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Kidney Cancer

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Best Kidney Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Chennai

Renal cancer, commonly referred to as kidney cancer, starts in the kidneys, and some of the signs include blood in the urine, constant pain, and loss of weight. Earlier intervention is essential because the recommended treatments include conventional ones and Ayurveda. For patients who want the best quality of health care, Punarjan Ayurveda hospitals are the best kidney cancer treatment hospitals in Chennai with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment plans. Our center specializes in the provision of kidney cancer therapy. We will work hard to formulate the best approaches to improve the lives of patients with kidney cancer.

Why Choose Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals For Kidney Cancer Treatment ?

Hope of healing can be accomplished if anyone is diagnosed with kidney cancer as Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals for kidney Cancer Treatment would be a better option. We precisely work on enhancing our own immunity by improving Prana Shakthi. Overall, our integrative approach can treat kidney cancer without any negative effects.

For a very long time people have known that we use detox treatments, valuable herbs, herbominerals, and phytochemicals to treat cancer from the inside out. Rasayana Ayurveda, a part of the Indian traditional system of medicine, has been used at Punarjan to revive most of the people’s happiness.

Ayurvedic treatment at Punarjan combinedly fights cancer by improving our whole body health, mind, and spirit. This holistic approach ensures to make an attempt to improve the energy levels, appetite and so make you feel stronger. Bringing more immunity with enhanced levels of energy could fight cancer with better outcomes.

To do that, we make a specific diet plan with foods that are good for you. Specific detoxification methods can clean the body. Meditation, herbal concoctions, and breathing exercises also make great improvement in all aspects.

What makes it unique?

Apart from conventional methods, our method is all-natural and has no harmful effects that can make you better without invasive treatments. That’s the reason, most people have found a new hope through our compassionate care. Our treatment not only makes you physically better but also shows a sense of hope and optimism for the future.

Trusting Ayurveda from nature is innovative and a way of tracking back to our roots that happens with the well directed approach from Punarjan Ayurveda hospitals. It can help you get better and enhance your quality of life. Let’s join with us to achieve our dream of foreseeing cancer free society.

Types Of Kidney Cancer

Renal cancer or kidney cancer is a group of classifications of the disease, and therefore, it is treated differently depending on the extent of the type. The main types are:

  • Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): This is the most common type, and indeed, 90% of all kinds of kidney cancer will have this type. RCC begins in cells within the nephron tube, which consists of the epithelium in the kidney. These cancers can go through four main stages.
  • Urothelial Carcinoma (Transitional Cell Carcinoma): This type impacts the outermost layer, the urothelium of the renal pelvis, which is the final place before the urine leaves the kidneys to enter the bladder. This form of kidney cancer makes up 5% of all kidney cancer cases reported on the market. Thus, it is the most exclamatory one. It may also cause indications similar to those of bladder cancer.
  • Wilms’ Tumor: Being an embryonal cancer diagnosed principally in children, Wilms’ tumor is mainly a trans-abdominal cancer in its expression; it chiefly occurs in children aged less than five years and can be pretty ominous if not treated early.
  • Renal Sarcoma: Renal sarcomas are cancers that are rare in their origin and occur in the kidneys as well as other organs that are mostly made from connective tissues. Two of them are the subtypes leiomyosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. Due to the scarcity of renal sarcoma, it is suggested that surgical treatment, chemotherapy, and radiation are recommended treatments for this kind of pathological condition.
  • Other Rare Types: Some of the typical types of neoplasms in this category include renal lymphomas together with primary adrenal neoplasms that could, at times, affect the functionality of the kidneys.

It is beneficial to categorize such types of knowledge in the form of treatment because the patterns of its growth and response to therapy also depend on this factor. Punarjan always provides information and shows the best available path to the people for their journey in cancer recovery. 

Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment For Kidney Cancer 

Another Ayurvedic medicine that is found in India is Rasayana ayurveda. It makes you feel better and helps your body’s defense system. People know that using this kind of Ayurveda therapy on people who have kidney cancer can make them healthy overall.  

Foundational Kidney Cancer Treatment Principles of Rasayana Ayurveda:

  • Immune System Enhancement: The main goal of Rasayana ayurveda medications is to promote the body’s immunity. Herbs used for mixes, like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Guduchi, boost the immune system, give you more energy, and  even help with kidney diseases. People believe that these herbs can help ease the side effects of standard cancer treatments.
  • Rejuvenation and Strengthening: Rasayana main aim to improve general health and balance by using medicinal herbs and food changes to make people look better and feel younger. At the point when cancer patients do these things, they empower their bodies to deal with the pressure that treatment puts them through, and they recover trust.
  • Balancing Doshas: It is always sought to keep Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in equilibrium so that they are not too high or too low, which could be dangerous for your well-being. The other aspect of managing kidney cancer are alterations in a person’s diet since they alleviate the severity and transform the individual to be healthy.
  • Diet and Lifestyle: According to Rasayana Ayurveda, people should eat fresh, healthy foods that are right for their Prakruti and health. Low-impact movements like yoga and meditation can also be suggested for stress management because they suit the patient’s mental health. 

So, the problems that arise with kidney cancer can be fixed with the help of Rasayana Ayurveda and traditional medical methodology, with the Punarjan therapy,  patients feel a better quality of life, a more robust immune system, and better chances of overcoming this illness.

Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications Of Kidney Cancer

Grasping the fundamentals of kidney cancer aids in selecting the appropriate treatment and provides individuals with a clearer understanding of the recovery journey.

Symptoms: Kidney cancer usually doesn’t show any symptoms in its early stages. However, hematuria, constant lower back pain, an abdominal mass, weight loss that isn’t due to eating, constant tiredness, and fever for no apparent reason are all signs of the disease. Some people who may be dehydrated or have high blood pressure may also feel pain or soreness on the side or lower gut.

Causes: Many things could lead to kidney cancer, but the exact reason has not been found. Genetic changes that make the kidneys grow faster than they should can cause cancer in people. However, studies have shown that cancerous kidney cells have some flaws that may change the DNA they carry, which makes them grow strangely.

Risk Factors: The factors that may enhance the risk of kidney cancer include cigarette smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and the utilization of some pain-relieving drugs for the long term. The other risk factors are genetic, such as von Hippel-Lindau diseases or hereditary papillary renal carcinoma. Chronic kidney disease and dialysis also cause patients to develop kidney cancer.

Complications: For this reason, if not treated early, kidney cancer can cause several complications. These may include metastasis, where the cancer spreads to other organs, such as the lungs or the bones, thus severely affecting an individual’s health. It also leads to kidney failure or severe bleeding, primarily resulting from the growth of the tumor. There are types of cancer where pneumonic symptoms may be linked to paraneoplastic syndromes, and the cancer has effects that go beyond the tumor itself. Particular attention should be paid to preventing these risks; the key means for prevention are early diagnosis and treatment.

Punarjan Ayurveda provides a unique methodology of Punarjan therapy that uses rasayana ayurveda proto type to get betterment in kidney cancer patients and they themselves feel happy for their recovery from this dreadful illness.

Treatment Procedure For Kidney Cancer At Punarjan

Rasayanas are the combination of Ayurvedic medication with a new modern approach. It can help in kidney cancer care that makes the body stronger to fight this sickness in a better way and is one of the main parts of Ayurveda treatment.

  • Personalized Assessment: An Ayurvedic classification tells us about a patient’s type and form of cancer, which helps us decide how to treat them. Based on this evaluation, personalized care plans can be made for each client’s condition. 
  • Targeted Herbal Formulations: This idea is different from the usual detoxification that you might think of because the doctor recommends other herbal medicines that help the kidneys work better and boost energy. So, medicinal herbs like Gokshura and Punarnava help keep the kidneys healthy and lessen cancer’s damage to these organs. These herbs are considered to alleviate kidney function and stimulate urination. 
  • Rasayana Therapy: This therapy involves the usage of Ashwagandha, an adaptogen and  Shatavari, Guduchi are also a kind of medicinal herbs that make the body strong and healthy and render it young. It is not well understood  that these herbs can have anti cancer effects on tumor cells and other components work to minimize the impact of free radicals and inflammation. 
  • Immunomodulation: In Ayurveda, some herbs are used to change the immune system in a way that can be undone. These two herbs, Amalaki and Triphala, helps the body manage cancer cells and lessen the side effects of standard therapies.
  • Lifestyle and Diet: Diet and nutrition are the main topics, and it is suggested that people eat well and change bad habits. People should eat foods that help the kidneys work better and boost the immune system to improve food and pillars. Management should also promote activities that reduce stress, like yoga and meditation. 

On a note of immunomodulation, Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital in Chennai will be one of the good places to get Rasayana Ayurveda for kidney cancer. With the combination of ancient Ayurvedic with modern medicine that deepened the treatment of cancer. This integrative method aims to improve people’s quality of life and get more people to support physical cures. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main symptom of kidney cancer?

The main symptom of kidney cancer mostly occurs in people are hematuria , blood in urine. This symptom may present with a pink, red, or cola-like coloring in the urine. Other signs are pain in the lower part of the back on a particular side of the body, swelling on the abdomen or side of the body, loss of appetite, excessive weight loss, and constant fatigue. Nevertheless, the primary stage of renal cancer does not manifest common symptoms, so routine check-ups are necessary for diagnosis.

One of the leading causes of kidney cancer is the starting and changing of cells in the kidney. This can happen because of genetic factors like gene mutations or changes in how genes are made or because of bad habits like smoking, being overweight, having high blood pressure, or having von Hippel-Lindau disease. People who have kidney disease or take certain drugs for a long time are also more likely to get it. These risk factors are critical because they can help find the first signs of kidney cancer and stop it from worsening.

Kidney cancer, mainly if discovered at a late stage, has the potential to spread relatively fast. The common sites are the regional lymph nodes, lungs, liver, and bones, and it usually spreads by metastasis. Symptoms depend on the type of cancer, its grade, and the stage at which it is mainly diagnosed. Among kidney cancers, the most familiar with an aggressive propensity is renal cell carcinoma. The best way to prevent the worsening of the symptoms and even halt the progress of such diseases to some extent is early diagnosis and treatment. The patient’s follow-ups are crucial and should be conducted regularly.

Indeed, kidney cancer will, in many cases, spread to other locations in the body after the organ has been taken out. This is also true because, upon exoneration of the primary tumor, neoplastic cells may have already spread to regional lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Once surgery has been instituted, there is always a possibility that the cancer may reoccur after some time; this is known as recurrence and may also spread to other organs of the body, which may also be referred to as metastases. Imaging and lab tests should be done regularly to ensure that if the cancer has grown or come back anywhere in the body, it should be found early.

Kidney cancer treatment varies depending on the tumor stage and is related to the patient’s health characteristics. It mainly consists of Standard Therapy, Ayurvedic Medicines, or, in some cases, both, with the primary focus on the former. Localized Kidney cancer is usually treated through surgery, while advanced cases may undergo surgery together with some other treatments. This is because how the healthcare team treats and cares for patients depends on their state and overall health.

Renal cancer affects older patients at the age of 60 and above, with the highest occurrence within the age group of 55-70. As much as it may affect people of all ages, it is less common among young people. With age, specific factors such as exposure to possible carcinogens for an extended period and the overall build-up of kidney cell damage occur. Prevention and follow-up are essential in managing the disease.

Metastatic kidney cancer, also known as Stage IV kidney cancer, means that the cancer cells have moved from the kidneys to other parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, bones, and more. The tumors are still significant in the affected kidney or structures nearby; lymph nodes in the area or other organs may be involved. This mainly consists of using targeted treatments, immunotherapy, or palliation to ease the person’s symptoms, improve their quality of life, and extend their lifespan.


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