
Are there specific Ayurvedic treatments for cancer-related fatigue and weakness?

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Are there specific Ayurvedic treatments for cancer-related fatigue and weakness?

QuestionsCategory: cancerAre there specific Ayurvedic treatments for cancer-related fatigue and weakness?
Catherine asked 9 months ago
Cancer is the most affected disease worldwide. Different types of cancers are present based on the location of the body. Firstly cancer can be identified by many signs and symptoms.  Most common symptom in cancer is fatigue and weakness or tiredness. This is the sign that will be present during the entire journey of diagnosis and treatment. Ayurveda is called the life of knowledge by procuring the medicines from plants in nature. It is the oldest method followed in India to cure many illnesses.  To reduce the fatigue and weakness during the cancer journey, specific ayurvedic treatments are performing yoga and meditation through pranayama breathing exercises. By following yoga, persons can be flexible through various poses (asanas) so it can reduce fatigue. Through meditation and pranayama breathing exercises we inhale enormous amounts of air (oxygen) into the body helps in production of  more energy compared to normal breathing rate. This enormous amount of energy makes us active and perform our daily activities.  Having a proper diet with fruits and vegetables especially (colorful) have high amounts of antioxidants to keep us less fatigued and energised in our daily life.

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