
Can Ayurveda address sleep disorders common in cancer patients, such as insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns?

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Can Ayurveda address sleep disorders common in cancer patients, such as insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns?

QuestionsCategory: cancerCan Ayurveda address sleep disorders common in cancer patients, such as insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns?
Guneet asked 9 months ago
Can Ayurveda address sleep disorders common in cancer patients, such as insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns?

1 Answers
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff answered 3 months ago

Yes! Ayurveda can be reliable regarding rest issues like sleep deprivation and upset rest designs that cancer patients frequently face. While a person is going through a physical or emotional toll in his/her cancer healing journey, getting quality rest turns out to be so significant and, in addition, truly challenging.

The best thing about Ayurveda is that it takes a holistic approach - body, brain and soul - in order to reestablish harmony. Sleep troubles are normally a sign that something is messed up in the sensitive equilibrium of the three doshas, or energies. An Ayurvedic specialist can assess your current body constitution and imbalances to assemble a customized routine.

This often incorporates natural cures with adaptogens like Ashwagandha to battle stress and quiet the brain for rest. On the other hand, herbs like Brahmi resemble an embrace for the sensory system. There are likewise extraordinary oil massage methods, nasal treatments and different medicines that work remarkably well and loosen you up for a peaceful night's rest.

Be that as it may, Ayurveda isn't simply herbs, plants and medicines. They'll, of course, assess one’s eating regimen, day to day routine, and lifestyle factors that are disruptive.

Trying simple remedies such as keeping away from caffeine late in the day, drinking warm turmeric-flavored milk, or doing gentle yoga and pranayam can make a huge difference.

The key is always to address the root cause, in addition to the side effects. Ayurveda is profound and assists cancer warriors to restore their body’s natural environment by restoring the rest they desperately need. It is a great complement to conventional cancer care, too!

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