The Iatrochemistry of Ayurveda – An Untold Story of Most Advanced Medical Science

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The most familiar word AYURVEDA comes into the track nowadays. People are showing so much interest towards ayurveda as it is from the natural sources and there might be an assumption that it is a slow process but actually it triggers at the root cause of the problem. It also provides resistance, immunity and helps in curing disease. In this blog, we will clearly know about ayurveda, especially about the RASASHASTRA and its role in treating diseases.

What Is Iatrochemistry?

What Is Iatrochemistry?

Iatrochemistry deals with MODERN CHEMISTRY and MEDICINE. The chemical solutions are used as medicine for treating various diseases. Iatrochemists described that the health depends upon the equilibrium of the body fluids. The ancient medicinal science that we were using from the past 5000 years is AYURVEDA, which means the study deals with science and life.

The acceptance and usage of the ayurvedic medicines may depend on the effectiveness, toxic levels, availability, cost effectiveness for the treatment of diseases. When the preparation of drugs is carried out by using rasashastra is known as RASAUSHADHI.

What Is Rasashastra?

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Rasashastra is divided into distinct words, in which shastra is STUDY whereas rasa is MERCURY. Based on the ayurvedic principle,there are many meanings for RASA liquid, taste and may be one of the seven components of the human being. It is a branch of ayurveda where usage and formulation of herbs, non-metals, herbo-minerals, herbo-metals, and metals like rasa dravyas for effective treatment.

The ayurveda comprises eight different branches based on the treatment and well being of health. Though the usage of natural products and herbs have been there for many years. There is a detailed description of Samhita written in Ayurveda. From the special text of ‘Charaka Samhita’ and ‘Sushruta Samhita’, various minerals and metals have many medicinal and therapeutic properties.

How Far Mercury Is Beneficial For Health?

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Mercury is the element that is widely used in ayurveda for the preparation of drugs. It is well known that mercury and its organic compounds like methylmercury and the vapors of mercury are highly toxic and poisonous. Usage of mercury is becoming controversial in the modern world.So extra care is to be taken in the formulation.To avoid this problem in ayurveda the mercuric sulphide is used. The mercuric chloride which is an inorganic form of mercury is also used as it is easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and is non-toxic in its nature.

How Rasaushadhi Is Prepared?

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The Rasaushadhi are divided into two .They are mercurials and non-mercurials. Mercury is used in many ways as the effective medicine for the disease treatment.In majority of treatments mercury is combined with the powder of sulfur.Mostly the mercury in black color is ground with other minerals or metals and sulphur.This mixture is called as “KAJJALI”. Based on the method of drug preparation there are many types they are:

  • Khalvi rasa
  • Parpati rasa
  • Kupipakwa rasa
  • Pottali rasa
  • In Khalvi rasa, mercury along with the sulfur and other metals or minerals are mixed and ground by using mortar and pestle to form a fine powder.
  • In parpati rasa, The kajjali forms were heated with the help of iron spatula to form a mass of molten, which is spread into a flat surface using banana leaf immediately.It is placed on the fresh mud or cow dung. The formed flat thin layer is used for treating diseases.
  • In Kupipakwa rasa, the kajjali were subjected to heating in a long flask with a deep neck known as ‘Kupi’.
  • The pottali rasa is prepared by the kajjali tightly packed in a silk piece of cloth. It seems like a bag. The required amount of sulphur powder is used and is immersed in the sulphur bath. It is the usually used rasa medication with the specific drug formulation used for the treatment of diseases.

To balance the alkalinity, control the release of heavy metals and free radicals in the body BHASMA is used with the standard protocols. It is important to maintain the purity, effectiveness, and quality of the drug for easy availability in the market by using proper physicochemical properties. Mostly, it is prepared by using two steps they are

  • Shodhana
  • Maarana

What Is Shodhana In Ayurveda?

Potential Benefits of Ayurveda in Cancer Care

The purification process used for the formulation of drugs without any impurities either by physical or chemical methods is known as SHODHANA. The elimination of foreign compounds, heavy metals are carried out. The substance formed at the end can be used as the basic ingredient or raw material for the drug formulation.

What Is Maarana In Ayurveda?

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In the MAARANA process the bhasma is used as a fine powder-like substance. The hard materials are undergone through the shodhana process to produce ultra-fine powder. It does not have any toxicity or irritation.Collyrium is such a substance used as medication for the eye. It is not causing any damage to the eyes.

The preparation of drugs using minerals and metals are getting controversial nowadays. There are two different ideas. The practice of using rasaushadhi and the practice of using western thoughts.It is clearly mentioned that the metals are toxic whereas the compounds from the metals like sulphides are not toxic in formulation of drugs. Recent scientific research suggests that there is no toxicity when used in the mentioned proportions.

Do Metals Have Biological Properties?

The Emergence of Precision Medicine

Metals like gold, copper, zinc, cobalt and silver are most commonly used. The swarna bhasma and Unani kushta tila kalan have many biological activities as immunomodulators, anti-stress,anti-depressant, anti- oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic etc. Some other metals like copper, zinc, mica etc also have many biological properties and can be used for treating several diseases.

Though there is enough evidence and research that provides the strength for the production of drugs using mineral and metal based. There is a need for understanding the importance of mercury, usage of metals, minerals and rasashastra as a drug formulation. For further information regarding the ayurveda, especially rasashastra, its importance in drug formulations and its role in treating diseases like cancer and chronic diseases, you can feel free to contact PUNARJAN AYURVEDA. This medication may not only help in treating diseases but also helps in boosting immunity and prevents several side effects caused during treatment.


Savrikar SS, Ravishankar B. Introduction to ‘Rasashaastra’ the Iatrochemistry of Ayurveda. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011;8(5 Suppl):66-82. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5S.1. Epub 2011 Jul 3. PMID: 22754059; PMCID: PMC3252715.