
How can cancer survivors help others going through treatment?

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How can cancer survivors help others going through treatment?

QuestionsCategory: cancerHow can cancer survivors help others going through treatment?
laxmi asked 9 months ago

A person who had a cancer diagnosis often referred to as ‘cancer survivor’ and ‘survivorship’ refers to exchange of life experiences and challenges during the cancer diagnosis and treatment.


Somepeople may feel comfortable as a ‘Cancer survivor’ while defining themselves and some others feel different. But it is the most important thing to discuss and explain the medical condition and emotional needs with the healthcare team and to the loved ones in the family.


These days most of the people are comfortable with their names and explaining the changes and challenges across during the cancer diagnosis and treatment 


A cancer survivor can have a range of emotions such as shock, disbelief and fear. Sometimes they may feel alone even with friends and loved ones. It was very difficult for loved ones and friends to understand the feelings experienced by patients.


Cancer survivors are qualified to help cancer patients. They experienced the various situations of physical, social, mental, personal, financial and emotional effects of cancer.


They can deal with the issues related to the possibility of recurrences, second cancers, follow up after completion of treatment and quality of life.


Helping cancer patients during the diagnosis and treatment as a volunteer is a win-win situation. It is to regain confidence and  self understanding.  so that people can avoid doubting his/her strengths.


Ways of cancer survivors to help cancer patients:


  • Become an advocate- Providing one-on-one helping to cancer patients and their families
  • Participate in cancer research-Volunteering at nonprofit organizations in raising fund for cancer care and research
  • Connect with others like you -Attending support groups to aware and help patients
  • Participate in Community Gives Day-Participation in support programs in social media forums such as facebook groups to give help and awareness those who are not able to come out 
  • Share your survivor story -  Sharing the survivorship story to others is a type of word encouragement  so that other people don't feel alone in the cancer diagnosis. Convey the fact that ‘community is stronger than cancer’   


Survivorship programmes can be strengthened in various ways 


  • Patient empowerment
  • Psycho-education
  • Support groups
  • Social support
  • Survivorship programmes 


Some of the International Survivorship programme are;


  • Building a Survivorship Programme :ASCO
  • Cancer Survivorship Programme:UCSF
  • Survivorship Programme: University of Kansas Medical center

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