
What are the most common cancers in men/women?

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What are the most common cancers in men/women?

QuestionsCategory: cancerWhat are the most common cancers in men/women?
Jeevitha asked 8 months ago
What are the most common cancers in men/women?

1 Answers
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff answered 7 months ago
The variations in body structures, hormonal effects, and other factors affecting their lifestyles result in different prevalent cancers in men and women. Here is a breakdown of the most common cancers for each gender:  

Most Common Cancers in Men:

  Prostate Cancer:
  • It is a very common form of cancer among men, particularly in elderly people. Early detection thus demands a routine screening.
  Lung Cancer:
  • Lung cancer leads most cancer death among males; linked closely to cigarette smoke. Pollutants may also contribute to its development as well as exposure to occupational hazards.
  Colorectal Cancer:
  • This cancer affects the colon and rectum. Threat factors include age, a diet high in red and processed meats, and a sedentary life.
  Bladder Cancer:
  • More common in men than in women, risk factors include smoking, exposure to certain chemicals, and chronic bladder inflammation.
  Skin Cancer (including Melanoma):
  • Melanoma occurs more in men compared to women. These risk factors are exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the environment and previous sunburn episodes.

Most Common Cancers in Women:

  Breast Cancer:
  • It's the most common cancer in women worldwide. Threat factors include age, genetic predilection, and certain lifestyle factors.
  Cervical Cancer:
  • It's linked to the Human Papillomavirus( HPV), and regular screening through Pap smears can help in early discovery and prevention.
  Lung Cancer:
  • Identical to men, lung cancer is a top cause of cancer deaths in women, with smoking being a main threat factor.
  Colorectal Cancer:
  • This has got to be as similar to men’s cases of such type including factors related to nutrition, lifestyle and age.
  Ovarian Cancer:
  • Often diagnosed later due to subtle symptoms, risk factors include age, family history, and certain genetic mutations.

Prevention and Early Detection:

  • Screening: Pivotal screenings such as mammograms in breast cancer, colonoscopies, and Pap smears for cervical or colorectal cancer.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Eating well, exercise, not smoking, and drinking responsibly minimizes this hazard for several cancers.
  • Awareness: Talking about your history of these types of cancer when asked by your health care specialist should be carried out as this will enable you to establish the danger.


  Cancer risks can arise due to various factors such as genetics, lifestyles, and even environmental exposure, with these being the most prevalent cancers among men and women. It is important to avoid such cancers through awareness, regular screening, and adopting healthy lifestyle choices.

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