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Best Cancer Treatment Hospital In Chennai

Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital in Chennai, indeed holds the promise of the best Ayurveda treatment for Cancer in India with the support of Rasayana Ayurveda combined with conventional medicine. Sited in the central region of Chennai, we were established for cancer patients managing side effects of the standard treatments while complementing them. Our patients receive an improved quality of life. The support staff comprises qualified Ayurvedic doctors who extend their hand in synchronizing cancer treatments, Ayurvedic therapies, and oncologists.

What We Treat

Cancer treatment services are supported by ancient Rasayana Ayurveda principles. This process can work at the roots and helps to build the MahaDhatus, enhancing the body’s Prana shakti. It might help in the process of not spreading further without any adverse effects.

Bladder Cancer1

Bladder Cancer

Immune boosting that fosters overall health of the Urine tract, precisely bladder.

Blood Cancer1

Blood Cancer

Care-driven Rasayana Ayurveda strengthening of blood cells.

Bone Cancer1

Bone Cancer

Safeguarding the Bone Skeletal Framework through Rasayana Ayurveda immunomodulation for Holistic Health.

Brain Cancer1

Brain Cancer

Unique Ayurvedic formulations look after overall cognitive health.

Breast Cancer1

Breast Cancer

Tailored Breast cancer care by ancient Ayurvedic practices.

Cervical Cancer1

Cervical Cancer

Safeguarding reproductive Health by Holistic Ayurveda care.

Colon Cancer1

Colon Cancer

Make your Gut Intestines Healthy through Integrated Ayurveda care.

Endometrial Cancer1

Endometrial Cancer

Compassionate Rasayana Ayurveda is to furnish overall uterine health.

Esophageal Cancer1

Esophageal Cancer

Secure Gut health with natural Phyto extracts of Ayurveda services.

Kidney Cancer1

Kidney Cancer

Rasayana Ayurveda care promotes holistic renal health with immune enhancement plans.

Liver Cancer1

Liver Cancer

Holistic liver care through Rasayana Ayurveda for detoxification and rejuvenation.

Lung Cancer1

Lung Cancer

Assisting respiratory health & detoxification for lung vitality with Rasyana Ayurveda integrated care.


Lymphoma Cancer

Immunomodulatory effects of Ayurvedic care for holistic immune cells healthy.

Skin Cancer1

Skin Cancer

Fortifying Skin health with Ayurvedic phytoextracts for protection and rejuvenation.

Oral Cancer1

Oral Cancer

Preserving oral health employing the traditional Ayurvedic approach of rasayana services.

Ovarian Cancer1

Ovarian Cancer

Shield of Ayurveda to accomplish overall reproductive ovarian health.

Pancreatic Cancer1

Pancreatic Cancer

Assisting Pancreatic & Digestive health through Rasayana Ayurveda Integrated care.

Prostate Cancer1

Prostate Cancer

Prostate health nurtured by Ayurvedic practices for hormonal balance and vitality.

Thyroid Cancer1

Thyroid Cancer

Ayurvedic care for thyroid balance and overall endocrine health.

Stomach Cancer New (2)

Stomach Cancer

Enhancing Ama, i.e., Digestive fire & wellness by Rasayana Ayurveda overall care.

Survivor Stories

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best hospital for cancer treatment in Chennai, Tamil Nadu?

Chennai is home to some of the top cancer treatment hospitals, each with expertise. We cannot yet declare one hospital as the “best,” but we can categorically say that Chennai is home to some of the world’s top cancer treatment facilities. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital is a comprehensive center specializing in combining Ayurveda and modern systems of medicine. Many of our patients urge them to compare different hospitals, speak to various physicians, and select the one that would meet their requirements and expectations.

This approach of using Ayurveda in cancer care to health and healing has received a positive reception. Current research evidence supports Ayurvedic herbs and treatments for the palliation of cancer symptoms and for reduction in toxicity of the cancer treatments. It is based on the fact that instead of fighting the disease, Ayurveda enhances the strength of the body to fight it, increases resistance power, and improves the build-up of health. Ayurveda therapies minimize the side effects, enhance the quality of life, and help achieve better outcomes than conventional treatments. However, it has to be understood that Ayurveda is better when prescribed in conjunction with other forms of treatment.

Several hospitals in Chennai specialize in Ayurvedic cancer treatment, and the best choice will depend on the client. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital is such a facility dedicated to the Rasayana Ayurveda system of medicine, especially in the treatment of cancer-related diseases. We fully support  the methods of treatment and therapies used to give better comfort and survival to the people. Our advice is for patients to go around, see the doctors, know their modes of practice, and choose from them depending on the nature of the ailment.

For any given cancer, the treatments can bring about some change in the body. However, no cancer treatment options are free from some side effects; however, integrative treatments mean fewer side effects. At Punarjan, we minimize side effects by selectively combining Ayurvedic treatments with modern therapies. We want to help the body deal with injuries while also controlling some of the impact of treatments. As to managing some of the difficulties that may occur during the treatment, we always inform patients about it and what we will be able to do.

Chennai today boasts a number of excellent cancer hospitals that offer both conventional and complementary treatment. A vast majority of these hospitals have been accredited for quality and effectiveness in providing care and treatment. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital have adapted the scale to account for an approach of Punarjan therapy  to draw patients’ attention to the most substantive aspects in cancer care. Hospitals vary in their abilities, and every patient should select a hospital according to personal preference.

Different treatments have differing success rates based on many factors, including the type of cancer, the stage it has attained, and the individual patient’s features. We at Punarjan monitor our patient outcomes closely; however, success rates are not the whole picture. Cognitive and behavioral integration in our treatment aims to enhance conventional treatment efficacy and Quality of Life. We inform patients that having a detailed conversation with our doctors can help them comprehend the possible outcomes of their particular case.

Ayurvedic remedies are helpful at every cancer phase with diverse results. Early-stage patients may target supporting an orthodox approach and avoiding relapse. It is only in stage 3 that patients need some help in symptom control and quality of life enhancement. Our Ayurvedic treatment programs are individually tailored according to the patient’s circumstances, but they are done parallel to and in support of main cancer therapy.

Integrative cancer treatment can only be recommended for patients who are as unique as themselves. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital in Chennai provides concurrent medical care for cancer with both conventional and traditional medicine. At Punarjan, we tailor our treatment plans to employ the best of both worlds—Ayurveda and modern as an integrative cancer therapy. We empower our patients to look at alternatives and select the right treatment plan for them.

To express our view, Chennai is indeed a good place to get treatment for cancer because it now boasts holistic methods of treating this disease, from conventional to complementary methods. The city has good hospitals, skilled doctors, and sufficient ancillary facilities. It was not possible for the study to state a specific ‘best’ hospital out of everyone, but one could confidently say that there are good cancer care facilities offered out of Chennai. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital allows patients to undergo Ayurveda treatments like Punarjan Therapy to enhance the immunity of individuals and also support conventional therapies. We suggest that the patients compare the various programs, consult your doctor and seek the one that best meets the patient’s needs.


This information on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.