
How does Panchakarma aid in cancer treatment and prevention according to Ayurveda?

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How does Panchakarma aid in cancer treatment and prevention according to Ayurveda?

QuestionsCategory: cancerHow does Panchakarma aid in cancer treatment and prevention according to Ayurveda?
Abhimanyu asked 9 months ago
How does Panchakarma aid in cancer treatment and prevention according to Ayurveda?Panchakarma Treatment is used to cleanse and detoxify the body to enhance the immunity by this health is restored. It helps to reduce the sufferings of side effects  and prevent the recurrence of cancerTreatment (chikits) methods of cancer 
  • Relieving three doshas 
  • Dhatvagni-deepan- Improving metabolic activities
  • Controls Dhatugata Avastha
  • Preventing Dhatupaka Avastha-Following pittashamak & rakta prasadak treatment
  • Rasayana - Rejuvenation of affected organs
Procedure of panchakarma (shodhana Chikitsa)Purvakarma (pre procedure)
  • Snehana -Internal or external oletion
  • Swedana (sudation)- Saravanga sweda (sudation to complete body) is done by using the water vapor of herbal decoction after snehana
Pradhana karma (Main procedure)
  • Vamana - Inducing vomiting
  • Virechana -  Inducing purgation 
  • Basti - Enema with medication 
  • Nasya- Elimination  of dosha by nasal medication
  • Raktamokshana - Letting of blood
Pashchat karma (post - procedure)Digestion power will be weak after the panchakarma, so special diet regime is to be given to the patient which contains 
  • Peya -  thin rice gruel
  • Vilepi -   thick rice gruel 
  • Akruta Yusha - bena soup
  • Kruta Yusha - bean soup with medication 
  • Akruta mansarasa - Non-veg soup 
  • Kruta mansarasa - Non -veg  soup with medication 
 This panchakarma is utilized in ayurveda treatment to restore the health of a cancer patient. Specific type of method of panchakarma is to treat different cancer types and is performed by an experienced physician.

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