
Can Ayurvedic massages assist in the management of cancer symptoms and pain?

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Can Ayurvedic massages assist in the management of cancer symptoms and pain?

QuestionsCategory: cancerCan Ayurvedic massages assist in the management of cancer symptoms and pain?
Gayathri krishnan asked 9 months ago
Ayurvedic medicine promotes the use of internal herbal medicine or external medicine such as massage, shirodhara, herbal applications and steaming. Shirodhara and shiro abhyanga are two special ayurvedic treatments through the process of massage and other treatments also found are nutritional advice, yoga and meditation. Shirodhara. It uses warm herbal oils, milk or buttermilk, or decoctions poured in a slow steady stream on the person's forehead. Shiro refers to the head and dhara refers to flow. The constant flow of warm oil onto the forehead induces the pituitary gland, or “third eye.” This is the most divine therapy which awakens a person’s intuitive knowledge.This treatment helps in relaxing, nourishing and improving a person's mental clarity and comprehension. It is also beneficial in relieving symptoms of anxiety, stress, fatigue and hypertension. It removes tension, worry, fear, headache and depression. It controls mood, pleasure and relaxation.Shiro abhyanga. Being one of the best ayurvedic treatments. ‘Shiro’ refers to  ‘head’ and ‘abhyanga 'refers to  'massage'.It is an effective  treatment of stress-relieving and also provides good strength, freshness and energy. In addition to this it also stimulates the lymphatic system and improves metabolism, circulation and nerve conduction.Ayurvedic massage techniques bring balance and harmony in the body as it manages symptoms such as pain and fatigue.Herbal remedies, dietary and lifestyle changes are other important parts of Ayurvedic cancer treatment. A  well balanced, nutritious diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can give overall health. Lifestyle changes including regular exercise, stress management techniques, and enough sleep are also beneficial.

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