
What is the most common type of cancer?

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What is the most common type of cancer?

QuestionsCategory: cancerWhat is the most common type of cancer?
Aarush asked 8 months ago
What is the most common type of cancer?

1 Answers
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff answered 7 months ago
There are many kinds of cancer, which is a difficult and scary disease. For instance, doctors diagnose some cancers more frequently than others. Some of the cancers include breast cancers, lung cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancers, which the article provides their prevalence, death rate, and possible survival chances. Understanding these figures is crucial in mobilizing the public and ensuring the use of early diagnosis that may greatly impact cure rates.  

Breast Cancer

  • Prevalence: Leading the list, breast cancer is the most common cancer among Indian women, excluding skin cancers.
  • New Cases Annually:
    • Women: 268,600
    • Men: 2,670
  • Annual Mortality:
    • Women: 41,760
    • Men: 500
  • Survival Outlook: The 5-year survival rate for women stands at 90%.

Lung and Bronchus Cancer

  • Ranking: Second in prevalence but the deadliest.
  • Annual Incidence: 228,150 cases.
  • Mortality Rate: Alarmingly high at 142,670 deaths per year.
  • Survival Rate: Only 23% survived past five years.

Prostate Cancer

  • Frequency: The most common cancer in Indian men.
  • New Cases: 164,690 diagnosed annually.
  • Deaths per Year: 29,430.
  • Survival Probability: High, with a 98% 5-year survival rate.

Colorectal Cancer

  • Combined Impact: Colon and rectal cancers together pose a significant risk.
  • Annual Cases: 145,600 new diagnoses.
  • Mortality: Results in 51,020 deaths annually.
  • Survival Chances: 64% over five years.


  • Nature: A dangerous form of skin cancer, also affecting eyes and other pigmented tissues.
  • New Diagnoses: 96,480 cases each year.
  • Annual Deaths: 7,230.
  • Survival Rate: Relatively high at 92%.

Bladder Cancer

  • Trend: More common in older adults, particularly men.
  • Incidence: 80,470 new cases annually.
  • Mortality: 17,670 deaths per year.
  • 5-Year Survival: 77%.

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

  • Characteristics: Originates from lymphocytes.
  • New Cases: 74,200 annually.
  • Deaths: 19,970 per year.
  • Survival Rate: 71% over five years.

Kidney Cancer

  • Common Type: Renal cell carcinoma.
  • Incidence: 73,820 new cases each year.
  • Mortality: 14,770 deaths annually.
  • Survival Outlook: 75% over five years.

Endometrial Cancer

  • Prevalence: More frequent than uterine sarcoma.
  • Annual Cases: 61,880.
  • Deaths: 12,160 per year.
  • Survival Rate: 84%.


  • Overview: Characterized by an overproduction of abnormal white blood cells.
  • New Diagnoses: 61,780 annually.
  • Mortality Rate: 22,840 deaths per year.
  • Survival Chances: 61.4% over five years.

Pancreatic Cancer

  • Spread: Known for quick progression to other organs.
  • Incidence: 56,770 new cases each year.
  • Annual Deaths: 45,750.
  • Survival Rate: Low, at 9%.

Thyroid Cancer

  • Variants: Papillary type being the most common.
  • New Cases: 52,070 annually.
  • Mortality: 2,170 deaths per year.
  • Survival Outlook: Near 100%.

Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer

  • Types: Includes hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma.
  • Incidence: 42,030 new cases each year.
  • Mortality: 31,780 deaths annually.
  • Survival Rate: 18%.

Understanding the 5-Year Survival Rate

  This metric compares the survival of cancer patients to the general population. It’s important to note that individual experiences vary, and these statistics serve as general indicators rather than precise predictions.  

Final Thoughts

  These 13 cancers represent a significant portion of cancer diagnoses in the U.S., emphasizing the importance of awareness and early detection. If you’re concerned about cancer symptoms, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial. Early detection can greatly enhance treatment success, a fact underscored by the World Health Organization. Remember, each cancer journey is unique, and these statistics provide a broad overview to inform and educate.

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