
They\’re always saying things cause cancer, like smoking, pollution, and bad foods. But my neighbor smoked for 50 years and never got it. So what really causes it, then?

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  • They\’re always saying things cause cancer, like smoking, pollution, and bad foods. But my neighbor smoked for 50 years and never got it. So what really causes it, then?

They\’re always saying things cause cancer, like smoking, pollution, and bad foods. But my neighbor smoked for 50 years and never got it. So what really causes it, then?

QuestionsCategory: cancerThey\’re always saying things cause cancer, like smoking, pollution, and bad foods. But my neighbor smoked for 50 years and never got it. So what really causes it, then?
Sandeep asked 2 months ago

1 Answers
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff answered 2 months ago

Since cancer is a complicated condition, various variables might lead to its progression. Imagine it as a complex puzzle filled with pieces.

Smoking is a piece of this puzzle. Consuming tobacco is believed to boost the possibility of acquiring specific cancers. Smoking enhances a person's risk of developing cancer, given that it exposes them to toxic substances that might damage their cells gradually. But cancer occasionally strikes smokers. 
The fact that individuals can smoke for years without acquiring cancer and others may develop the disease without lighting up makes it all appear like a game of chance.
Another piece of the puzzle is pollution. Toxic elements such as carcinogens—chemicals that can trigger cancer—can exist in polluted air. A person's chance of acquiring lung cancer and other cancers can be elevated when inhaling contaminated air for a lengthy amount of time.
Diet is an additional factor. A greater chance of cancer has been linked to eating habits that contain sugary beverages, processed foods, and red or processed meats. The logic underlying it is that these foods can support inflammation and cellular damage, which may end up in the occurrence of cancer.
The challenge is that these traits are vital but aren't sufficient on their own. The potential of acquiring cancer can be influenced by genetic makeup, lifestyle choices, surrounding factors, and even unpredictability.
In summary, there are an array of reasons that can result in cancer. An individual's threat profile is a consequence of various events. We can make superior choices to mitigate our chances of cancer if we recognize these factors.

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