Most times when we hear the word cancer in a family there will be a lot of questions and confusion. There may be mixed emotions, fears, treatment and diagnosis about cancer. The greatest path breaker towards cancer is the early diagnosis. Before the symptoms are shown, tests and diagnosis will help to detect cancer early. Kindly have an attention to changes appearing on the body to get better treatment and cure before spreading cancer to other parts.
The most general questions in the cancer patient’s mind are:
- What does this cancer mean?
- At what stage is my cancer ?
- What is the reason for my cancer?
- How to manage?
- What was my mistake?
- How would I clear all the treatment bills?
- When will I die?
These are the most questions asked by the patients during or after the diagnosis of cancer. There are some pamphlets provided by the hospitals in which the information about the cancer is described in depth. It is to create awareness among the patients about treatments and its side effects and also make a connection with the social networks.
Know about cancer types
The basic thing is to learn about cancer and its type, it is a little difficult to know the stage of cancer in the early days. The more information on cancer diagnosis will help in participating actively and getting diagnosed. Kindly don’t avoid what is happening. Be aware of it. Plan accordingly.
Have to Know treatment and side effects of cancer
Different treatments provide different side effects in patients. As we all know about the treatments mainly in chemotherapy, it will cause digestive issues. Neuropathy or loss of hair. Immunotherapy will make an over-active immune system which leads to autoimmune symptoms. Doctors suggest patients to clearly understand about the side effects that will occur and not to be silent about the reactions during treatment.
What does this cancer mean?
This cancer may occur in people at any age. It does not have any gender difference. It may start at any place in the whole body, and occurs when the cells grow abnormally. It creates discomfort due to the distraction of the function that works naturally. It does not only stop there, it will spread to the other parts.
At what stage is my cancer ?
Here the cancer size and how far it is spread will be detected. If the cancer stage is clearly known it helps the doctor to determine the tests and provide better treatments.
What is the reason for my cancer?
There is no specific reason for the cancer to occur. There are certain things we need to know are risk factors, will provide a chance of getting disease. Few of the risk factors will remain unchanged. Some of the risk factors would be smoking, consumption of alcohol, ultra processed foods, unhealthy lifestyle. Some risk factors cannot be changed such as environmental factors, genetic changes, family history etc.
How to manage?
Understanding the reality
Initially, many people need time to know the reality that they are having cancer. It is usual to have multiple mixed feelings such as fear, anger, shock etc. Every individual needs time to know reality, understand the diagnosis and treatment procedure. People manage cancer in their different styles the way we manage at work. They are:
- Knowing more information about cancer and its treatment availability provides a sense of control over what’s going on
- Talking with the person who you trust such as friends or family or by private journaling. Trying to express feelings through hobbies
- Have some time to yourself, enjoy things you like cooking, shopping, watching favorite movies etc
- Routine exercises with the suggestion of the cancer care team starting with mild programs like meditation, yoga, swimming etc
- Trying to spread the circle with your friends, caretakers, supporters or organizations helps in avoiding loneliness
- The patient might be stressed or depressed so having communication with the cancer care team helps to handle all emotions
- The treatment is mostly based on the doctor knowing more about the cancer type the patient is dealing with. It might be done based on the results of tests for instance blood tests, imaging diagnostic tests like x-rays. Even biopsy and other physical examinations are also beneficial
- Doctors might always have a conversation with the contemporary expertise to give the best available treatment to the patients
- Going for the second option also helps in the best treatment option before starting it
- There is any other option than to find the best insurance company that may cover some of the treatment bills
- Knowing the goal of the treatment whether it is to cure the cancer or to stop the spread of cancer or to control the other symptoms created. It helps in the decision making through which the confidence is raised
- There are treatments that have different objectives. They are primary treatments, in which the treatment is given to remove entire cancer cells. Mostly done by surgery. The Adjuvant treatment is used to kill the cancer cells that have survived after the primary treatment. Mostly chemotherapy, hormone and radiation therapies are used. Palliative treatment helps to get relief from the side effects during the cancer treatment. In general surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are referred at initial stages, whereas hormone therapies and oral medications are used at later stages to get relief from the cancer
- Most people worry extensively about their children. But families have to give time and explain clearly about the stage, treatment and other details. Try to give answers to the questions
- Try to have a healthy lifestyle, a good diet will provide enough energy to manage stress
- Having a clarity in goals will help to set your thoughts and feelings open
- Try to cancel all the activities that are not important and create a new calendar
- During this treatment for cancer many financial crises may happen. The medicines prices, treatment cost, traveling expenses to hospital, and medical bills
- Most of the clinics and hospitals are provided with the list of facilities that helps to provide assistance financially before and after the treatment
Most people like to travel alone. Everyone may not have a loved one or care taker. But, there are many official supports available. Each cancer has its information provided on their websites, groups that support it. Above this family plays a main role during this treatment process. Support groups will help the people to understand every related topic. To get any information regarding the cancer, its diagnosis and other information call us to PUNARJAN AYURVEDA.
This information on this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.