Understanding Cancer : What You Need To Know

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Cancer is complex in terms of metabolism so that the scientific community considered cancer as a metabolic disease. Most people misunderstood as cancer is not curable as this disease affects some millions of people worldwide eventually leading to most deaths. The advances in medical research and treatment options showed best outcomes in many patients. Understanding what cancer is, its causes, symptoms, treatments would be the best way to prevent cancer. This blog helps in providing comprehensive details on the cancer overview.

It is familiar that cancer is not a simple disease and is a group of various conditions. It happens mainly through an uncontrolled division and can spread in many parts of the body. These cells would lead to tumors that are benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). These malignant cells will grow to the tissues nearby and spread to the other parts of the body by the bloodstream or lymphatic system called metastasis.

Most cancer types are formed in old age. It happens because DNA present in the cells is damaging as the age increases. There are some cancers mostly found at a young age. There are various types. At present, 2.5 million people are living with cancer in India. It is showing 12.5% and more deaths in the world. Various types of cancer are caused by the various factors such as usage of tobacco, it causes several cancers such as mouth, tongue, throat, lung, oesophagus, urinary bladder etc. Alcohol consumption, radiation, sunlight exposure, chemicals used by the industries, obesity, unhealthy lifestyle, having unprocessed food, lack of physical activity are the risk factors for getting cancer. It is an assumption that the people who are not exposed to these factors, would not get cancer.

The treatment used for this disease will mostly depend on the patients health, type, stage and presence of the cancer. Surgery will be the first part of treatment provided to treat localized cancers. It is mostly removing the tumor cells and some healthy tissues near to the tumor cells, when there is no spread of cancers.

  • If there is need, entire tumor is removed as a Curative surgery
  • When there is no possibility to remove whole tumor cells, to remove most part of the tumor is Debulking surgery
  • To get relief from symptoms and improvement from quality of life is palliative surgery

The usage of huge amounts of energy rays to destroy the cancer cells or make the cancer cells shrink is radiation therapy. These can be used alone or combination of other treatments. It depends on the patient’s health condition and lifestyle.

  • If the radioactive compounds are delivered to the body outside by the machine, it is called External beam radiation
  • If the radioactive compounds are sent into the body, that is called Internal radiation or brachytherapy

The mediation used to destroy or stop the cancer cells‘ growth are chemotherapy These can be given orally, intravenously or by other methods. It is used for the cancer treatment that stops the spread of cancer cells and will not get treated by only surgery.

The therapy using certain drugs to target the molecules which help in the growth and spread of the cancer cells is known as targeted therapy. This mostly has side effects than the traditionally used chemotherapy. Small molecule inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies are followed in this therapy.

The method helps in boosting the immune system to fight with cancer cells is immunotherapy. It helps in the detection and attack on the cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors and CAR T-cell therapy are the most prevalent ones however vaccines are also used in this regard. 

Therapy utilizing hormones used for treatment of cancer is hormone therapy. Commonly used for breast and prostate cancer. It aids in the blocking and regulates the hormone levels in cancer cells.

There are some ways to manage cancer and maintain a good quality of life. The tips that will help to live with cancer are: 

  • Update and learning on the stages, types and latest treatment options on cancer
  • Have communication with the family, friends, support groups, health care professionals for both practical and emotional support
  • Manage the severe side effects of the cancer during the treatment
  • Eating well, staying active, and having enough rest will also help to improve the patients well being
  • Managing stress, anxiety and depression is very much important. This can be controlled by the counselling sections or therapies, relaxation practices such as yoga or meditation
  • Plan for the future for your beloved ones. Make good decisions

The research in cancer helps in leading a path for effective treatments. This happens with the support of advanced technology and understanding the mechanism of cancer can accomplish the complete understanding about the cancer.

  • The medicines used in the treatment will mostly based on the genetics of the patient ‘s tumor
  • Available therapies concentrate on the immune system such that it can combat cancer cells
  • The liquid biopsies like blood samples help in the detection of genetic mutations related to cancer
  • Gene editing such as CRISPR, which helps in the DNA modifications and helps in the new therapies for cancer
  • Using targeted drug therapies such as nanoparticles and other technologies to deliver drugs directly into the cancer cells to reduce the side effects and improve the immunity to fight the cancer cells

Plan for cancer prevention

The should maintained prevention methods are:

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Avoiding exposure to harmful substances
  • Avoiding tobacco
  • Healthy diet
  • Healthy weight maintaining
  • Physically active
  • Less exposure to sun
  • Safe sex & usage of new needles
  • Regular health checkups

For all aspects of prevention, early detection and best treatment choices, understanding the cancer biology is the most important. These steps help to reduce the risk and support people who got affected by this cancer. Research advances will provide the hope for the best outcomes and improve the quality of life in cancer patients.

 If someone you know is experiencing the symptoms of cancer or someone who has been diagnosed with cancer, looking for medical support or advice: feel free to contact Punarjan ayurveda hospital staff. We make you understand in depth details of cancer which helps in taking the right decision. By being together, we can work for a future where cancer is no longer a disease that is leading to death.


  1. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/understanding
  2. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/what-is-cancer
  3. https://cancer.ufl.edu/patient-care/support-and-resources/understanding-cancer/


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