get a prostate check after some age. Get colon cancer screening as recommended by the doctor to every person.
Stop letting stress take over.
Stress predominantly does not cause cancer. But chronic stress might weaken your immune system and push you down more pathways to destructive coping mechanisms like smoking, drinking, or overeating. This contributes to cancer.
Stop trying to do everything alone. Learn to say no to the unimportant things. Try stress-reducing activities such as walking, deep breathing, or discussing things with friends. Ensuring enough sleep is also essential—it is an ideal source of stress and your body’s inability to fight the disease.
Don’t Ignore Your Environment
Stop using products that may poison you. Many of the things we use every day, including some plastics, cleaning materials, and even some cosmetics, have chemicals that have been directly proven to contribute to cancer.
Read the labels of many things you buy for use in your home. Select natural cleaning products when possible. Never microwave food in plastic. Keep your home properly ventilated. Sometimes, making tiny changes to your environment can make a big difference in your health.
Stop Believing Everything You Read Online
Did you know that there is so much wrong information on the internet regarding cancer? You also need to stop believing miraculous curative stories and dreadful tales. Instead, seek reputable sources of information. Bad information leads to terrible health decisions.
Get your cancer information from trusted sources, such as major cancer organizations or government health websites. Talk over concerns with your doctor. They can help clarify what really matters in reducing your risk of cancer.
Summary: The Power Is in Your Hands
Remember that over forty percent of all cancers are preventable through healthy decisions. You do not need to change everything at once. Start with one or two that seem most achievable for you. Maybe quit smoking first, then take steps toward being more active. Or perhaps begin with improving the way you eat and use sunscreen.
The trick is to start somewhere. Every healthy choice you make reduces your cancer risk a bit more. Your future self will thank you for the changes you make today.
Do not crib about the past habits; think of what you can do from now and in the future ahead. Share this with your friends and family, too. When we all make healthy choices together, it becomes easy to stick to them.
Every little change in your daily habits may add up to significant reductions in risk, so start today and realize that every healthy choice you make is helping to keep cancer at bay.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.