
Are there certain Marma points that, when stimulated, can aid in cancer prevention or treatment as per Ayurveda?

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Are there certain Marma points that, when stimulated, can aid in cancer prevention or treatment as per Ayurveda?

QuestionsCategory: cancerAre there certain Marma points that, when stimulated, can aid in cancer prevention or treatment as per Ayurveda?
Midhun raj asked 9 months ago
Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicine system which has a rich history. Marma points are definite anatomical locations in the body by which the flow of energy occurs. Marma points therapy is the practice of stimulating specific spots through  a therapy of gentle massage. Overall in our human body, 107 marma points are present Marma points contains three doshas:
  • vata (air and space)
  • kapha (earth and water)
  • pitta (fire and water)
In traditional Chinese ayurveda, acupuncture is a technique by which the marma points are stimulated to improve physical and mental health. Injury to the marma points can result the negative health effects in the body and in some cases it may lead to deathTherapy of marma points involves in releasing the stagnant energy and stimulating the internal organs, hormones and other chemical substances required for the bodyThis kind of therapy is to be done by a trained massage therapist who has vast experience in ayurvedic medicine. It helps in relieving the symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment.

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