
Are there specific pranayama techniques beneficial for cancer patients?

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Are there specific pranayama techniques beneficial for cancer patients?

QuestionsCategory: cancerAre there specific pranayama techniques beneficial for cancer patients?
Baavana asked 9 months ago
Pranayama itself is an excellent technique that works well with the mind and the organs of respiration. It is a mixed form of physical practice and meditation. ‘Prana’ means ‘life’ or ‘breath’, and ‘Ayama’ is ‘control’ or ‘regulation’. So ,pranayama can be termed as the management of breath.The main aim of Pranayama is  to establish a connection between the body and mind  to better promote relaxation and mindfulness. It is the process of controlling the breath, increasing the supply of oxygen to the body and in addition it can remove toxins and heal the physiological health for good health benefits.Supplying high levels of oxygen to the body induces high production of energy in the cell. Energy is produced by  an organelle, mitochondria by which it is called powerhouses of cells. All the cells are energised due to pranayama and so persons are also energised to perform their regular activities with ease.     

Types of Breathing in Pranayama:

  • Natural breathing process
  • ‘Ujjayi’,   abdominal breathing with deep and slow rhythmic inhalation and exhalation
  • Kapalabhati pranayama, process of gentle inhalation, brief retaining of air and forceful exhalation 
  • Nadi shodhana, movement of air into alternate nostrils by blocking each nostril at a time with finger 

Benefits of Pranayama:

  • Fatigue relief 
  • Stress reduction 
  • Improvement of sleep 
  • Achievement of mindfulness
 Prolonged or intensive yoga breathing exercises will enhance the symptoms management and quality of life of the cancer patients. Increased yoga practice can reduce the disturbance of sleep and anxiety among the cancer survivors. 

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