
What are the main causes for Liver Cancer?

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What are the main causes for Liver Cancer?

QuestionsCategory: cancerWhat are the main causes for Liver Cancer?
Anu asked 9 months ago
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff replied 9 months ago

The precise cause of liver cancer is unknown. But cirrhosis (liver damage and scarring) is a common factor in most cases. Also, many other factors, including years of heavy alcohol consumption and a protracted hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus infection, can contribute to cirrhosis.

Because the above infections can result in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, it is believed that obesity and a poor diet can raise the risk of liver cancer.

Simultaneously, one must avoid or consume less alcohol while maintaining a nutritious diet and exercising regularly. Because these steps can reduce the chance of catching hepatitis B and C, you may significantly reduce your risk of developing liver cancer.

deeraj replied 9 months ago

Is it curable For ayurveda in liver cancer

Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff replied 9 months ago

All types of cancer are curable in Ayurveda treatment. It is based on the stage of the cancer in the body. Mostly in the Ayurveda, the treatment is employed to increase the immunity of the body. It prevents the spread of cancer. Quality of life is increased by following ancient ayurvedic techniques such as pranayama breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, panchakarma, aroma therapy (medicinal oils), proper diet (pathyas), consuming alkaline water, and taking rasayanas for rejuvenation of the body.

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