
What are malignant tumors in cancer?

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What are malignant tumors in cancer?

QuestionsCategory: cancerWhat are malignant tumors in cancer?
Kaamini asked 8 months ago
What are malignant tumors in cancer?

1 Answers
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff answered 7 months ago
Tumor is an alarming issue of medical science that’s made up of abnormal growths of cells. The bracket of these tumours is generally divided between benign or non-cancerous and malignant or cancerous types. This paper discusses the types of these tumours, their distinction, and the possible transformation of benign tumours into malignant ones.  

What is a Tumor?

  A tumour is a cluster of abnormal cells. The term ‘tumour’ originates from the Latin word ‘tumere,’ meaning “to swell”. Tumours are often named with the suffix “-oma.”  

Formation of Tumors:

  • Cell Division and Apoptosis: Cell division and death (apoptosis) are normally balanced. Tumours form when this balance is disrupted due to mutations in cellular DNA, which can be spontaneous or caused by factors like tobacco smoking or radiation exposure.
  • Uncontrolled Growth: A tumour can develop if cells divide excessively or insufficient apoptosis occurs. Tumours can arise almost anywhere in the body and vary in size.

Cancer and Tumors:

  • Malignant Tumors: These are cancerous, capable of invading other tissues and spreading (metastasizing) to distant body parts.
  • Benign Tumors: These are non-cancerous and generally less harmful, often remaining localized without spreading to other tissues.

Benign Tumors: Characteristics and Types

  Benign tumours, while non-cancerous, can still cause health issues:  
  • Growth and Location: They can grow large, causing pain or other problems by exerting pressure on surrounding areas.
  • Non-Invasive: Generally, they don’t insinuate other tissues or organs and would not be likely to reoccur after surgical removal.
  • Types of Benign Tumors: For example, there are adenomas( arising within epithelial tissue), fibroids (forming in fibrous tissue), hemangiomas (deduced from abnormal vessel growth), and lipomas (which affect from excess adipose tissue).

Malignant Tumors: The Cancerous Threat

  Malignant tumours are the more dangerous type, with several key characteristics:  
  • Invasive Nature: They can invade neighbouring tissues and spread to distant body parts.
  • Metastasis: These tumours can break away and spread through blood or lymph systems, often forming new tumours in the liver, lungs, brain, or bones.
  • Urgent Treatment Need: They have a tendency to be aggressive and thus demand immediate medication through methods like operation, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.

Types of Malignant Tumors:

  • Carcinomas: The most common type, developing in epithelial cells.
  • Sarcomas: Arising from connective tissues like bone, cartilage, or muscle.
  • Blastomas: Occurring in immature cells, more common in children.

Formation of Malignant Tumors:

  • Cellular Mutation: Malignant tumours begin with mutations in the DNA of cells, disrupting the balance between cell growth and death.
  • Uncontrolled Proliferation: These mutations lead to cells dividing uncontrollably, forming a mass or tumour.
  • Invasion and Spread: Unlike benign tumours, malignant ones invade surrounding tissues and can spread (metastasize) to distant body parts.

The Key Differences

  The primary distinction between benign and malignant tumours lies in their behaviour:  
  • Spread and Invasion: Benign tumours do not invade other tissues or spread to distant body parts, whereas malignant tumours are characterized by their ability to do both.
  • Aggressiveness: Malignant tumours are more aggressive, potentially yielding more severe health issues.


  It is critical to understand the difference between benign and malignant tumours, which are essential to medicine in diagnosis and treatment. Benign tumours can be harmful in a less threatening way. Because of its ability to spread fast, malignant tumours (being cancerous) need urgent and, most times, aggressive treatment. Tumorology, or the study and treatment of tumours, remains central in medical sciences trying to achieve better care outcomes and patient quality of life.

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