What Are The Key Players In The Pathophysiology Of Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer is a disorder developing from the uncontrolled spread of abnormal breast tissues. It results in the formation of tumours. The Pathophysiology Of Breast Cancer involves DNA changes and genetic mutations in breast cells. These mutations can be inherited or acquired due to estrogen.

Breast cancer primarily affects the cells lining the milk ducts. It is the most common cancer among women globally, accounting for about 1 in 4 cancer cases. It affected 2.3 million women worldwide in 2022.

Cellular Proliferation And Division

In a healthy body, cells multiply and organise themselves to maintain balance. However, cancer disrupts this mechanism. Cells start multiplying uncontrollably, forming a lump or tumour.

Age, family history, gene mutations, hormonal factors, and lifestyle choices contribute to the risk of breast cancer. Early detection allows for an effective treatment.

Genetic And Hormonal Factors

Genes regulate cell growth. Any mutations in these genes can disturb the delicate balance, leading to cancer development. Some hereditary gene mutations, including BRCA1 and BRCA2, significantly increase Breast Cancer Risk.

Hormonal factors, especially estrogen and progesterone, contribute crucially. These hormones, essential for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system, can fuel the growth of certain types of breast cancer. Testing hormone receptors helps choose breast cancer treatment. It makes the therapy more personalised and effective.

Estrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone Receptor (PR), And HER2

Receptors, which are proteins found on cell surfaces, play a crucial role in breast cancer. Normal breast cells possess estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR). Breast cancers with abundant receptors are ER-positive (+) or PR-positive (+). This abundance allows increased entry of estrogen or progesterone into the cell, stimulating the growth of cancer cells.

For ER+ and PR+ cancers, standard treatment involves hormone therapy drugs, also known as endocrine therapy. These medications impede receptors or reduce hormone production using aromatase inhibitors. Conversely, in cases where the cancer exhibits low receptor levels (ER-), hormone therapy may not be as effective, and alternative treatments may be considered.

This means that HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2), a protein found on cell surfaces, plays a crucial role in regulating cell growth and division. Tumours that are HER2-positive have high levels of HER2 protein, while tumours that are HER2-negative have low levels of HER2 protein. The presence or absence of HER2 can influence treatment decisions and prognosis for individuals with breast cancer.

For HER2+ breast cancer, neoadjuvant chemotherapy or targeted therapy before surgery is often recommended. Post-surgery, adjuvant treatment, including chemotherapy, may be administered.

Tumour Microenvironment

The tumour microenvironment (TME) is significant in terms of prognosis and immune evasion. It is linked to breast cancer progression, immune system inhibition, and clinical therapy.

TME describes the biological surroundings where various cells, including immune system cells, stromal cells, tumour cells, and other non-cancerous cells, coexist. Interactions between cancerous and non-cancerous cells inside TME may impact the formation and spread of cancer.

In the tumour microenvironment, immune cells associated with tumours engage in various activities. Tumour antagonism refers to the capacity of anti-tumour immune cells to recognise and eradicate cancer cells at the early stages of tumour development. However, cancer cells can hinder the immune cells’ ability to target them through various mechanisms.

Angiogenesis: Formation Of New Blood Vessels

Angiogenesis is a natural process crucial for growth and healing, involving the formation of new blood vessels. However, in cancer, this process can become problematic as tumours depend on blood vessels to acquire nutrients and oxygen. Cancer cells release signals that promote the growth of new blood vessels, facilitating tumour growth and progression.

Anti-angiogenic agents, also called angiogenesis inhibitors, disrupt the formation of new blood vessels crucial for tumour growth. By inhibiting this process, these agents deprive the cancer cells of vital nutrients and oxygen, hindering their ability to thrive and spread.

Invasion And Metastasis

In the pathophysiology of breast cancer, cellular changes enable cancer cells to invade nearby tissues and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic vessels. They then travel to distant sites, where they colonise and form secondary tumours. This metastatic cascade involves a series of events, including extracellular matrix breakdown, migration, invasion, circulation, extravasation, and colonisation. Understanding these processes is vital for developing effective treatments to prevent metastasis.

Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death

Apoptosis is the body’s natural process of eliminating faulty or damaged cells. It is also known as ‘programmed cell death.’ This process is often disrupted, allowing cancer cells to evade death and persist.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Unique Pathophysiological Features

Inflammatory breast cancer presents unique challenges due to its aggressive nature and distinct pathophysiological features. This subtype, defined by breast redness, swelling, and warmth, needs specialist diagnostic and treatment planning.

Epigenetic Changes

Epigenetics involves gene modifications that don’t alter the DNA sequence but influence gene activity. In the pathophysiology of breast cancer, abnormal epigenetic alterations can activate oncogenes and silence tumour-suppressor genes. Studying epigenetic changes guides targeted therapy for better treatment.

Cancer Stem Cells

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play a role in metastasis and treatment resistance in various malignancies. Found in small proportions within tumours, CSCs possess distinctive traits like self-renewal and lineage diversity. It contributes to tumour initiation, progression, and recurrence. In the pathophysiology of breast cancer, CSCs resist chemotherapy and radiotherapy, posing treatment challenges.

Environmental And Lifestyle Factors

Environmental and lifestyle factors also influence breast cancer risk. Several factors, including radiation exposure, exposure to carcinogens, and harmful practices like smoking and binge drinking, can lead to the development of cancer.

There is also a link between a higher risk of breast cancer and obesity, inactivity, and poor nutritional choices. Educating people and changing lifestyles can lower breast cancer rates.

How Does Punarjan Ayurveda Combat Breast Cancer?

Punarjan Ayurveda’s main aim is to help those facing breast cancer. Our complete approach takes care of the body, mind, and soul.

We use herbal medicines and the science of Rasayana Ayurveda to restore balance and energy. Instead of just treating the Symptoms Of Breast Cancer, our experts find out the root causes.

Choosing Punarjan Ayurveda means choosing a Holistic Approach To Healing The Breast Cancer. Respecting nature, receiving personalised care, and being part of a compassionate community are important here. Join us on a journey toward health, happiness, and a future without breast cancer.

The below steps are part of Punarjan Ayurveda’s treatment plan –

Cell Health Improvement: Special herbs full of antioxidants help keep cells healthy and prevent damage from harmful free radicals in breast tissues.

Rasayan Elixirs: Special health mixtures, like Chyawanprash, boost enzyme performance. They help the body remove harmful substances and protect against cancer-causing agents.

Balancing Doshas: In Ayurveda, three important forces manage your health – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (Doshas). We bring back the natural balance among these three doshas.

Organ Healing: We focus on organs affected by cancer. We use special herbs that naturally impact these organs. These herbs not only decrease stress but also rejuvenate mental strength.


Understanding the pathophysiology of breast cancer is essential for effective treatment and prevention strategies. Genetic and hormonal factors, along with the tumour microenvironment, play crucial roles in cancer development and progression. Additionally, interventions such as hormone therapy and targeted therapies have revolutionised treatment approaches.

At Punarjan Ayurveda, our holistic approach integrates herbal medicines and Rasayana Ayurveda to address the root causes of breast cancer. Join us in embracing nature’s wisdom and personalised care for holistic well-being.


Q: What Is The Pathological Stage Of Breast Cancer?

A: The stage, pathophysiology of breast cancer is the examination of tissue post-surgery. It assesses cancer extent, aiding treatment planning by revealing tumour characteristics.

Q: What Is The Pathophysiology Of Stage 3 Breast Cancer?

A: Stage 3 breast cancer involves the spread of cancer cells to nearby lymph nodes and tissues near the breast. It may also affect chest wall or skin, indicating a more advanced stage of the disease.

Q: What Is The Pathophysiology Of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer?

A: Pathophysiology of HER2-positive breast cancer involves overexpression of the HER2 protein, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation.

Q: What Is The Main Focus Of Pathophysiology Of Breast Cancer?

A: Pathophysiology of breast cancer examines abnormal body functions. It helps in understanding disease mechanisms and identifying factors causing deviations from normal physiology.

Q: What Is The Function Of Pathophysiology?

A: The function of pathophysiology is to understand the underlying mechanisms and processes that contribute to the development and progression of a particular disease, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Also Read: Life Beyond Diagnosis With Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment