Ayurveda is a systematic way of looking at human life and nature that is based on knowledge. Ayurveda along with the subject of wellness reveals an empirical understanding of the natural law. According to Shastra, the three elements of the cosmos idea is where the Ayurvedic Tridoshas theory originated.
Consequently, it is clear that these tridosha control all physiological and metabolic processes in the human body. Vata (wind), Pitta (bile), and Kapha (phlegm), the names of these three doshas respectively and they correspond to the three elements of the cosmos i.e. air, fire, and water. The normal or any abnormal functional states of an individual determine their stable and unstable doshas respectively.
What Is Tridosha Siddhanta?

According to ayurveda, tridosha is the root of the human body. It says, “Dosha, Dhatu, Mala makes Sharir”. And hence, Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala can interpret every bodily function. This is the reason why Tridosha siddhanta is regarded as one of the unique theories of Ayurveda shastra. Tridosha maintains the balance of the body by working with and controlling one another. At the same time, all tridoshas share a common beginning and are created simultaneously in the body and therefore their behaviors are extremely normal.
In this article, we will try to give you an applicable theory regarding the role of tridoshas and their regulation along with the manifestation of these unique differences in living beings.
What Is The Role Of Tridoshas?
The first chapter of the first work on Ayurveda, the Charaka Samhita, introduces the idea of tridosha, which refers to this triad of vata, pitta, and kapha. This is the fundamental principle of Ayurveda. This principle says that living things are in a normal state of health when the tridoshas (in other words the condition of Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala) are in equilibrium. If these doshas are not in harmony or without balance, such conditions would result in disease.
The existence of equilibrium in the activity of Dosha explains the physical, mental and spiritual state in other dimensions. For example, the balance of Agni, Dhatu, and Mala as well as a tranquil and contented condition of spirit, sense organ, and intellect have been characterized as the good state of health.
Besides, the tridoshas are different types of energies. We can technically interpret them as kinetic energy (vata), thermal energy (pitta), and mechanical energy (kapha). The equilibrium of these energies preserves the person’s state of health.
Definitions Of Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas:
Let us dive deep into the traditional terminology to avoid any deviations in understanding the subject.
The doshas hold all mahabhutas together so that they can carry out their responsibilities in unison for the finest potential functioning of the human body. Doshas are composed of the same material (mahabhutas) – namely Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jala, and Prithvi, that makes up our body. The tridoshas are regarded as the body’s three pillars. The secret to a healthy body is in their balance.
Vata Dosha:

This relates to the elements of air and space. Vata balances all physiological activity and evenly distributes heat and cold throughout the body. So, pitta, kapha, bodily tissues, and waste excretion are all under the supervision of Vata. We must understand that Vata is in charge of controlling mental processes and sensory experiences.
Generally speaking, it is found in the lowest part of the body, just below the navel. Moreover, the Vata doshas have five sub-doshas. They are;
Prana Vata: The senses are controlled by Prana Vata, which is located in the head.
- Vyana Vata: The heart is where Vyana Vata, which regulates all controlled body action, is located.
- Udana Vata: This governs the voice and intellect and is located in the chest region.
- Samana Vata: The stomach contains Samana Vata, which regulates the digestive functions.
- Apana Vata: The anal area is home to the Apana Vata, which regulates all urinary tract discharges.
Pitta Dosha:

Water and Fire combine to form Pitta. It stands for the fire forces. Pitta is responsible for food digestion, nutrient juice production, waste separation, absorption, and distribution. The body’s ability to maintain adequate heat is a sign of life. And, Pitta is in charge of this. Pitta has complete control over all metabolic processes. The location of Pitta dosha is between the heart and the navel. It is situated in the center of the body. The digestive fire is located in this hot region of the body. Five subdivisions of the dosha are further separated:
- Ranjak Pitta: In the stomach, Ranjak Pitta creates Rakta (blood).
- Bhrajak Pitta: This is generally present in the skin and regulates skin pigmentation.
- Aalochak Pitta: Governs the sight and it is located in the eyes.
- Sadhak Pitta: The location is in the heart. It controls the body’s psychological capacities.
- Pachak Pitta: The small intestine’s duodenum contains Pachak Pitta. It regulates the body’s digestive system.
Kapha Dosha:

The Kapha dosha is composed of the elements earth and water.. This dosha actually functions as a buffer and cooling system. In addition, it combats excessive dryness and heat brought on by the Vata and Pitta doshas, respectively. Also, Kapha promotes tissue growth and is the root of the immune system in the body. It is found in the top part of the body – in the head and chest. Its classifications are listed below;
- Kledaka Kapha: The stomach is the location of Kledaka Kapha. And it aids in food digestion.
- Shleshak Kapha: In fact, all body’s joints contain Shleshak Kapha. It regulates their lubrication.
- Tarpaka Kapha: The head is the place for Tarpaka Kapha. It governs intelligence.
- Bodhaka Kapha: The sensory organ that controls taste is known as Bodhaka Kapha.
- Avalambak Kapha: The heart and neck are lubricated by the presence of Avalambak kapha in the chest.
In simple terms, if the doshas are balanced, the person’s health is good. And, if they are disturbed, the person might tend to fall ill.
It is to inform you that the three dosha energies combine in different configurations to form each of our bodies. Pitta is our metabolism, Kapha is our structure, and Vata is for movement. These 3 energies give creation action and life at its most basic level. We just could not exist without these three energies.
In practice, a clinical ayurvedic specialist gives a two-hour consultation looking at every part of a person. They do this to identify their constitution. By this diagnosis, they determine the balance of energies in a person’s body as well as any areas of imbalance. It takes physical, emotional, and spiritual evaluation.
By validating this information, the Ayurveda Expert will design a treatment plan using the proper food and herbs, scents, and colors. In addition, yoga, and meditation can restore or maintain balance once the nature of the patient and the imbalance have been clearly identified.
Many patients gain optimal health through Ayurvedic Medicine. Today, they are living in complete harmony with their surrounding environment. It is natural, remember that in order to live in harmony, we must first understand our own natures. And then, one will be free to intelligently make choices which support them on their journey.
The Wrap Up:
The theory of panchmahabhutas is a derivation of the Tridosha Theory. And, even Ayurveda is built on the concept of tridosha. They are influenced by the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha being the basic constituents.
Despite the fact that the Tridoshas are also composed of the five Panchabhutas, there is still a preference for Vayu and Akash in Vata, Agni in Pitta, and Jala and Prithvi in Kapha.
Given the importance of the tridosha idea, it is necessary to comprehend all of its specifics. Here is the summary of our above discussion.
Vata comprises the elements of air and space.
- It is responsible for movement, including breathing, circulation, and elimination, nervous system and other functions.
- When in balance; it promotes creativity, flexibility, and vitality
- When out of balance, you are prone to anxiety, insomnia, and digestive problems.
- Pitta stands for fire and water.
- It is responsible for digestion, metabolism, and body temperature including the mind’s ability to comprehend and understand.
- If in balance, it promotes intelligence, confidence, and a strong metabolism
- Otherwise, there is a risk of anger, inflammation, and skin disorders.
Kapha includes earth and water.
- One gets stability, strength, and immunity. It also provides lubrication and structural support for the body.
- If it is balanced, it can promote calmness, compassion, and endurance
- If out of balance, it can cause lethargy, congestion, and weight gain.
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