
What role does Prakriti (individual constitution) play in cancer prevention and treatment in Ayurveda?

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What role does Prakriti (individual constitution) play in cancer prevention and treatment in Ayurveda?

QuestionsCategory: cancerWhat role does Prakriti (individual constitution) play in cancer prevention and treatment in Ayurveda?
Abhijeet asked 9 months ago
What role does Prakriti (individual constitution) play in cancer prevention and treatment in Ayurveda?  
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy Staff replied 9 months ago

Impact of Prakriti or body constitution in health and disease

According to the science of ayurvedic philosophy different people have different body types or constitutions which gives heterogeneity in disease susceptibility, environmental responses, and drug effects or resistance.
It is understood that in most of the clinical trials, men may respond differently to treatments than women and the children also respond differently than adults.
Ayurveda proposes another principle for a wide range of people is the constitution of the body called “Prakriti”. This theory acknowledges that the human physiology is in the relation with the five subtle elements of nature such as space, air, fire, water, and earth, collectively termed as ‘Panchamahabhuta’
They have a great relation with human physiology as these five elements correspond with the five senses of the human body such as hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell, respectively.

Ayurveda instinctively proposes that all biological systems including humans should have these elements which are coded into three forces. These forces govern all life processes and its physiology as the Doshas.

There are three doshas comprises; Vata (V), Pitta (P) and Kapha (K)
Each dosha is divided into five subdoshas which helps in function of the organ system of the body.
“Tridosha theory” defines the three physical and psychological control systems are coordinated mutually to perform all normal function of the body
A person’s ‘prakriti’ can defines the response to the external environment includes susceptibility to diseases or responses to drugs
Each body type has its own unique positive tendencies and health characteristics when doshas are in balance, if the doshas are imbalanced, then the person is equally vulnerable.

The target of the ayurveda is to maintaining the balance between doshas, within the seven tissues (dhatus) and the three channels for waste products (malas)
If any imbalance is present between these elements can result in decreased vitality, immunity, inflammation and disease.
‘Prakriti’ has a strong influence on epigenetic changes such as lifestyle, diet and environmental influences
The concept of ‘prakriti’ in ayurveda provides an approach of comprehensive precision medicine and may give a path for the discovery of novel biomarkers for complex diseases.

Ayurveda has specific protocols specifically for diet, digestion, detoxification, and supporting metabolism. The digestion capacity and its efficiency will be variable and solely dependent on ‘prakriti’.

A ‘Vata prakriti’ person may have irregular digestion, or they may have no appetite sometimes; a ‘Pitta Prakriti’ has a good efficient appetite and digestion but it may have a tendency of heartburn if they are not fed properly, A ‘kapha pakriti’ constitution has a weaker agni and it slows the digestion and may feel heaviness in stomach
The gut microbiome may play an important role in the prakriti-specific digestive capacity. The gut microbiome behaves differently to different types of ‘prakriti’.

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