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Best Liver Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Chennai

Punarjan Ayurveda combines Rasayana Ayurveda with modern science to make people understand the effectiveness of our ancient techniques. Thus, you have a solid plan now to fight liver cancer that covers all the corners of human health.

People always have a doubt about “Best Liver Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Chennai.” and it can be cleared with our group of healthcare experts in Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals that has helped many people with happy smiles.

If you have any stage or type of liver cancer and need care in Chennai, Punarjan Ayurveda is the best place to go. Punarjan Ayurveda will guide you through this journey in your battle against cancer.

Why We Choose Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals For Liver Cancer Treatment?

Do you know someone who has liver cancer? No matter what, you can trust Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals for Liver Cancer Treatment, Chennai. You can find a unique and effective way that our Rasayana Ayurveda methodology can help fight this illness.

Indeed, cancer does hurt the body but our care is built on the person getting better in all dimensions. Strengthening the body in terms of both physical and mental are essential so it can fight cancer. We help the patient eat right, though; our patient care team is always there to ensure they feel better.

Ayurvedic formulations such as Rasayana are a big part of our care. Some unique medicinal herbs, minerals from the earth, and other excipients are used to make these.

Our mixtures treat the root cause and the symptoms by working on the immune system. Besides that, they eliminate toxins in the body and make the tumors ineffective. This creates an environment that is good for healing. A lot of people feel better after a considerably less duration based on personal strength. We will also help you choose the best food plan based on Ayurvedic science. You will also learn simple breathing exercises and how to think positively. You can feel better and stress-free by this. 

We understand how hard it is to live with cancer. Our patient care team always tends to help you in making you feel better. One of the best things about Punarjan is that we have an excellent track record  of bringing smiles on  many happy clients who are leading better lives today.

It is essential to consider each person’s body constitution or humor. We make plans for each patient based on their needs because they are all unique. Our method, integrative care, can help you heal faster and get better.

Punarjan is the suitable place to go if you want a one-of-a-kind way for liver cancer that covers all the areas as the special mix of ancient Ayurvedic knowledge helps you get better and heal without harm.

Types Of Liver Cancer

“Liver cancer,” can mean several different types. We can still make it simpler, though. Taking charge of your health is easy if you know more about these types of liver cancer.

Most people know about hepatocellular cancer, which starts in the liver’s main cell, the hepatocyte. This dangerous cancer tends to grow quickly if you don’t catch it early, which is 90% of the type.

Cholangiocarcinoma is a different type that happens in the liver. Because of this, the bile tubes inside the liver change. It’s still hazardous, even though it doesn’t happen as often as liver cancer. It’s essential to do the proper review.

One type, hepatoblastoma, starts in liver cells that are not fully formed when a person is born and grows during childhood. Angiosarcoma starts in the blood vessels of the liver and is very dangerous, especially if you don’t take action.

We know this sounds scary. Still, don’t worry, we are here to guide you. First and foremost, Punarjan Ayurveda quickly and correctly figures out what kind of liver cancer you have.
Once the issue is identified, our skilled doctors will carefully craft a one-of-a-kind, all-encompassing treatment plan just for you. We use the best of both modern medicine and Ayurvedic techniques that help the body heal itself. This brings out your most powerful natural healing skills.

Most importantly, remember that you’re never on this road alone. Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital  staff is always here to help, give you knowledge, and show you the way. We are completely committed to helping you get through this tough time.

So be brave! Cancer may seem complicated to understand right now, but the strong spirit full of knowledge, personalized care, and deep compassion shines more than that.

Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment For Liver Cancer

As part of the Rasayana Ayurveda Treatment For Liver Cancer at Punarjan, special Rasaushadhis are deployed. They work on rejuvenation. To make Rasaushadas, Rasa Bhasmas and herbs are mixed with naturally extracted minerals from the earth.

There is a difference between Rasa Bhasmas and other compounds. Firstly, they are natural. When Rasa Bhasmas are made, they are purified at every step. Any unwanted substances are removed, leaving only its intended elements.

The finished mineral blend is very concentrated and easy to digest. In fact, very little Rasa Bhasma can help heal any long-standing illnesses. It gives the body minerals and other things that work in the cells deeper down. In addition, it improves health and gives you more energy. Cancer might not be able to stand up to such a strong formulation!

Likewise, Rasa Sindoora is another essential part of our formulations. Rasa Sindoora is a perfect way to eliminate harmful substances in the lymph and blood.

Each heals in its own way, and people who practice Ayurveda are very selective about which ones to use and how to mix them. These can be a game changer in cancer fight. They work considerably as they are plant mixes that make you feel better. Some other changes you can make to your life, like breathing techniques, can also help you get better much faster.

At Punarjan Ayurveda Hospital, you can now find Rasayana Ayurveda. It will be a great competitor in  recovering from cancer. Our ancient scientific formulations have shown their value in safeguarding human health from ages. Lets now follow this best plan to get your natural energy back!

Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications Of Liver Cancer

We understand that liver cancer might make you feel uneasy and it will be a terrible experience. But it would be beneficial if you have some essential information about the symptoms, causes, risk factors, and complications of liver cancer.

Firstly, a lump on the right side of your belly that is stiff and swollen is one of the first signs. It may feel like it is sticking out of your stomach. People may always feel tired because they are weak, losing their appetite, or losing weight for no reason. You should be careful, even though these seem like minor issues. This is a vital sign.


Hepatitis, a virus, has been in their body for a long time. Some other possible reasons are drinking too much alcohol over a long period and being around toxins like aflatoxins. That being said, people with fatty liver disease, diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses are more likely to get sick.

Risk Factors:

Discussing risk factors, being older than 60 years increases your likelihood of developing liver cancer. Besides, long term carriers of Hepatitis B or C may also develop liver cancer.


The liver cancer can grow to nearby parts like the lungs or stomach, or it can go to faraway places if you don’t treat it right away. This can cause problems with the liver, the intestines, and other organs that can be deadly.

Early identification is essential! It is best to find any signs or risk factors immediately so treatments and safety steps can be started on time. People today have hope for innovative treatments that blend modern medicine with Ayurveda.

So don’t give up! It would help if you were the one to do regular checks. We care about you and want to help you get better and stay healthy at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals. If we work together, we can get you through this and save your life!

Treatment Procedure For Liver Cancer At Punarjan

The treatment procedure for liver cancer at Punarjan mainly focuses on strengthening the body’s immune system while using modern technology. We use the Rasayana Ayurveda method to carry out our plan.

When we treat liver cancer, we don’t use artificial chemicals that are harmful to the body. The body is healed from the inside out with phytochemicals and herbo minerals with Rasayana Ayurveda formulas.

In Ayurveda, detoxifying the body is the first step. Giving the body what it needs to fix itself helps it do that. Our herbal treatments eliminate toxins and other substances that are accumulated. Herbal concoctions and a specific diet can be used to do this.

We use specific rasayanas to strengthen the body. Every person’s body is unique, so the treatment procedure is personalized. For example, herbs like ashwagandha, ginger, amlaki, and others known for being good are used here. With consistent good results, our patients believe they can fix their illness and make the immune system usually work again.

Rasa Bhasmas and Rasa Sindhooras are part of Punarjan therapy for cancer. What the formulation is made of or how much to give depends on the patient’s health and needs. These Bhasmas strengthen the immune system and work to reduce tumor growth from its root.

For the best results, medicine formulations according to the type and stage of the cancer are essential. We monitor the patient closely at every step. Our team values healthy food, a healthy way of life, and herbal extracts.

This type of therapy helps people get better very quickly. Things improve over time, and it’s essential that they feel better and have more energy.

After a few months of our planned care, most liver problems get better. It will stop the growth of tumors without hurting or having any side effects. After treatment, Rasayana medicines can still be used if there is a chance for the condition to recur.

We tell people with liver cancer to keep faith. Rasayana Ayurveda can help you at Punarjan Ayurveda. The natural things we use are safe and successful ways to eliminate cancer.

Choose ancient wisdom to get the most out of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main cause of liver cancer

Hepatitis B or C infections that come from excessive hepatitis A and C have been found to be the main factor contributing to the development of chronic liver diseases and liver cancer. These viruses might cause your liver to become swollen and have injuries for a long period of time, which could provoke cancer. Other important risk factors, such as excessive alcohol consumption, which can be a cause of cirrhosis, and obesity and diabetes-related non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), are known to be definite reasons for cancer.

Also, aflatoxins (molds that grow on foods), smoking, and having a family history of liver cancer can all make people more likely to get it. You can’t treat these risk factors by only using medicine. Making changes to your lifestyle and getting regular checkups can help, even if you don’t have liver cancer.

Integrative cancer treatment is the most effective treatment for liver cancer. There are conventional treatments also. Combining treatments based on modern methods with approaches based on some traditional techniques has been influential .

Ayurveda, which is focused on herbal medicine, getting rid of toxins, and advice on how to live a healthy life, may have something to do with the body’s natural ability to heal and its immunity growing. If you eat well and do natural things like yoga, meditation, and other things, you can get better faster and feel less sick at the same time. That helps to create a unique treatment plan combining standard and complementary care includes trained experts with hands-on experience.

Liver cancer is a terrible disease that can have significant effects on your health. It needs to be treated quickly and completely. Integrating Ayurveda and diet treatment with standard and adjuvant therapies for cancer, like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, will not only improve cancer patients’ quality of life, but it may also help them get better. This method is based on the mental, spiritual, and physical parts of health and healing. Using this kind of care may also save money and make it possible for more people to make use of it. An exciting option for people with liver cancer is integrative treatment of cancer, which combines both new and old medical techniques to improve overall health.

Overeating junk food, chocolate, and ice cream, in addition to other things like sweets, has detrimental effects on patients with liver cancer. Prefer to eat fruits and vegetables over meat. They usually soften the liver and trigger the occurrence. It is advisable to include alcohol in the list of substances to be prevented. The health detriments of fast and junk food are attributed to their high proportions of harmful fat.

A person should also follow an Ayurvedic diet and take traditional remedies. However, proper diet along with natural measures, such as Ayurveda, are a more effective way in cancer management. This complimentary method is not only very effective at healing, but it is also very affordable. Ayurveda says that eating a lot of natural foods will make the liver stronger and people healthier, which can help them to fight against cancer effectively.

Liver cancer isn’t always passed down through the bloodline, but genetics may play a role in the disease. This means that these are different kinds of passive mutations. The risk increases because this is where the abnormal cell line is linked to the abnormal cells passed down through generations. However, environmental factors such as chronic hepatitis B or C infection, heavy alcohol use, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are still the leading causes of liver cancer. Food and exposure to toxins are the two most essential causes of disease. People who are genetically more likely to get liver cancer or who have a family history of it should be screened and watched over regularly. This will help them get diagnosis and better treatment.

NAFLD, a disease that increases the likelihood of developing liver cancer, is most common in the liver. Inflammation in the body may result from this. Sadly, this condition has the potential to progress over time into nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). NASH can then be linked to diseases that are deadly, such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (the most common type of liver cancer). 

By following a safe and healthy diet, one must firmly avoid fatty liver and non-fatal hazards like cancer. Exercise, appropriate and sufficient food consumption, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep is  necessary. You ought to insist on seeing a doctor before taking any necessary action if you  have any doubts about your health or have a fear.

Liver cancer can happen at any age. However, there are high chances of obtaining it for people at old age. The vast majority who are with liver disease are of age 60. This is mainly because the liver diseases that continue for a long time, including cirrhosis, hepatitis B or C, and fatty liver disease, heighten the possibility that you will have liver cancer later. Besides, the increased risk of liver cancer can be caused by some chronic liver diseases like cirrhosis, NAFLD, and hepatitis B or C. Furthermore, lifestyle factors, including excessive use of alcohol and an obsession with food, play a vital role in the diagnosis of liver diseases. Regular check-ups and early detection are the two most important things to do to control and even lessen the liver cancer risk.

To prevent liver cancer, choose a healthy lifestyle. Limit alcohol, and if it is taken, it should be limited. This applies to smoking habits also. Since the disease is a leading cause of liver cancer in people who are constant carriers, you should make sure you get the hepatitis B vaccine. Safe sex means no hepatitis C infection and no sharing of needles; get tested and treated for any coexisting conditions like diabetes or fatty liver. Do not be deceived by the beauty of the mould because it is deadly. One should avoid contact with aflatoxins by seeing to it that food is stored correctly. Reduce caloric intake, work out, and prefer organic products, and vegetables will help in decreasing the risk factors. Well, visits with your doctor mean potential risk factors that can lead to liver cancer.


This information on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or standard medicines. All content on this site contained through this Website is for general information purposes only.